Greetings folks,
It took me quite some tome to perfect one of my favourite toon - Ithril, the DC caster.
There was a time when such casters ruled all the servers - these times are gone, yet I decided not to give up and max the build in every way.
In the final process I was looking at forum threads to see what feats, enahncements, items, destinies/twists to take and saw only ranting on theoretical max DC which if one would take the effort could realize it's impossile (for instance you can't spend 130 points into enhancements try as you hard :P ).
So here it is.
Ithril, now finally complete. I'll not only show the end result but provide a full breakdown in numbers (for which I took my time and test and count everything) in case anyone wishes to reproduce.
Please Note: this is NOT a beginner build. In fact a couple number of past lives is a must unless you go for lesser achievement, which is dumping INT, spell pen, DC or all of them the same time.
Absolutely minimal recommended on past lives:
- 3x Wizard
- 3x Favored Soul
Ithril has maxed out all heroic past lives, all iconic past lives and 30 of 36 epic past lives.
20 - Starting stat
7 - Level up
7 - Tome
2 - Morninglord Core 2 and 4: +1 Intelligence
2 - Archamge tier 3 and 4: +1 Intelligence
2 - Pale Master core 5: Shroud of the Lich
2 - Pale Master core 6: Master of Death
2 - Pale Master tier 3 and 4: +1 Intelligence
2 - Pale Master tier 5: Improved Shrouding (+lich form)
2 - Completionist
6 - Magister destiny tier 1-6
4 - Twist of fate slot (tier 4-2-1-1)
1 - Fatesinger tier 3: Echoes of Ancestor twist
15 - Enchantment: Legendary Green Steel Sceptre tier 1
7 - Insightful: Legendary Green Steel Sceptre tier 2
2 - Exceptional: Legendary Green Steel Sceptre tier 3
3 - Quality: Legendary Construct's Mantle
2 - Profane: Epic Litany of the Dead
2 - Ship buff
2 - Festive: Diamond of Festive Intelligence +2
Semi-perma buff:
2 - Yugoloth potion: Essences of Cunning
TOTAL usual questing: 94
Possible extra buff :
2 - Lasting Elixir of Supreme Ability (Store potion, 60 min buff)
TOTAL maximum sustainable : 96
Necro DC : 93
10 - BASE
9 - Spell level /w heighten
43 - INT modifier (with INT 96)
1 - Pale Master core 5: Shroud of the Lich
1 - Archmage tier 4: Primary spell focus: Necromancy
1 - Pale Master tier 5: Necromantic Focus
1 - Spell Focus: Necromancy
1 - Greater Spell Focus: necromancy
1 - Epic Spell Focus: Necromancy
1 - Wizard active past life
4 - Scion of the Shedowfell
2 - Embolden
3 - Magister tier 2: Necromancy Specialist
2 - Epic Deific Diadem (with Death aura always on) - Deific Focus II
2 - Robe of the Celestial Sage - Insightful Spell Focus Mastery +2
6 - Random lootgen goggles: Necromancy Focus +6
2 - Epic Increased Potential: Quality Spell Focus +2
2 - Topaz of Greater Necromancy
1 - Ship buff
Enchant DC : 79
10 - BASE
9 - Spell level /w heighten
43 - INT modifier
1 - Wizard active past life
2 - Scion of the Shedowfell
2 - Embolden
2 - Robe of the Celestial Sage - Insightful Spell Focus Mastery +2
5 - Epic Band Immaterial: Enchantment Focus +5
0 - Epic Band Immaterial: Insightful Enchantment Focus +2 (does not stack with armor)
2 - Epic Increased Potential: Quality Spell Focus +2
2 - Topaz of Greater Enchantment
1 - Ship buff
Spell Penetration : 58
30 Level
6 - 3x Wizard Past lives
3 - 3x Favored Soul Past lives
2 - Spell Penetration feat
2 - Greater Spell Penetration feat
3 - Archamge tier 3: Spell Penetration
6 - Random lootgen goggles: Spell Penetration +6
2 - Epic Increased Potential: Insightful Spell Penetration +2
3 - Epic Destiny (Magister)
1 - Ship buff
Feats taken:
1 Insightful Reflexes
*1 Maximize
3 Spell Penetration
*5 Spell Focus: Necromancy
6 Wizard active Past Life
9 Extend
*10 Quicken
12 Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
*15 Empower
15 Completionist
18 Greater Spell Penetration
*20 Heighten
21 Epic Spell focus: Necromancy
24 Embolden Spell
26 Epic Spell Power: Force
27 Ruin
28 Elusive Target
29 Arcane Pulse
30 Greater Ruin
30 Scion of Shadowfell
* Wizard class bonus feat
Enhancement List :
Epic Destinies :
Twist of Fate slots :
Tier 4 : Intelligence +1 (from Shadowdancer)
Tier 3 : Echoes of the Ancestors (from Fatesinger)
Tier 2 : Intelligence +1 (from Shadowdancer)
Tier 1 : Intelligence +1 (from Shadowdancer)
Tier 1 : Intelligence +1 (from Draconic Incarnation) (requires Epic completionist)
Occasional changes (for Legendary Elite Tempest Spine):
* Drop Tier 4, +1 INT from twist
* Drop Tier 3, Echoes of the Ancestors (-1 int, -2 spell pen)
* Take Tier 3, Spell Penetration +3 from Draconic Incarnation
* Take Tier 3, Spell Penetration +3 from Exalted Angel
Thus dropping INT by 2 (1 DC) and gaining +4 Spell Pen
Items (as of U30) :
Goggles : Reanimating 6 Goggles of Spell Penetration 6 (random loot)
Armor : Robe of the Celestial Sage
slotted with Festive Intelligence +2
slotted with Vitality +20
Bracers : Dumathoin's Bracers
slotted with Sapphire of Protection +8
Helm : Epic Deific Diadem
slotted with Topaz of Fear Immunity
slotted with Sapphire of Good Luck +2
Necklace : Necklace of Mystic Eidolons
slotted with Sapphire of False Life +40
Trinket : Epic Litany of the Dead
slotted with Diamond of Strength +8
empty slot
Cloak : Legendary Construct's Mantle
empty Green slot
Belt : Epic Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance
slotted with Topaz of Feather Falling
slotted with Topaz of Greater Necromancy
Boots : Legendary Boots of the Devil Commander
slotted with Sapphire of Crushing Wave Guard
Gloves : Epic Fanged Gloves
slotted with Globe of Imperial True Blood
empty Green slot
Ring 1 : Dire Impulsive 22 ring of Impulse 151 (random loot)
Ring 2 : The Epic Band Immaterial
slotted with Topaz of Greater Enchantment
Main Hand : Legendary Green Steel Sceptre : Triple negative
tier 1 : +15 Intelligence (Enhancement bonus)
tier 2 : +7 Intelligence (Insigtful bonus)
tier 3 : +2 Intelligence (Exceptional bonus)
Off Hand : Epic Increased Potential
slotted with Meridian Fragment
Cosmetic Head : Glowing Eyes - Infernal Fire
Festival Fire Resistance 10
Cosmetic Armor : Violet Lead Outfit
Festival Glaciation 120
Closing remarks
I see very little improvement possibility in this build. I'm working on to get Gauntlets of the Arcane Soldier, which if I'm not mistaken, would benifit me an extra +2 Spell Pen and +1 DC for the price of 10% save on SP; but frankly doing DOJ recently (since the Data Center move) wasn't an easy task because of the lag.
I'll keep this post updated as future updates will come (and when I happen to get the gloves)-
If there's anything I missed, let me know. Any and all feedback is most welcome.