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  1. #1
    Community Member acdcrocks's Avatar
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    Exclamation Proposal: TR cache QoL updates for U31 or U32

    1. Put a "Take all" button on the TR cache so we don't have to click 4 gazillion times... It can be done codewise per the "Loot All" option on chests (though i could be wrong).. The only drawback of this would be the potential lag this would create .. But its worth it to lag for a minute instead of click like literally 1,000 times.

    2. Add sorting options for the TR cache - Alphabetical, By minimum level (both ways), and by value (Raid loot versus complete junk)

    3. Please allow us to put items BACK into the TR cache.. It could serve as temporary storage for that life or something..

    Just my 2 cents let me know if my ideas suck or are good.
    Arlinsae of Sarlona

  2. #2
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Exclamation What I have wanted in the Bank for ever and ever and ever...

    Sort By Minimum Level.

    'nuff said.

  3. #3
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acdcrocks View Post
    its worth it to lag for a minute instead of click like literally 1,000 times.
    Even accounting for double clicks I make it a max of 468.

    Which is still crazy I admit so /signed to the idea of a loot all, but come on "literally"?

    Also, I'd rather see sort by ML. I'd like to have both, but I'd prioritise the ML sort. Or a search field like the shared bank and inventory.
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  4. #4
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    1. separate icon to open. don't tie it into opening when I open mu normal bank interface.

    2. Change it to the Auctionhouse interface.sort/search/filter

    In fact.. scrap all the poorly evolved banking/bag interfaces and replace them with the AH interface template.

    3. Open up access to 10x more space with options to buy near unlimited larger space..
    could even utilize rental space for plat and DDO store for permanent..
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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  5. #5
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    1. separate icon to open. don't tie it into opening when I open mu normal bank interface.

    2. Change it to the Auctionhouse interface.sort/search/filter

    In fact.. scrap all the poorly evolved banking/bag interfaces and replace them with the AH interface template.

    3. Open up access to 10x more space with options to buy near unlimited larger space..
    could even utilize rental space for plat and DDO store for permanent..
    I like this idea as it gives a lot of flexibility as well as employs all the filters & searches a person would need to get to the item they are looking for that they know are in the TR Cache.

    But one thing I agree with is that 90%+ of the time when I open the bank I am not pulling from the TR cache but instead putting something or taking something out of my regular bank or Shared bank(s)

  6. #6
    Community Member Enerdhil's Avatar
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    I /sign everything what will improve TR cache. If there's anything making me mad while TRing - it's taking items from cache. Not sure how many clicks it's for me, but every TRy i pointlessly waste 30-60 min just on taking items from cache. It's such waste of time and something so boring that i'm throwing up every time i think about doing it before next TR. And few seconds break between every item when you got 200+ items... This one button "take all" would make me so happy...

    I also /sign sorting items in cache. As i said i got a lot of items, it's one more waste of time to search for specific item. Sometimes i cannot find item i need and i'm worried - is it TR bug or just problem with finding it.

    I don't agree with idea of putting items back to cache. It's not one more place to keep junk in. It'll make TR cache just one more character bank slot. It's not what tr cache was designed for, if you want more space - ask about improving character bank slots limit, tr cache got other duty to do.
    Last edited by Enerdhil; 05-31-2016 at 12:39 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Ballyspringer's Avatar
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    1) Yes!
    2) Yes!
    3) No
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  8. #8
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by acdcrocks View Post
    1. Put a "Take all" button on the TR cache so we don't have to click 4 gazillion times... It can be done codewise per the "Loot All" option on chests (though i could be wrong).. The only drawback of this would be the potential lag this would create .. But its worth it to lag for a minute instead of click like literally 1,000 times.

    2. Add sorting options for the TR cache - Alphabetical, By minimum level (both ways), and by value (Raid loot versus complete junk)

    3. Please allow us to put items BACK into the TR cache.. It could serve as temporary storage for that life or something..

    Just my 2 cents let me know if my ideas suck or are good.
    Sorting and take all yes

    NO to put back

    Beware the Sleepeater

  10. #10
    Community Member RD2play's Avatar
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    Nice idea's, but never going to happen. Devs already stated that it is called a cache for a reason.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    This is really not the problem that some people want to make it be.

    I would rather have the team spend time and resources on many many other things more important before doing anything with the reincarnation cache.

  12. #12
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    11) I would personally like a personal DPS meter for my personal use that keeps track of how much total damage I've dealt and a runtime overall damage in a quest that nobody else could see so I could get nice feedback for my build. If it was restrained to a "Kolbob and Kolboss" area then fine, I just want a metric for my reference. I mention this in the Kobold thread.

    10) Posted in that thred.

    9) How about a Bound Storage and a regular storage? BTA, BTC in one place separated from your Shared Bank. The BTA flag could just toss the BTA stuff into a separate tab in the same Shared Bank, using a slot but more easily found (server space reasons, if relevant). Actually, this doesn't sound like that great an idea.

    8) The LFM panel does need work. Having text in an LFM "Doing lvl 4 stuff Elite for BB" fetches far fewer members than indicating a specific quest and keeping it up to date (tedious, easy to forget) and using a Public option auto-sets the maximum level to be far too high for a Bravery Bonus (which is extremely problematic). The LFG system is nonexistent, as it only works in the Who panel that nobody really looks at.

    7) House Orien Pocket Mailbox. 'nuff said.

    6) The Auction House is off limits for folks that aren't loaded down with plat in most cases. See an item you like? Minimum bid is over 300k platinum because some idiot set that up that way. I want a mandatory maximum for minimum bids and less of a cut for lower priced auctions that scales up with the posted prices (e.g. 1% for under 100plat, 5% for 1,000 plat, 10% for 10,000 plat, 25% for 100,000 plat, 50% for 1,000,000 plat and so on). This is so the new players can actually afford to get gear they desperately need to keep up with the content without having to buy plat from farmers and line the pockets of veteran players that already have over 1 million on their account.

    5) I'd like it very much if we could opt for whatever we gather in our bags to be emptied into our shared bank once we re-enter a public area. As for UI improvements, I'm fine with what we have in expectation of the changes to Can'tIth Crafting.

    4) Will you be storing Halflings and Gnomes in it? Yes, I'd love an inventory container for my wands and scrolls, even if I have to take them out to use them.

    3) Bravery Dungeon? Why not just have an Option in the Options panel to pop a window asking you if you are sure you want to enter the dungeon with no Bravery Bonus/Streak benefit and another one that asks "Are you sure you want to break your streak?" That way, no surprise resets to a streak over 400 like what happened to me when I paused my bravery bonus and it didn't really pause.

    2) More bank space is nice. I can only carry enough gear for two classes on one character and that's minimalist as one class is a dual wielder and needs gear for all 30 levels.

    1) GMS has been addressed elsewhere as a suggestion for an Offline Guild Management system that rightly should help you manage new applications, ranks, invitations and a quick reference to other guilds as you may want to join up with others to help fill your raids during specific play times.

    Overall premise feedback: Turbine is working with an ancient, cumbersome and extremely out-of-date game engine that was built sometime around the pre-Quantum, pre-multicore age of 2004. They may just need to update the engine first. Of course this might or might not significantly delay any QoL changes we request. Ultimately what gets done is up to them.

    As a result of this fact, the premise of functional and cosmetic changes to our game environment may have to take a back burner for a while.
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 06-05-2016 at 02:54 PM. Reason: They can't leverage AIs to help them code. Those are Coming Soon™

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