Can some one leave me the link?
Can some one leave me the link?
How does one get to Lamannia? Download a special client? Something I have to do on my account settings?
Please help
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Leader of Shrodingers Cat Support Group a Husband and Wife guild on Orien.
Tolkiens Law: Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
Dresdens corollary: Screw subtle!
Walruss, Cannith ~ Birth of a guild ~ Nocturnal today ~ Guild mascot ~ My wishlist ~ lft
Builds ~ EE Warlock ~ EE AA ~ EE Warchanter ~ Reaper Kensei ~ R1 Solo Alch
FFS loading screens! ~ Fox Mulder explains TRing ~ The walri are coming...
I am up to speed now and also get the "404 Not Found"
Will they enable it again?
Walruss, Cannith ~ Birth of a guild ~ Nocturnal today ~ Guild mascot ~ My wishlist ~ lft
Builds ~ EE Warlock ~ EE AA ~ EE Warchanter ~ Reaper Kensei ~ R1 Solo Alch
FFS loading screens! ~ Fox Mulder explains TRing ~ The walri are coming...
This is one of those things where the magic 8 ball shows "All signs show it is possible".
This is most likely something to do with the datacenter move as the Preview Server has been confirmed to also be in the datacenter.
In the meantime you can use the Dojo to approximate your current character.
Steve Howe was voted "Best Overall Guitarist" in Guitar Player magazine five years in a row (1977–1981) and in 1981 was the first rock guitar player inducted into the Guitar Player Hall of Fame.
Ah, ok, was hoping to get a better idea and feel on my main. I can make do.
Thanks for the responses. I knew I had the right pages, but thought it may have been moved and left uncoded on the Home Page dropdown box link
We are hoping to get Lamannia Character Copy working again in the future, but the data center move seems to have caused some significant issues with it.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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I can see that be the case this time.
But, tbh, I never expect the copy tool to work on version 1 of a Lam release. I don't think it ever has since I've been on Lam. Always seems y'alll realize it doesn't work with the first version of an update and then get it working (usually) for the second version.
So, since this seems to be deeper issues than before, do you you expect to get it working for U31? or should be we just plan on not having it this go 'round?
Sarlona Server - Augon, Vitrin, Allaric, Taheghi, Dhakenshaup, Diviciacus, Loukus, Mehujael, Phreddd, Talaun, Zhugeliangg
Officer of The Wulfepack - "If you call one wolf, you invite the Pack"
The mistakes of a fighter are the scars on his face.
The mistakes of a rogue are still locked in their place.
The mistakes of a mage were destroyed with a boom.
And the mistakes of a Cleric are lying in a tomb.
Honestly, I find that new method of character copy a pain...
You need to open the buggy client ( you know the one that get stuck for now reasons at 33%, that keeps downloading splash screens over and over, that reinstall DX9 and VC++ Redistributable all the time ) to copy your character... then it tells you that you'll get an email when the copy is finished... I'm still waiting for the email... And my characters have been copied.
I'm not even talking about the fact that it kicks you out of the live game, so you're stuck with an exclusive or : live exor lamania when you want to copy characters.
Really the old web page was way better, you knew when the characters were copied, you knew the progress and you could actually play on live with another character while it was done.
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