Please add consolidated buffs icon to buffs. For things 1h+ duration it would make so much sense. The guild buffs give a massive list of things noone can give track of. Just consolidate longer ones into one icon. Pretty please. Even more importantly please allow us to some way to customize the buff bar. Im sure many people have their own taste to how things should be presented to them in game. I would like some bring out some buffs to be more visible if I have them on me (example heroic companion biuff oor action boosts from other players and so on). Single long bar makes it really really annoying. For example when you group with someone with auras (bard, warlock, paladin for example) their aura is a buff with 6 second tick so it refreshes every 6 sec which in turn means if i have an aciton boosyt or temporary buff during casting i see the location on screen dependant on duration: aura - action boost - longer buffs. But once i have 5 second left of aciton boost and the aura gets recast the order changes and thus it messes up the view. Game has been out for so long that some customization to buff UI would be in order.