@Kebtid: Iron Fists will obstruct your rotation. Opportunity Attack (OA) recharges so fast you can activate it every time it’s off cooldown*. You never drop below 1 charge. My secondary go to attack is Exposing Strike (ES) as keeping this up will give you sneak attack damage 100% of the time. After these attacks, my rotation is to Momentum Swing, Lay Waste, Deadly Strike and then return to OA + ES. On trash and bosses on low health my rotation includes A Good Death (with Killer up your chance of doing 4x3600 damage is high), Dire Charge (ended on 109 stun DC with bad gear, 111 with potions), Anvil of Thunder, Stun, Trip, Cleave. Not to mention you also want to keep Know the Angles up, you have Action Boosts, and Cocoon/Consecrate.
And yes, unless you get carried to the target you want to beat down, Zoda is the best choice.
And no, wolf rarely if ever managed to beat me in any instance. Tried many tests: splitting up in EE Vol for example, I ended up clearing faster and with a lot more kills. This could easily be because of gear, I don't know. It could also be because of Dire Charge+Cleavex2.
*Opportunity Attack is currently bugged. If you activate it before the buff has run out, nothing happens. I haven't reported it and don't know if anyone has, but it should be done. I'm just lazy.
@levy1964: I got bored farming for gear and the urge to TR overwhelmed me, so I’m no longer in this build and don’t plan on returning. It was an experimental build to get my last Ranger Past Life.
I didn’t record a video because I don’t have any software. The free software I tried was ****, Fraps only works with WoW and Shadow Play in Nvidia is just weird. Next to that, YouTube is a terrible video platform and I don’t know how well Vimeo works. But these are my basics, and you will have to rely on my description:
AoE attack to clear trash: Dire Charge, Lay Waste, [Cleave, Momentum Swing] > a 2nd Lay Waste if possible. Remaining trash, Stun/Trip/Anvil and bash it down. Dire Charge has a very short cooldown and you can almost use it again after your cleave attacks. Note that Dire Charge also gives you an attack which may crit. I hit for 500-2500 per Dire Charge, often that was enough to clear out the remaining trash.
Self-heal panic: I never play without Displacement. I have 6 or 7 Shroud items with 2 Displace charges on them and I always keep it up. When I need to heal, I use Cocoon. Usually jump out of the pack surrounding me and Dire Charge them, then Cocoon, occasionally a Silver Flame pot if its bad. If that doesn’t work, I find someone in the party to blame :-)
Regarding your screenshot, your Sneak Attack is impressive. Your flat damage seems low though, I’m usually sitting on 500-650 but that’s also with 20% Invulnerability and Warhammers a lot better than your +7 Fire Lore XIII Warhammer. Your attack ratio also seems low but that’s obvious if you don’t have Haste Boost and Killer up. Finally, I’m concerned about how your build handles trash packs, for example in EE Vol. Without Dire Charge and Lay Waste, I would be useless in such scenarios. And why are you wielding a Kukri in your off-hand?
Last edited by TheWalruss; 06-12-2016 at 07:07 PM.
Walruss, Cannith ~ Birth of a guild ~ Nocturnal today ~ Guild mascot ~ My wishlist ~ lft
Builds ~ EE Warlock ~ EE AA ~ EE Warchanter ~ Reaper Kensei ~ R1 Solo Alch
FFS loading screens! ~ Fox Mulder explains TRing ~ The walri are coming...
why is everyone using warhammers for TWF?
I thought khopesh was better.
its 16-20 crit threat range with khopesh
vs 17-20 with warhammer (and pulverizer)
critical multipliers are the same
what am I missing??
I like all the weapons Sanjo, all of them can kill the bad mobs :P
but this guy here doesn't seem to agree with you
nor does this one ^^
oh wait...
add this one to the list aswell!
Now all of these guys + you are experienced players who don't just throw random stuff into their builds. At least that's the impression I have.
That means either something is going on with Warhammers and TWF or you all just happen to love bashing skulls and breaking bones instead of chopping off limbs and heads.
Or I am paranoid and I need to visit Fred again!
Well, I completely agree that Warhammers were the bang for the buff pre-threat range nerf. The only thing putting them on par with Khops is the ability Anvil of Thunder:
.Active Ability: (Cooldown 12 seconds) Melee Attack On Hit 100 Sonic damage. On Critical Target is stunned for 6 seconds. On Vorpal Target takes 10d100 Sonic damage. Requires a Dwarven Waraxe, Greataxe, Battleaxe, Handaxe, Warhammer, Maul, Light Pick or Heavy Pick to be equipped in your main hand
The stun off Anvil combine w/ Pulverizer places War Hammers 5% behind khops for crit range, but puts them on par above other weapons due the 20% chance for the stun to proc.
The other upside to bludgeoning weapon I think is the only thing that resists them are zombies, of course alignment and metalline become way more important in epics than this.
The downside to WHs is there aren't that many named ones worth grabbing. There's Mornh and Drow War Hammers, both provide extended threat range and your only choices early epics. Then there is the choice between or using a combination of TF and ToEE war hammers later epics. There may be an epic one in The Twelve, other than getting lucky on lootgen, I don't know any other choices for warhammers.
Ubongwah has the crit profiles between Khops and WHs on some thread I can't find. Maybe he'll read this and link it for those wanting to see the difference.
You are missing nothing.
Warhammers were on par with khopeshes in terms of crit. power before the IC change, if you were running in Dreadnaught using pulverizer.
It was essentially a tradeoff between 2 points in LD vs a feat. Having an extra feat usually wins, therefore those barb builds (and other builds - see my original noyellowbar for example) used warhammers.
...there's also a small consideration that bludgeoning is better than slashing for some DR breaking.
After the IC change khopeshes are better again.
Pulverizer makes warhammers also 19-20 x3 base, but khopesh always gains one extra range over the warhammer from IC.
I have 3 completed thunderforged warhammers, 2 fully upgraded mornhs, 2 fully upgraded ToEE warhammers on my main melee, which I don't use anymore. Changes like that are just bad without deconstruction options. /rant
TL;DR: Khopesh > Warhammer
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKVn...wLuzB2Q/videos
i have been using this build and its a lot of fun
but the kensei tree from your post is not showing so what enchantments from it do i take
and how do improve my monk stances, any items and which stances are the best? wind or fire?
Planning on revisiting this build with Aasimar.
R1 - InsRe
F2 - WF: Blud
M3 - SB, PA
9 - Q
15 - Comp
21 OC
24 Bard/Tactical Combatant/(Deflect Arrows)
26 PTWF/Tactician
27 Tactical Combatant/Tactical Training/Epic Reflexes/(Deflect Arrows)
Remove OTWF from feat suggestions list
Rest follows.
I'll update soonish
Last edited by TheWalruss; 06-14-2018 at 09:00 AM.
Walruss, Cannith ~ Birth of a guild ~ Nocturnal today ~ Guild mascot ~ My wishlist ~ lft
Builds ~ EE Warlock ~ EE AA ~ EE Warchanter ~ Reaper Kensei ~ R1 Solo Alch
FFS loading screens! ~ Fox Mulder explains TRing ~ The walri are coming...
i Really like the way this build looks it has great dps and good survive ability
Your main dps enhancement trees are Kensei and Harper.
Going to TR into this build next life and update it. Stay tuned.
Walruss, Cannith ~ Birth of a guild ~ Nocturnal today ~ Guild mascot ~ My wishlist ~ lft
Builds ~ EE Warlock ~ EE AA ~ EE Warchanter ~ Reaper Kensei ~ R1 Solo Alch
FFS loading screens! ~ Fox Mulder explains TRing ~ The walri are coming...