Ok so the main though here is new ranger update and and elemental arrows with + Spellpower synergy.
So, pure class Sorcerer, Elf ( as topic states )
Feats :
3.Empower ( we start as a sorc, AA need 14 ap in Elf tree so... no bow until midgame )
6.Point blank ( thats the point we would start to use bows )
9.Rapid shot ( or thats that point :P )
12, 15 and 18 are Quicken / Heighten and Many shot, for ur preference what lvl u will pick what feat.
Enchancements are.
14 Elf / 22 AA / 41 ( some free points? ) Savant ( any savant, just the one mimicking ur elemental arrows choose )
So the general idea is having a well viable sorc with bow as a support.
Plus, the thing is, AA tree gives more Spellpower ( and extra spellpoints from Soul magic ) than other savant tree.
not to mention situationary and support skills like dispelling arrow and so on.
So its basically an ordinary sorc with 3 spell feats sacrificed for Bow feats and Enchancements from other / supports savant into Elf racial tree and AA ( better for Spellpower and utility / worst for alternative spells )
The downside is low Sorc BAB, but since we have acces to tenser, this clears that problem.
So , stats are, 17 dex / 18 Cha and all lvlups to Cha.
What do u thing guys?