- I understand this is a MAJOR piece of work to build and maintain DDO. It is a wonderful game that I could not have developed and I appreciate all that you guys (yes men and women) have accomplished.
Does the acid effect STACK with the ("old-one" = acid) from +3 Biting 2 Longsword of Kinetic Lore 9? plz
If not - then there is a possibly "inherent" error - as the Warlock's blasts ARE AIMED AND HIT (like melee) and "LAND - ASF, spell pen, spell resist, etc." as magic. So far with weapons in-hand and using Eldritch Blasts (EBs), the bennies from those weapons are PACT Specific and general effects of heal and armor.
- Old one = Kinetic, Impulse, Corrosion, Acid lore, Evocation, Spell Penetration & DC
--- Missing out on ALL THE OTHER BENIFITS, excluding general effects
- ESPECIALLY Accuracy, deadly, speed, & seeker --- Since they are for "AIM & TO-HIT" benifits
- But also includes: Vorpal, Curse Spewing, "alignment" effect (chaos, law, good), etc.
** With "AURA" the entire benefits from the PACT **AND** the weapon are activated.
- Perhaps ONLY the "aimed" effects should apply for the EBs such as Accuracy, deadly, speed, & seeker?