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    Big Blubbery Beast TheWalruss's Avatar
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    Post Hammer of Gods - TWF Centered Kensei

    Aasimar (Scourge) Harper Kensei - 11 Ranger, 8 Fighter, 1 Monk

    U37 Version

    Why I REALLY love this build? Because it allows you to have Madstone Rage again, and it feels cool to double-Madstone just for that one special moment. It’s like going back to the days where rare items really made a difference. This will probably be my ‘end-game’ build after finishing racial-reincarnation. For now, it is just a super fun build to Iconic TR Aasimar Scourge.

    At its core, this build centers on four things: Double strike, Deadly Strike, A Good Death and Melee Power. Around this core is a rotation of attacks that help you keep double strike and melee power up. As you can see on the pictures below, these things combined can spew out a decent damage burst. On the first picture you see A Good Death hit four times: main hand + double strike and off hand + double strike = a total of almost 10k damage at lvl 27 with terrible melee power. Deadly Strike also hits four times, but each attack is a separate roll, which means you have four attacks with a chance of getting the vorpal damage. I’ve included a picture of the vorpal damage as well. Note that I didn’t use Blitz on any of the pictures. That would increase the untyped damage by 50%. I also didn’t have Opportunity Attack up, which adds another 20 Melee Power. The highest untyped damage I've seen so far is around 22k.

    Aside from this, you get a build that's super fun to play, has lots of versatility, and can self-heal on reaper mode with Healing Hands. You get a ton of feats you can choose between to give it your special twist. You have enough combat abilities that it allows you to go defensive, offensive, melee and ranged. You also have enough attacks that two builds can fight as melee in two completely different ways. You can even beef up your electrical spell power and make this build about electric damage, or boost your devotion and be heal-support. (If you haven't already, this is where you buy the t-shirt.) Last but not least, you can sprout badass wings if you take Bond of the Fallen with the Premium version of the Aasimar. You will lose some weapon damage, double strike and Oversized Two Weapon Fighting as a free feat, but you will gain some Strength, Stun DCs, 20% Vulnerability, Melee Power and you can wield Khopeshes. Overall, the Fallen will probably be superior. My end-game build will be the Fallen Aasimar just for the wings.

    I will go through this build in three steps. First, leveling, taking skills, feats, enhancements, twists of fate and abilities. Then I will talk about gear and hotbar setup, and finally, I will show you what my version of this build is like end-game. I used the Iconic Aasimar for this post. For now, you will have to experience the Fallen Aasimar on your own :-)

    A final note is that I do not have any racial action points on this toon. If you have that, you can make this build even more powerful. I’ll talk more about this in the section on enhancement trees. As I said, there’s a dozen different ways to twist this build. I haven’t even given daggers and the Vistani tree a thought!

    Leveling is pretty similar to the old HoG. The only difference is that you need to do a ranger level first if you do the Iconic version. If you are trying out the Fallen version, you can still follow the progression below, and you will avoid the many pitfalls you can jump into when experimenting with Kensei.

    Stats: 18 strength and 18 intelligence, if you have points left, dump it on con or dex if you want Dodge.

    Skills: UMD, heal, spellcraft if you’re going to play around with Stormrage instead of Sense Weakness. The rest of the skills are up to you. Jump, balance, search, spot. Remember to beef up hide if you take Scion of the Ethereal plane (+1 sneak dam per 3 hide).

    Leveling order and feats:
    Lawful Good in order to be Monk!
    1 Ranger: Insightful Reflexes
    2 Monk: Power Attack (Monk martial arts feat)
    3 Fighter: Stunning Blow, Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning Weapons (Fighter bonus feat)
    4 Ranger:
    5 Ranger:
    6 Ranger: Adept of Forms
    7 Ranger:
    8 Ranger:
    9 Fighter: Quicken/Completionist, Improved Critical (Fighter bonus feat)
    10 Fighter:
    11 Fighter: Weapon Specialization (Fighter bonus feat)
    12 Fighter: Master of Forms
    13 Fighter: Cleave*/Tactical Training (Fighter bonus feat)
    14 Fighter:
    15 Fighter: Past Life: Bard**/Completionist/Tactical Combatant, Greater Weapon Focus (Fighter bonus feat)
    16 Ranger:
    17 Ranger:
    18 Ranger: Grand Master of Forms
    19 Ranger:
    20 Ranger:
    21 Epic: Overwhelming Critical
    22 Epic:
    23 Epic:
    24 Epic: Tactical Combatant/Dodge***/(Deflect Arrows****)
    25 Epic:
    26 Epic: Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting/Tactician
    27 Epic: Tactical Training/Mobility***/Epic Reflexes
    28 Epic: Tactician/Elusive Target
    29 Epic: Dire Charge!!!
    30 Legendary: Whichever of the above feats you're missing, Scion of the Astral Plane (stun build)/Arborea (executioner build)/Air (stormrager)

    *Cleave is only necessary if you want to use Momentum Swing and Lay Waste. The latter is a really useful cleave attack on reaper mode because it trips an entire group. Usually you can take the mobs down before they get back up. But to keep the cooldown on a useful level, you need to constantly keep cleave and Momentum Swing in the rotation, and that will screw your dps from Opportunity Attack and Lightning Mace. I’ll get back to this in the section on Gear and Setup. If you do not take Cleave, take one of the Tactical feats instead.
    **If you run with Reign, you will need this feat. As of now, Reign is bugged, and you can skip this feat. If you take Reign, you will get a flat 19 charges each time you switch to Fatesinger destiny and back to your main destiny. This will probably be fixed in the near future.
    ***Dodge and Mobility are only relevant if you want to run Blitz with PRR bonus and have action points free to spend on the dodge and dodge cap bonus enhancements. With Grand Master Ocean Stance you can probably reach somewhere close to 50% dodge. You will need a +5 dex tome to do this unless you put points in it.
    ****If you run with Stormrage this gives you the deflect arrows feat. See the section about Twists of Fate. Note that deflect arrows is only a good idea if you have Improved Defense in the Tempest tree. If you dump this to go deeper in Deepwood Sniper, there's no use for Deflect Arrows. See the section on enhancements.

    Enhancements and Epic Destiny:

    Your main dps enhancement trees are Kensei and Harper. I consider the two enhancement trees below pretty indisputable. The only action points below that you can play around with are the ones in Critical Mastery. Otherwise I’d say all the rest is must have.

    Stalwart Defense is also crucial if you’re using Madstone Boots. Switch on the stance to clear madstone rage and heal. Don’t forget you can use your Healing Hands while raged ;-) In the Aasimar tree my focus has been the +1 crit multiplier and Healing Hands. Ascendant Bond and Divine Purpose for the Scourge is terrible compared to the Fallen.

    Your remaining action points can go a hundred different ways. You can go deep in Tempest and get more dps or you can play around with other enhancement trees. A note on Storm Tempest is that it seems bugged. When you take it, Storm Dancer doesn’t seem to add more damage. A Growing Storm, however, is awesome. Here is what I currently use. If you're done with your racial past lives, the 10 action points this gives you will add up to a total of 23 action points with the points below. If you spend those points in Deepwood Sniper instead, you get 3 sneak attack die, 50 positive spell power, +6 to hit and damage, Exposing Strike and Killer. Exposing Strike is amazing for this build, and Killer gives you a 20% morale bonus to double strike!

    There’s not really much to argue about when it comes to Epic Destiny. Legendary Dreadnaught is the best. As I already mentioned in the feats and level up section, you can play around with a lot of the enhancements in the first three tiers. As I said, I have chosen not to run with Momentum Swing and Lay Waste. Instead, I have opted for more Action Boosts, Tactical DC and critical damage. As I will show you later, your critical range will be insane and you will almost be critting constantly!

    Your Twists of Fate is another place where you have great possibilities for adding flavor or style. Obviously, there’s no arguing with A Dance of Flowers. Adding 1.5W to your weapon is just awesome, and it stacks with Improved Power Attack and Deadly Weapons if you have an Artificer in group. The remaining three slots are totally up to you. If you took the feat Past Life: Bard, you can take Reign for great damage and fun. (Reign is currently bugged so you don’t need the feat. You get 19 charges of Reign for free, all you have to do is swap to Fatesinger destiny and back between quests. That’s 57 minutes of buff, more than enough for a couple of quests.) Running with Wind is just for 3% double strike. Take Cocoon if you want more healing. Sense Weakness is also mostly considered mandatory. However, if you want to add more flavor, you can switch on Stormrage instead. With Reign and Stormrage (SR**), and if you have Epic Charged Gauntlets (ECG*), you’re going to be clapping and thunder striking like mad. On the picture to the right, you can see Stormrage in action with a measly 183 electric spell power.

    Gear and Setup

    The must have gear is lots and lots of displacement clickies. I got mine from years and years of greensteel farming. If you don’t have that, you can still rely on UMD and scrolls.

    For the Aasimar Scourge it also makes a world of difference if you have two Phosphors from the tome pieces you can gather in Necropolis and Orchard of the Macabre. You can usually find the pages you’re missing on the auction houses. I used my two Phosphor maces all the way up to level 29. Here’s a pic of how sexy the Phosphor gets. Don’t forget that the +2W from Dance and IPA, and the +1 range and +1 multiplier from LD, doesn’t show, so the dps is even higher.

    If you have the Disciples of Rage adventure pack, the two heavy maces you can get from Night Falls on Stormreach and Age of Rage are also super nice.

    When you reach epic levels there's really not much to go for in terms of weapons until you reach the last couple of levels. If you’re super lucky, you can find the Drow Weapon Master heavy maces to swap in at level 21. This is also the best option if you want to level up a couple of sentient gems while you go. When you hit level 29 the easiest upgrade to your weapons are the free weapons you get after finishing Into the Mists. After that, farm the legendary versions of Beacon of Night/Day with +4 mythic boost and +3 reaper bonus.

    Madstone Boots is also an item I almost consider must have for this build. It’s a constant 20% attack speed boost along with a little buff to con and str. Another nice item is the Epic Charged Gauntlets. With this build, you will practically proc a lightning blast once every 2 seconds. Greater Bold Trinket is also a great addition to your lightning dps.

    Aside from the thematic gear mentioned above, other items that you must have are a couple of Visor of the Flesh Render Guards. Eternal Flask of Free Movement and Bottomless Flask of Rum are also nice.

    Heal amp and Devotion are obviously of the essence since you rely on your Healing Hands for self-heal on reaper. A decent level of Cannith Crafting can help you with this. Here’s the layout for the Cannith Crafting gear that I currently use. I craft a set for level 10, the lowest possible level for the extra slot with insightful bonuses, and a set for level 21. The latter is because that’s where you get 10/4 to stats. If you start out as Iconic, craft a level 13 set for Gianthold and another set at level 16 for Shroud and Lords of Dust.

    Bracer: Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Bracers of Concordant Opposition/Mysterious Bracers
    Neck: Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Necklace of Smoke
    Trinket: Crystal Cove trinket, Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
    Armor: Healing Amplification, Parry, Devotion, Augment
    Goggle: True Seeing, Seeker, Insightful Seeker, Augment
    Glove: Insightful Strength, Double Strike, Deadly, Augment
    Boot: Strength, Combat Mastery, Insightful Combat Mastery, Augment
    Cloak: Intelligence, Insightful Intelligence, Natural Armor, Augment
    Belt: Dodge, Insightful Dodge, Insightful Spell Resistance, Augment
    Helm: Saves, Sheltering, Insightful PRR, Augment
    Ring 1: Constitution, Insightful Constitution, Protection, Augment
    Ring 2: Insightful MRR, Spell Resistance, False Life, Augment

    Yellow Augments: Fear Immunity, Blindness Immunity, Deathblock, Feather Fall, Underwater Action, Power (spell points), Draconic Soul Gem
    Blue Augments: Fortification, Good Luck, Golem’s Hearts
    Colorless Augments: Vitality, Exceptional stats/Globe of True Imperial Blood, Festive Intelligence, Heal, Gift of the Master

    A few notes on setup... First of all, make sure that you have a gaming mouse and make sure that you configure your key mapping so that you can boost and rotate your attacks easily. As you can see below, I have set the shortcuts 5-8 for the letter keys that are next to my character control keys. Additionally, I have set my extra mouse buttons as shortcuts for my hotbars 1-4. In this way I can quickly and easily jump between bars and boost before attacks. Click mouse button 4, press Q, E, R, T, click mouse button 3 to get back to hotbar 1 and continue the attack rotation. The same goes for displace clickies. Bind a mouse button to the hotbar with displace clickies so you make sure you never have to mouse over and click manually.

    End Game

    If you've read the post you will probably have noticed that it is currently a work in progress :-) Getting to this part will take a while. I'll 'bump' the post once the build is finished. Have patience. And feel free to send me a tell in-game if you have ideas for improvements.

    All that's left to say now is...

  2. #2
    Big Blubbery Beast TheWalruss's Avatar
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    Brothers I am calling from the valley of the kings
    With nothing to atone
    A dark march lies ahead, together we will ride
    Like thunder from the sky
    May your sword stay wet like a young girl in her prime
    Hold your hammers high

    U31 Version

    Harper Kensei - 11 Ranger, 8 Fighter, 1 Monk

    11 Ranger for TWF feats, evasion, Manyshot and Favored Enemies.
    1 Monk for 16% Doublestrike and +1.5[W] damage.
    8 Fighter to be Centered with a 1d10 one handed weapon.

    Pure Ranger vs. Hammer of Gods - in development!

    • Ranger gets +1 Competence Bonus to Critical Threat Range and Multiplier.
    • HoG also gets +1 Range and +1 Multiplier (you can get an additional +1 Multiplier from Earth stance but then you sacrifice 10% Doublestrike).
    • Ranger gets +10% Melee Doublestrike with Whirlwind and A Thousand Cuts (see Grailhawk's analysis in #5 below).
    • HoG gets 16% Melee Doublestrike with Wind stance, Hail of Blows and Running with Wind.
    • Ranger gets +10 Melee Power from Dervish.
    • HoG gets +20 Melee Power (an additional +20 is possible from Opportunity Attack).
    • With off-hand, Ranger gets 10% more chance to hit, +25% chance to doublestrike and your full attribute damage modifier.
    • Ranger also gets +3 to hit and damage while dualwielding.
    • HoG gets +12 to hit and damage with one handed weapons (+14 if there is a Tier 1 Weapon Group Specialization).
    • HoG also gets +1.5[W] to attacks (Dance of Flowers).
    • Ranger gets A Thousand Cuts (+30 Melee Power and Doublestrike for 15 seconds) and Dance of Death (strike 4 targets per swing for 10 seconds) to quickly eliminate a large group of targets.
    • HoG gets Deadly Strike (500 damage which scales with 400% melee power) and A Good Death (500 damage if target is below 30% health) to quickly eliminate a tough target.

    The idea with the build:
    You can be whatever race you want. This build does not rely on the extra feat from Human to reach its maximum potential, so you can choose Dwarf if you wish to experiment with Throw Your Weight Around and Dwarven Axes, or Elf if you prefer ranged with Aerenal Weapon Training. If you can afford a Lesser Heart of Wood +1, you can also roll a Bladeforged for double action boosts and an extra +0.5[W] damage.

    Unless you choose to play as Dwarf or Elf, this build only relies on strength as its main source for damage. TWF feats are granted automatically from taking 11 Ranger levels, just like all the ranged feats. Ranger also automatically comes with Bow Strength, which means you use your strength for damage with Longbows. In other words, you don't need to put ability points into dexterity unless you play with Aerenal Weapon Training. You can even take Strategic Combat I and II and go all out on Intelligence. Costs Action Points but makes it easier to get gear.

    Since you have so many feats with this build, you can choose freely what you want with many of the feats. I have left the feat description in the level progression open. Feats marked with red are feats where you can choose freely from what’s available. All the essential feats have been listed below with yellow. Those are the pre-requisite feats that you need in order to unlock enhancements in the Kensei enhancements.

    Similarly, I have not specified a certain weapon to choose. That is up to you to decide. Just make sure that you choose the same weapon in your Weapon Focus and Specialization feats that you want to use as your Kensei Focus in your Kensei enhancements.

    If you have 16 Strength, 14 Dexterity, 16 Constitution and 12 Intelligence, everything else is just a bonus. If you’re playing with Harper Agent, see if you can get 16 ability points in Intelligence. Don’t neglect Dexterity because you still need it to hit with ranged attacks. With Harper Agent, you can take Strategic Combat I and then you can dump Dexterity. Take Insightful Reflexes as one of your many feats and you also use Intelligence for Reflex Saves. With a Dwarf’s Throw Your Weight Around, you can go with maximum Constitution and Intelligence. You can also do that with Strategic Combat II, as mentioned above. The only problem is that your Stunning Blow uses strength modifier for DCs. Whatever you do, make sure you have 13 Strength to take Power Attack and 13 Dex if you want Dodge.

    When I played the build as a 36 point build, I chose a Human with 18 Strength and 18 Intelligence. I took all ability increases in Strength. If you a +3 Dex Tome, put 2 ability points in Dex so you're starting with 10 and take the Dodge feat at level 15. Put the remaining 2 points in Con. If you don't have a lot of Primal and Barbarian past lives, you would probably be better off with more in Con.

    You will have plenty of skill points to invest, fortunately, since skills have become very powerful. Some of the good ones are UMD, Heal, Search, Balance, Spellcraft, Jump, Diplomacy, Spot, Perform, Haggle. If you take the Scion of the Ethereal Plane as your Legendary feat, you can also take Hide for extra sneak damage (+1 dam per 3 Hide skills).

    Leveling order and feats:
    Lawful Good in order to be Monk!
    1 Fighter: Feat of your choice, Weapon Focus (Fighter bonus feat)
    2 Monk: Power Attack (Monk martial arts feat)
    3 Ranger: Feat of your choice
    4 Ranger:
    5 Ranger:
    6 Ranger: Adept of Forms
    7 Ranger:
    8 Ranger:
    9 Ranger: Feat of your choice
    10 Ranger:
    11 Ranger:
    12 Ranger: Master of Forms
    13 Ranger:
    14 Fighter: Improved Critical (Fighter bonus feat)
    15 Fighter: Feat of your choice
    16 Fighter: Weapon Specialization (Fighter bonus feat)
    17 Fighter:
    18 Fighter: Grand Master of Forms, Cleave (Fighter bonus feat)
    19 Fighter:
    20 Fighter: Greater Weapon Focus (Fighter bonus feat)
    For Epic and Legendary feats see below.

    Feat suggestions:
    Heroic feats: Stunning Blow, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Quicken, Completionist, Dodge (13 Dex), Mobility, Oversized Two Weapon Fighting, Tactical Training, Tactical Combatant. If playing with Harper Agent enhancements take Insightful Reflexes. Favored Enemies: Undead, Elf (includes Drow), Evil Outsider.
    Epic feats: Overwhelming Critical, Epic Reflexes, one of abovementioned Heroic feats.
    Epic Destiny feats: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Tactician, Dire Charge, a ton of good options.
    Legendary feat: Scion of the Astral Plane is my preference but others are also good.

    Because I was a Human Harper Agent when I played the build, I chose Stunning Blow at level 1, and Insightful Reflexes as my Human bonus feat. I had Strength for my main stat and Intelligence for my secondary in order to boost my damage and stun DC bonus from Know the Angles. For weapons, I chose Warhammers because they will get the highest DPS in Epic levels. So, my Weapon Focus was Bludgeoning Weapons.

    At level 3, I took the Completionist feat and Favored Enemy (Undead). If you don’t have that feat, I would take Quicken. Another option is additional Weapon Focus feats. Each of the Weapon Focus feats gives +2 Melee Power. Weapon Focus: Ranged and Thrown of course gives +2 Ranged Power each. At level 9 I took Quicken and level 15 Dodge.

    In Epic levels I chose Overwhelming Critical at level 21, Tactical Combatant at 24, Epic Reflexes at 27 and Tactical Training at 30. My three Epic Destiny feats were Perfect Two Weapon Fighting at level 26, Tactician at level 28 and Dire Charge at level 29, and I took the Scion of the Astral Plane as my Legendary feat at level 30. That's a total of +12 to Stun DCs and a Reflex save that's high enough to tank Miior in Haunted Halls on Epic Elite.

    Enhancements and Epic Destiny:
    As Human, the first enhancements I aimed for were Human Versatility: Damage Boost, and Haste Boost from the Kensei enhancements. Since you won’t be able to get more enhancements from Kensei until you take a second level of Fighter, spend the enhancements in Harper Agent. You will probably have to reset many of your enhancements at level 20 anyway. Getting Killer early on is also really nice.

    In early levels, it is more efficient to fight with two-handed weapons. Don't waste Action Points on Tempest enhancements. It's not until mid levels that your TWF is worthwhile. Especially if you have one-handed Greensteel weapons or some of the weapons from completing the Tome of Legends in Upper Necropolis.

    Weapon Meditation and A Growing Storm are powerful short term boosts to take out a red named boss in a matter of seconds. When they are stacked, you get +20 to damage that can be further boosted by double action boosts. Weapon Meditation doesn't stack with Know the Angles so it's only useful at early levels.

    [IMG]Kensei U31[/IMG]

    Twists of Fate:
    Tier 4: Sense Weakness.
    Tier 3: Sacred Ground.
    Tier 2: Consecrate.
    Tier 1: A Dance of Flowers.
    Tier 1: Cocoon.

    End game:
    LE something
    LE something
    LE something

  3. #3
    Community Member Grailhawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWalruss View Post

    • Ranger gets +1 Competence Bonus to Critical Threat Range and Multiplier.
    • HoG gets +1 Range and +1 Multiplier (and an additional +1 with Earth stance).
    • Ranger gets +14% Melee Doublestrike.
    • HoG gets 10% Melee Doublestrike (with Wind stance, an additional +6% with Hail of Blows and Running with Wind).
    • Ranger gets +10 Melee Power.
    • HoG gets +20 Melee Power (an additional +20 from Opportunity Attack).
    • Ranger gets +25% chance to doublestrike and your full attribute damage modifier with your off-hand.
    • HoG gets +11 to hit and damage with one handed weapons and +1.5[W] to attacks (Dance of Flowers).
    Between Killer, A Thousand Cuts, and Whirlwind I would say Pure Ranger Melee Double strike is closer to 30%.

    Are you sure Opportunity Attack stacks like you are suggesting? My read of the the ability is is its a straight +10 and all recharge aspects of the ability are related to how often you can click the button.

    Weapon Group Specialization is +7 (their one is not updated per the write up) Weapon Specialization is +2 = +9 where you getting the extra 2 from?

    Also you are't mentioning Dance of Death which is a big lose when comparing to a pure ranger.

  4. #4
    Big Blubbery Beast TheWalruss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grailhawk View Post
    Between Killer, A Thousand Cuts, and Whirlwind I would say Pure Ranger Melee Double strike is closer to 30%.

    Are you sure Opportunity Attack stacks like you are suggesting? My read of the the ability is is its a straight +10 and all recharge aspects of the ability are related to how often you can click the button.

    Weapon Group Specialization is +7 (their one is not updated per the write up) Weapon Specialization is +2 = +9 where you getting the extra 2 from?

    Also you are't mentioning Dance of Death which is a big lose when comparing to a pure ranger.
    Whirlwind is part of the 14% (5% from Whirlwind, 4% from Many Cuts). Hmm, where did I get the last 5% from?

    If you go with A Thousand Cuts, it's even less ~ 5%. Of course you can boost it to 50% pretty fast with Killer then.

    Killer is not added because Killer is a Tier 4 Deepwood Sniper enhancement, which means HoG can get it too.

    Weapon Master adds +3 to damage = +12. Again it seems I'm wrong.

    I guess I need to update my comparisson to 9% Doublestrike for Ranger and +12 damage for HoG (+14 if there is a Tier 1)

  5. #5
    Community Member Grailhawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWalruss View Post
    Whirlwind is part of the 14% (5% from Whirlwind, 4% from Many Cuts). Hmm, where did I get the last 5% from?

    If you go with A Thousand Cuts, it's even less ~ 5%. Of course you can boost it to 50% pretty fast with Killer then.

    Killer is not added because Killer is a Tier 4 Deepwood Sniper enhancement, which means HoG can get it too.

    Weapon Master adds +3 to damage = +12. Again it seems I'm wrong.

    I guess I need to update my comparisson to 9% Doublestrike for Ranger and +12 damage for HoG (+14 if there is a Tier 1)
    A Thousand Cuts > Many Cuts, 15/90 * 30 = 5%

    You sure the AP works out to get killer? You need to give a detailed enhancement brake down to really compare this vs pure Ranger.

    Tempest tier 5 has +3 damage too.

    Are you planning to have 100% offhand proc?
    32 AP Kensei Min
    07 AP Shinto Min
    23 AP Stalker min for Killer
    18 AP left for Tempest

    So your giving up A Growing Storm, Tier 4 & 5 Whirling Blades, Storm Tempest, Advanced Sneak Attack, and Know the Angles.

    +6 Damage A Growing Storm 20/30 * 10 = 6.66
    +4 Damage Tier 4 & 5 Whirling Blades
    10 Total

    vs 12 from Kensei

    Know the Angles will more then make up for that, and the extra d6 from sneak attack and strom tempest are just gravy.

    Also you are listing both 10% Doublestrike from Wind Stance and the 19-20 x1 crit multiplier from Earth Stance at the same time, you cant use them at the same time.

  6. #6
    Big Blubbery Beast TheWalruss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grailhawk View Post
    A Thousand Cuts > Many Cuts, 15/90 * 30 = 5%

    You sure the AP works out to get killer? You need to give a detailed enhancement brake down to really compare this vs pure Ranger.
    Once I get to Epic Levels, I will say more about enhancements. I would love your feedback on my choices by then. I'd like the best damage output this build can handle in order to compare vs pure Ranger.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grailhawk View Post
    Tempest tier 5 has +3 damage too.
    Added, thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grailhawk View Post
    Are you planning to have 100% offhand proc?
    32 AP Kensei Min
    07 AP Shinto Min
    23 AP Stalker min for Killer
    18 AP left for Tempest

    So your giving up A Growing Storm, Tier 4 & 5 Whirling Blades, Storm Tempest, Advanced Sneak Attack, and Know the Angles.
    Good question. I will return to give this thorough consideration once I hit Epic.

    As I said in the old post, I'm not much of a planner. Your help is appreciated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grailhawk View Post
    +6 Damage A Growing Storm 20/30 * 10 = 6.66
    +4 Damage Tier 4 & 5 Whirling Blades
    10 Total

    vs 12 from Kensei

    Know the Angles will more then make up for that, and the extra d6 from sneak attack and strom tempest are just gravy.
    Some spot on analysis. Don't forget the +1,5[W] on a 1d10 Warhammer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grailhawk View Post
    Also you are listing both 10% Doublestrike from Wind Stance and the 19-20 x1 crit multiplier from Earth Stance at the same time, you cant use them at the same time.
    Made a more elaborate comment on that point, thanks.

    If you have a toon on Cannith feel free to drop by and we can discuss. My main is Walruss.

  7. #7
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    nice build Wal, will be interesting to see how this plays out with U31

  8. #8
    Community Member Grailhawk's Avatar
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    The image in the first post has 9AP invested in Increased Empathy, Versatile Empathy, and Empathic Healing play with that to free up 3AP for the extra 1d6 Sneak Attack you can get from Rank 3 of Stealthy.

  9. #9
    Big Blubbery Beast TheWalruss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grailhawk View Post
    The image in the first post has 9AP invested in Increased Empathy, Versatile Empathy, and Empathic Healing play with that to free up 3AP for the extra 1d6 Sneak Attack you can get from Rank 3 of Stealthy.
    Uuh, I didn't notice that!

    Thanks Grailhawk!

    Exposing Strike is ridiculously powerful, I love it!

  10. #10
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    Interesting build! I was just thinking over the weekend about a possible TWF warhammer build, looks like you've got it.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  11. #11
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    Have you tried it against a boss kobold on Lam? Posting its time for killing that would go a way towards validating the concept.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  12. #12
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    Tis but one flaw in this build.

    It must be done by a dwarf. Not really so much a flaw as a "f*ck yeah! I'm running around as a dwarf with warhammahs! Rawr!"

  13. #13
    Community Member Phil7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWalruss View Post
    Brothers I am calling from the valley of the kings
    With nothing to atone
    A dark march lies ahead, together we will ride
    Like thunder from the sky
    May your sword stay wet like a young girl in her prime
    Hold your hammers high


  14. #14
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Interesting build! I was just thinking over the weekend about a possible TWF warhammer build, looks like you've got it.
    It is funny, I just had a 5th ed dwarf like this join my roll20 campaign.

  15. #15
    Big Blubbery Beast TheWalruss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Interesting build! I was just thinking over the weekend about a possible TWF warhammer build, looks like you've got it.
    Enjoy :-)

    You might have to dump the 3APs in Ninja Spy to enjoy all the goodies in Tier 5 Kensei.

  16. #16
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    Cool i really should shut up

    btw. in LD i see lay of waste and momentus swind thats req. Cleave feat, next...from this centered "think" u should have nice crit dmg, but this not happend (should take precision over PA), Sense weakness ? nope. ther should be balance attack. and u take 30lvl feat for doublestrike !?.....see so many issue, bad synergic think, if u care double strike do DoD if u DoD go balance Attack and[*]HoG gets Deadly Strike (500 damage which scales with 400% melee power) and A Good Death (500 damage if target is below 30% health) to quickly eliminate a tough target.[/list]<- this is nice when u dance of death and add this on 4 mob in same time.....sorry but imagine first group mobs in toee and see Hammer of death god... or i miss some too, understand what is here soo good ?

  17. #17
    Big Blubbery Beast TheWalruss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by levy1964 View Post
    btw. in LD i see lay of waste and momentus swind thats req. Cleave feat, next...from this centered "think" u should have nice crit dmg, but this not happend (should take precision over PA), Sense weakness ? nope. ther should be balance attack. and u take 30lvl feat for doublestrike !?.....see so many issue, bad synergic think, if u care double strike do DoD if u DoD go balance Attack and[*]HoG gets Deadly Strike (500 damage which scales with 400% melee power) and A Good Death (500 damage if target is below 30% health) to quickly eliminate a tough target.[/list]<- this is nice when u dance of death and add this on 4 mob in same time.....sorry but imagine first group mobs in toee and see Hammer of death god... or i miss some too, understand what is here soo good ?
    It's hard for me to make much sense of your post, Sanjo. It looks like you did a Google translate. I'll try to answer the best I can.

    My crit chance is 35% on off-hand weapon and 25% on main hand weapon. My main hand weapon adds up to 20% vulnerability which in the long run adds up better overall dps than the crit.

    The reason why I want the crit is because of Anvil of Thunder. It gives you an attack with both weapons, and the stun does not have a save. So, you can stun mobs that are immune to stunning blow and dire charge.

    As of now, my stun dc on dire charge is 111, and my gear is nowhere near finished.

    Also, the video of your build in action, is that up to date? The dps I'm looking at with my build is 450-550 dam + 150 sneak + randoms per swing. I'm up to 60% double strike easily and double strike affects all my special attacks, which means I can hit 4 times with a special attack. This is really handy with Anvil of Thunder which is almost a guaranteed stun when I have Killer up. It's also handy when you use A Good Death to keep Killer up. If it gets a x4 proc, it's 10k damage (on average I do 3600 damage with 1 hit of A Good Death).

    I hope I answered some of your questions.

    I will upload a video soon. I'm still working on perfecting the build.

    When farming EE Vol, the only other class that can out-dps/kill me is Zoda's barbarian build and of course Warlocks.

    The only weakness with my build is self-healing. I hope I can adjust this when I get the last Twist of Fate point I need to have both cocoon and self-healing consecrates.

  18. #18
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    Cough cough, zoda and pure warlock, cough cough (even i know those are not the optimal choices).

    Wolf has better damage and aoe clear, also way more damage /couple specific splits that are best dd atm in game.
    Some tree builds have better single target and aoe damage (example the one im doing atm).
    Some warlock builds for aw can be built to be more damage.

    Its a nice build, but there are other options to build it imho

    Keep in mind, you dont need 8 fight levels to be centerd as well, so you could grab 2nd monk level for fist of iron if you value multi strike proc for special attacks.
    Last edited by Kebtid; 05-28-2016 at 07:24 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWalruss View Post
    It's hard for me to make much sense of your post, Sanjo. It looks like you did a Google translate. I'll try to answer the best I can.

    My crit chance is 35% on off-hand weapon and 25% on main hand weapon. My main hand weapon adds up to 20% vulnerability which in the long run adds up better overall dps than the crit.

    The reason why I want the crit is because of Anvil of Thunder. It gives you an attack with both weapons, and the stun does not have a save. So, you can stun mobs that are immune to stunning blow and dire charge.

    As of now, my stun dc on dire charge is 111, and my gear is nowhere near finished.

    Also, the video of your build in action, is that up to date? The dps I'm looking at with my build is 450-550 dam + 150 sneak + randoms per swing. I'm up to 60% double strike easily and double strike affects all my special attacks, which means I can hit 4 times with a special attack. This is really handy with Anvil of Thunder which is almost a guaranteed stun when I have Killer up. It's also handy when you use A Good Death to keep Killer up. If it gets a x4 proc, it's 10k damage (on average I do 3600 damage with 1 hit of A Good Death).

    I hope I answered some of your questions.

    I will upload a video soon. I'm still working on perfecting the build.

    When farming EE Vol, the only other class that can out-dps/kill me is Zoda's barbarian build and of course Warlocks.

    The only weakness with my build is self-healing. I hope I can adjust this when I get the last Twist of Fate point I need to have both cocoon and self-healing consecrates.
    Hi Walruss, that be really nice watch/See ur build in action, how working AoE dps in ur version, how u self heal, technic and tactic in ur playstyle.
    Ps. About my Vid, Nope are outdated all, atm i do really nice dmg and all my power are from sneak attack (im havy focused on this).
    Ps.2 Yes i should do the same, record Vid how i do it now, after up31...but playing on laptop, meh....but, u know that, im back with some special...for two weapon fighting FIGHTER'S. Only for prove u......hahaha xD don,t go far

  20. #20
    Community Member adrian69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kebtid View Post

    Keep in mind, you dont need 8 fight levels to be centerd as well, so you could grab 2nd monk level for fist of iron if you value multi strike proc for special attacks.
    You still need 8 fighter levels to fill out weapon specialization line though, so that's why he went 8.

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