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So lately I've been seeing less and less End Game Raids going on. I'm seeing massive multiple death's in the raid our guild has been running (pun intended). I'm seeing complaints left and right, about lag on almost every single run. I'm seeing raid wipes being blamed to lag. I'm seeing people just giving up and waiting for some imaginary "fix" to come and "solve" eveything in the realms of the DDO worlds.
Here's my stance on all this mumbo jumbo:
Lag happens, lag had always happened, lag will always happen in online mmo games. Some may seem unnoticable, some may seem unbearable. Accept the inevitable.
Playing mmo's with multiple adventurers in your party or raid, especially rpg games with variance in race, class, builds, play style, personality, attitudes, knowledge, and skills results in a wide array of experience during each run. One must compenstate and adjust to fit in their roles for each adventure. Lag is another component that requires adjustment and compenstation for a smoother run. In other words; if you are expecting lag, shouldn't you be preparing and adjusting your toon, builds, play style, and attention to details? You already know lag is coming, so don't act so suprised. Be prepared, and don't let lag defeat you. You're the one with all the time, resources, and preparation to complete your adventures. Lag has no IQ or AI, you should handle it easily.
Here are some tips on beating lag:
duration ticking heals (cocoon, vigor/regeneration, consecration, divine aura, death aura, etc) be sure to keep your hps topped off, minimizing your spell point usuage often leads to risky and uncessary deaths
keep your defense up, have damage migation (prr/mrr, elemental absorption, dodge, ac, displacement, incorpration, etc)
limit the number of mobs you interact with (ie in DoJ, don't bum rush through a tower and **** off all 5+ reinforments at once)
move in groups (you often benefit from party support in terms of healing, aura benefits such as saves and prr/mrr, and dps)
follow the tank (often the tank can't dish out dps, but if you're taking on everything and supposedly blame you death to lag, the tank is not going to be much help. Learn to utlize your party members)
know your quests/raids (preparation can allow for maximal efficiency, and minimal risks, play smart)
follow your assignments (often I see lag claiming a few poor souls, and the rest of the party will panic and stray from their objectives or assignment. This turns into a big cluster-f and you know nothing good will come from that. Stick to your assignment, allow small adjustments to toss out rezzes/heals or support dps here and there, but stick to your assignment because you cannot expect anyone else to do it for you)
focus on the objectives (the sooner your complete your adventure, the less time lag can prevent you from completion)
Jinx's final words of wisdom:
Don't blame lag, it's never lag's fault for your failure, only your own.
PS: Don't ever blame lag for being a pileon in my raids
PS2: I've been playing with lag since before lag was even cool. Lag never stopped Jinx from doing what he does.