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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Feedback desired: Argonnessen training guild?

    Hi, I am seeking the Argonnessen community's input toward the formation of a training guild on the Argonnessen server.

    Any input to the topic is most welcome and will assist in gauging the viability of operating a training guild on the server. Ideally to train new players in game mechanics, questing and group procedures, and overall an in game personal approach to assisting players to learn the game, content and to enable them to connect with players that are suited to the game style they enjoy.

    As a basic survey, please reply with a little information in areas such as:
    -Have you benefited from receiving in game training and guidance from others? Do you find this helpful to learning the game in a pleasurable way?
    -Would you be willing to share your experience and knowledge with others to help them achieve their goals and objectives in the game?
    -If you are an officer of a guild, would you more likely trial a new member in your guild that has received formalised in game training?
    -Were you to have the time and desire to participate, how willing would you be to operate a character as an officer or member of a training guild?
    -Are there any areas of the game you would like to receive training and assistance with that you find difficult to manage on your own or via the contacts you have formed in game?
    -How much time would you consider reasonable for a volunteer to provide to help you improve and expand your knowledge and experience in the game? How many hours per week, how frequently would you expect a trainer to be available and/or how much time and availability would be fun for you to participate in?

    Your feedback and input is much appreciated and thank you kindly in advance for any contributions to this topic you provide.
    My active characters...
    Artrish - Completionist Melee | Arrix - Completion in progress caster | Yinaya - Multi Life ranged attack | Canhealio - Multi Life heal specialist | Charca - Multi Life Caster | Ahagart - Haggle bot | Samumule - Exp capped item storage

  2. #2
    Community Member the_one_dwarfforged's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Artrish View Post
    Hi, I am seeking the Argonnessen community's input toward the formation of a training guild on the Argonnessen server.

    Any input to the topic is most welcome and will assist in gauging the viability of operating a training guild on the server. Ideally to train new players in game mechanics, questing and group procedures, and overall an in game personal approach to assisting players to learn the game, content and to enable them to connect with players that are suited to the game style they enjoy.

    As a basic survey, please reply with a little information in areas such as:
    -Have you benefited from receiving in game training and guidance from others? Do you find this helpful to learning the game in a pleasurable way?
    -Would you be willing to share your experience and knowledge with others to help them achieve their goals and objectives in the game?
    -If you are an officer of a guild, would you more likely trial a new member in your guild that has received formalised in game training?
    -Were you to have the time and desire to participate, how willing would you be to operate a character as an officer or member of a training guild?
    -Are there any areas of the game you would like to receive training and assistance with that you find difficult to manage on your own or via the contacts you have formed in game?
    -How much time would you consider reasonable for a volunteer to provide to help you improve and expand your knowledge and experience in the game? How many hours per week, how frequently would you expect a trainer to be available and/or how much time and availability would be fun for you to participate in?

    Your feedback and input is much appreciated and thank you kindly in advance for any contributions to this topic you provide.
    a channel seems like a better way to go. i dont see any real incentive to an older player leaving their guild which they may or may not be invested in, and i dont see any incentive for a newer player to join such a guild over most any other guild. channel avoids those problems, and you can still advertise for it and what not.
    You are but a lamb, ignorant of your own ignorance. You no longer interest me.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    The answers are very personal. I'm probably in a small minority of players I'm also not on Argonessen.
    Quote Originally Posted by Artrish View Post
    -Have you benefited from receiving in game training and guidance from others? Do you find this helpful to learning the game in a pleasurable way?
    No, I have not. Actually, I have never sought out training and guidance from others. When I started, the game provided me with the PDF rulebook which I read and then with the tips and korthos tutorial in-game. All that was enough to get me started on the most important game mechanics (like how to move, play, use hotbars, use Social panel, use chat, mechanics of HP and SP and shrines). Of course that info is so little compared to what I know now, which I learned by accident or by checking the forums or by checking the wiki or by seeing someone else do it and wonder how it is done. I learned how to split a stack by knowing it can be done by other people to trade. I learned how to apply metamagics to spells by accident. I learned how to separate the resist energy spells in my hotbar by perception.

    I have tried to provide training and guidance to others, but I find there's so much I want to tell them about every little detail that they become very bored when I am the one doing all the talking. But it's necessary when they ask you a question like: "Should I raise my STR or my CON this level?". Then you need to ask them what their build is. They don't know what their build is so you ask them what is their favorite playstyle. They say killing things with a two-handed sword but then they like the concept of holding a shield. So eventually you start describing the different possible playstyles that you could possibly build and for what? To answer a question "should I raise STR or CON?".

    I find that the only way to make the guiding experience pleasurable is by making all the choices for the newbie explaining before hand that there are many other valid choices that you are not mentioning but when he has enough experience he can try them out. Then you guide him through all the choices and explain how to use them through questing. That works. Of course for all that, the player needs to be like me. Eager to learn new things and clever enough to put things together.
    -Would you be willing to share your experience and knowledge with others to help them achieve their goals and objectives in the game?
    Yep. As long as I'm also having fun. I don't want to babysit someone that questions his moves every second. I'd call that a hopeless case and move on. The player needs to be at least somewhat clever and take some actions on his own with me simply commenting on the actions he made.
    -If you are an officer of a guild, would you more likely trial a new member in your guild that has received formalised in game training?
    The members of my guild just need to be close to the other members' character. I don't care about how much in-game training anyone has.
    -Were you to have the time and desire to participate, how willing would you be to operate a character as an officer or member of a training guild?
    Interested in how it could work. However, I'm not in that server
    -Are there any areas of the game you would like to receive training and assistance with that you find difficult to manage on your own or via the contacts you have formed in game?
    Currently? No. I never found it difficult to manage on my own anyway.
    -How much time would you consider reasonable for a volunteer to provide to help you improve and expand your knowledge and experience in the game? How many hours per week, how frequently would you expect a trainer to be available and/or how much time and availability would be fun for you to participate in?
    Well, basically I would expect the trainer to be with me during most of my quests. Up until level 10 to say an arbitrary number?
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

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