Summary of build:
10 Fighter, 8 Paladin, 2 Monk
CON to damage (Greataxe)
High AOE DPS, high HP, decent dodge
Very high saves (all 60+, 80+ fort)
Monk Earth Stance (with Master of Forms), Paladin Sacred Defender Stance, Power Attack Stance
This build is designed to run into a big group of EH mobs and run out a soon after with them all dead and you at pretty much full HP. This build does work on Epic Elite, though the lack of PRR (~80 normally, 110 with Blitz active) can be an issue for higher level EE quests, especially if you are trying to solo.
It's a good way to get through a fighter life. It can also be easily tweaked to be a Paladin life instead.
The point of having so many action boosts- even ones that aren't really that good (saves boost, attack boost)- is to benefit from combat brute, which increases damage when you have an action boost active.
18 Dwarf: 4 cores, 3x Dwarven Tactics, Axe Training -> Throw Your Weight Around (CON to damage)
34 Kensei
16 Sacred Defender
11 Knight of the Chalice
1 Shintao: 1 core
36 point build with full +7 tomes shown. All level up stats go to Con. Con should be around 60, more or less depending on availability of gear.
There is an error in the spreadsheet. Dex should be 17, not 27. 10 Dex is not instantly gained at level 16.
For Legendary Dreadnought, the point buy is as follows:
T1: 2 ranks of Legendary Tactics, +1 Constitution
T2: 3 ranks of Momentum Swing, Improved Power Attack
T3: Lay Waste, 3 ranks of critical damage, +1 Constitution
T4: +1 Constitution
T5: Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical
T6: Master's Blitz (Resistance), Headman's Chop
Suggested weapon: Epic Antique Greataxe
You can start using it right at level 20, it breaks DR/Good, it has Metalline, it deals extra force damage (which isn't resisted by most enemies), and has a high base damage die (2[1d20]) which combines well with cleaves.
I ran through this build on my last life (before TRing on my way to completionist) and I really enjoyed playing it from start to finish. If anyone has any suggestions for improving damage output or increasing defence, I'd love to hear your thoughts.