I have a multi-class character (Artificer lvl 2 {for traps} / Wizard lvl 3) whose current go-forward career path is 80% Wizard and 20% Artificer and have a question about which Spellsword to pick that will affect/damage the most monsters.

In the past (playing only 6 months so no expert, playing multiple characters of different classes but none beyond level 5 quests yet except those in Tangleroot Gorge quest chain), most of my magical characters’ enhancements I have selected from either Eldritch Knight tree or Harper Agent tree. In Eldritch Knight, I always pick Spellsword:Flame as soon as possible (Wiz/Sor lvl 3 with 5 points spent in tree, as I understand it). I have always picked “Flame” because it looks cool, but there is also; Acid, Frost, Shock (electricity). Some monsters have immunity or resistance to certain attacks that involve fire, acid, cold, electrical, or poison. Before I pick the Spellsword for this character, I was wondering if anyone had done a study of the Monster Manual to determine which Spellsword affects the most common monster encountered organized by quest level. I am looking for something like…

For quests level 1 thru 6 the spellsword that affect the most monster is: XXXX, followed by YYYY.
For quests level 7 thru 12 the spellsword that affect the most monster is: XXXX, followed by YYYY.
For quests level 13 thru 18 the spellsword that affect the most monster is: XXXX, followed by YYYY.
For quests level 19 thru 24 spellsword that affect the most monster is: XXXX, followed by YYYY.

I ask this because maybe I should be choosing Shock (electricity) over flame to get the most mileage out of this enhancement to deal damage to more monsters???

Seeking help in understanding. Thank you for your time.