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  1. #1
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
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    Default Warpriest is for FS, Radiant Servant is for Clerics.

    I think there should be more of a division between FS and Clerics. The Warpriest tree should be strictly Favored Soul and there should be a "Priest" of the Chalice type of tree similar to Paladin for Cleric, but mixing up a bit with having defensive spell like abilities/enhancements or something not entirely focusing on melee , and maybe being allowed to cast Holy Sword as a 9th level spell at cap. Zeal at 18 perhaps.
    Last edited by Enderoc; 04-17-2016 at 12:42 PM.

  2. #2
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    Some changes to deities' favored weapons could go a long way. Something as simple as a +1 crit range for the T5 Warpriest enhancement (or a comparable attack speed bonus, or crit multplier, or some other non-trivial benefit to melee) would be a powerful incentive for T5 Warpriest over Radiant Servant for Clerics and would justify pure FvS Warpriest, which is already forced into more of a glass cannon role because T5 AoV (though the DR/10 isn't awful). Even changing the level 12 feat, which is only accessible to FvS and Cleric (Paladin's doing just fine for melee dps), to a crit range or multiplier, would be a huge boon for warpriests.

    I wouldn't be super opposed to casting Holy Sword/Zeal, but you could shift core abilities around and throw that into the 5th or 6th cores instead of making it a spell. Or split the benefits and add them to different cores. Or do the same with Zeal. I would just prefer to throw these already-gimped melee builds a bone and not take their 9th level spell slots

  3. #3
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enderoc View Post
    I think there should be more of a division between FS and Clerics. The Warpriest tree should be strictly Favored Soul and there should be a "Priest" of the Chalice type of tree similar to Paladin for Cleric, but mixing up a bit with having defensive spell like abilities/enhancements or something not entirely focusing on melee , and maybe being allowed to cast Holy Sword as a 9th level spell at cap. Zeal at 18 perhaps.
    You do realise that the Iconic D&D Cleric is a Mace and Shield using Melee Character who's spells prior to Lvl 9/10/11 {when he gets Flame Strike} are buffs and heals only!

    You do realise that that same Cleric has only a handful of DPS/Instakill spells even at Lvl 30 and is most likely still mainly a Melee!

    You do realise that DDO has turned the Cleric into something it's not with the insistence on making TU as weak as possible and refusing to accept that a Cleric's few DPS/Instakill Spells should not be subject to the same ridiculous DC demands as a Wizard or Sorcerors because that means the Cleric has to specialise in DC Casting to an extreme where you may as well be playing a Wizard or Sorceror!

    Cleric DPS/Instakill Spells could be given massive SP Costs where a Cleric would only be able to cast say Implosion {at say 750 sp per cast} a couple times per quest without running out of SP {And that's with using a Major Mnem Pot every single quest too!}. But that Implosion is guaranteed to work! {Blade Barrier at say 300 sp per cast, Destruction at 250 sp per cast, Slay Living at 150 sp per cast etc.}.

    And FavSoul is not Iconic to PnP at all!
    It was never even heard of prior to 3.5!
    The problem here is that FavSoul has already taken away from Cleric and we don't need it taking even more away!
    As we're stuck with a clearly superfluous Class in FavSoul Warpriest should be Cleric Only and FavSouls should be given another Spellcaster Tree that can be used partially with AoV or completely separate from AoV.
    Bladeforged FavSouls being clearly more suited to Melee anyway likely already multiclass Fighter/Paladin or Barb anyway and completely ignore the Warpriest Tree!

    Warpriest as a Tree does not compete with Fighter/Paladin/Barb/Swashbuckler/Warchanter/Tempest etc. so any Multiclassed Melee FvS is likely to completely ignore it!

    I'm actually going to say this again because it's blatantly obvious when you think about it:
    FavSoul is a Superfluous Class!
    There's no reason for it to exist in DDO!
    It has nothing that other classes don't get!
    It's a Cleric Light!
    Heck Druids are better Party Healers if that's what you want to play but don't want to be a Cleric!
    And since Fey Warlock arrived the Light Spamming Divine is in the same superfluous boat!

    Fey Warlock was literally the last nail in the coffin of both Clerics and FavSouls!
    If Radiant Burst worked even half as well as EB/SB {just on Undead mind you, not on everything like those do} it might actually be worth using! {if only to bring the HP down from Max to help a subsequent TU - not sure if that makes a difference to TU at the moment but it should}.
    Turn Undead itself needs it's DC looking at bigtime! And multiple Cleric Specific Heroic, Epic and Legendary items made with DC bonuses for it and upgraded to have those bonuses in the case of current items!

  4. #4
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    I'll agree that Turn Undead is weak. Things that use Turn Undead charges, however, are not. I'd say Turbine worked their way around that particular corner they painted themselves into.

    Clerics have more spell slots than FvS and some built-in healing, potentially giving them a significantly larger handful of spells than the light-based evocation class while increasing utility. Divine Disciple adds extra spells to the spellbook, giving them a broader range of spells than FvS (Lantern Archon, Crown of Retribution and at-will spells being the only spells granted in AoV). This seems like a Wizard/Sorc comparison to me, but with divine classes that lose CC in favor of healing and another set of buff spells.

    I think you've got some rose-tinted glasses regarding DDO's source material. First off, DDO is not 3.0, 3.5, nor Pathfinder (3.75?), so it's a little ridiculous to complain about the existence of FvS on these grounds. Or if you like, sign my (nonexistent) petition to remove Warlocks because they don't appear in the original PHB. More importantly, in PnP, Clerics had a whole slew of offensive spells - debuffs, kill spells, etc. Granted, they depended heavily upon alignment, but that aspect can't carry over particularly well to an MMO. Since heavy armor is really nice at low levels, of course players are going to give their Cleric 18 Strength and a shield and save their spells for healing/buffing, especially considering how backloaded spells are in earlier editions.

    I'll admit it's a little tougher to stack Wisdom than Int or Cha, but Druid casters seem to do ok, so Cleric DC's can't be catastrophically worse. The trees don't add as much to DCs or caster levels as the arcane trees (*cough Pale Master cough*), but in the context of the extra healing utility it's reasonable to have spells fail occasionally. It's unfortunate that endgame is currently so absolute that DC is the be-all and the end-all, but I see clerics land spells outside of EE just fine. Introducing a no-fail Implosion, Slay Living, etc would further encourage zerging and non-cooperative play, not to mention it would also benefit Warpriests, who could cast the spells about 2/3 as often with the same effect AND be primary melee folks.

    You're right that Warpriest doesn't stack up against primary melee classes in damage, but it makes a decent splash for folks wanting more self/group heals via Ameliorating Strike. Take the Steel Shrine, which until recently was a self-healing tank with solid dps (LE raids killed the dps, unfortunately)

    Sovereign Host FvS are essentially the Warlocks of party healing. Just metamagic the bejeezus out of your free CLW, stack devotion and crit, and save your mana for when you want to kill things. Get yourself a LR +1 Heart of Wood, roll Morninglord, spec into EA and drop a Sunburst / Divine Wrath duo for a Warlock-level burst that heals allies, debuffs enemies and isn't centered on you. The ability to do both of these on the same character seems like a decent niche to me.

  5. 04-18-2016, 01:20 AM

  6. #5
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enderoc View Post
    I think there should be more of a division between FS and Clerics. The Warpriest tree should be strictly Favored Soul and there should be a "Priest" of the Chalice type of tree similar to Paladin for Cleric, but mixing up a bit with having defensive spell like abilities/enhancements or something not entirely focusing on melee , and maybe being allowed to cast Holy Sword as a 9th level spell at cap. Zeal at 18 perhaps.
    meh, don't have much interest in pigeon-holing.

    But do agree cleric needs a lot of work to even begin to be considered a class worth playing again.

    Clerics should be walking undead destroyers with all that positive energy.. and yet.. on personal comparison I have found almost every other class better across the board.
    Clerics are currently weak agains tundead, no aura debuffs, no good sla's(wrlocks can consume soul/hurl through hell vs undead) clerics...pft... turn undead=fail....
    Dev's shied away from having clerics as contributors to the team and really tried to make them dedicated babysitter healers.. which ended up with where clerics are now.. a near dead class...
    Players should be saying get a cleric or two.. there's a bunch of undead in these quests... not get more dps, or a warlock, or UMD and a stack of halt undead scrolls instead...

    Radiant Servant party curing options are nested to high in the tree, all clerics should be able to access low levels of useful healing SLA's.
    Aura should be a Tier 3 with add-ons for T4/T5 to entice advancement not bunch of mediocre stuff to just get aura and as a result force clerics into a radiant servant tree with secondary choices in two suckier trees.

    Cleric have poor utility usage from scrolls, or alternative non-mana resources.. a stack of heal scrolls works just as well from any UMD user as it does from a cleric, better from an artificer.

    Clerics fell apart back in 2010 , and with good reason, higher mob damage with the inability of clerics to party heal mana efficiently along with weak alternative support doing anything else.

    Hopefully at some point a cleric revamp will come along and introduce Divine pacts that give Clerics deity choices along the lines of what Warlocks are getting with their pacts.
    and maybe some day clerics will actually be useful against undead where it counts at all levels.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  7. #6
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Discpsycho View Post
    I'll agree that Turn Undead is weak. Things that use Turn Undead charges, however, are not. I'd say Turbine worked their way around that particular corner they painted themselves into.
    Radiant Burst is weak - Just compare it to EB/SB in Warlock!
    Radiant Aura is far too high in the Tree and unavailable to 2/3rds of PURE Clerics! {This is the single reason why I'll never play a Warpriest or Divine Disciple - No Aura!}.
    Divine Might isn't what it once was.
    Divine Vit is a Hireling ability that no Cleric Player in their right mind would waste AP on!
    Divine Healing {Not sure this even still exists but it' was a joke!}.

    Quote Originally Posted by Discpsycho View Post
    Clerics have more spell slots than FvS and some built-in healing, potentially giving them a significantly larger handful of spells than the light-based evocation class while increasing utility. Divine Disciple adds extra spells to the spellbook, giving them a broader range of spells than FvS (Lantern Archon, Crown of Retribution and at-will spells being the only spells granted in AoV). This seems like a Wizard/Sorc comparison to me, but with divine classes that lose CC in favor of healing and another set of buff spells.
    Sorcs and Wizards are significantly different in their playstyle as casters {one is DC based, the other is pure SPwr} whereas Clerics/FvSs are not!

    A Soul is literally a weaker Cleric in every way!
    FavSoul is nothing more than a Splash Class for Arcane Casters now!

    Quote Originally Posted by Discpsycho View Post
    I think you've got some rose-tinted glasses regarding DDO's source material. First off, DDO is not 3.0, 3.5, nor Pathfinder (3.75?), so it's a little ridiculous to complain about the existence of FvS on these grounds. Or if you like, sign my (nonexistent) petition to remove Warlocks because they don't appear in the original PHB. More importantly, in PnP, Clerics had a whole slew of offensive spells - debuffs, kill spells, etc. Granted, they depended heavily upon alignment, but that aspect can't carry over particularly well to an MMO. Since heavy armor is really nice at low levels, of course players are going to give their Cleric 18 Strength and a shield and save their spells for healing/buffing, especially considering how backloaded spells are in earlier editions.
    I'm a 2nd Ed. Player - I loathe 3rd Ed. and 3.5 and wouldn't touch 4th or 5th Ed. with a bargepole!
    Pathfinder was ok but still not D&D!

    3.5 However did provide a baseline that was easier to translate to an MMO so I forgive a lot when it comes to DDO - I only wish the Devs would/could look back further than 3.5 for ways to improve this game as there are many possibilities {No I'm not asking for ThacO back as that would require a total rebuild of DDO!}.

    Oh and as for Warlocks - I was totally against Warlocks in DDO until they arrived and I found out ES plays how I want my Clerics to play! {Make ES a Cleric tree and I'll join you in your crusade to rid DDO of Warlocks!}.

    Quote Originally Posted by Discpsycho View Post
    I'll admit it's a little tougher to stack Wisdom than Int or Cha, but Druid casters seem to do ok, so Cleric DC's can't be catastrophically worse. The trees don't add as much to DCs or caster levels as the arcane trees (*cough Pale Master cough*), but in the context of the extra healing utility it's reasonable to have spells fail occasionally. It's unfortunate that endgame is currently so absolute that DC is the be-all and the end-all, but I see clerics land spells outside of EE just fine. Introducing a no-fail Implosion, Slay Living, etc would further encourage zerging and non-cooperative play, not to mention it would also benefit Warpriests, who could cast the spells about 2/3 as often with the same effect AND be primary melee folks.
    Yes it's possible to make a DC focused Cleric or Soul but WHY? When you can play a Wizard/Sorc/Warlock or Bard would you want to?
    That's not what a Cleric is!
    A Cleric is supposed to be decent at both Melee and Casting - In DDO you have to choose!

    Yes I can play a Paladin and pretend it's a Melee Cleric but a melee focused Cleric shouldn't be anywhere near as far behind as it currently is!
    Yes I can play a DC focused FvS but even with maximum Build/Gear etc. I'll still be behind an equally built/geared Wizard or Sorc! While I've completely gimped everything else on my build yet they don't have to because their entire class is focused on that one specific thing anyway!

    Quote Originally Posted by Discpsycho View Post
    You're right that Warpriest doesn't stack up against primary melee classes in damage, but it makes a decent splash for folks wanting more self/group heals via Ameliorating Strike. Take the Steel Shrine, which until recently was a self-healing tank with solid dps (LE raids killed the dps, unfortunately)
    A Splash that is in my view pointless as even an average Radiant Cleric will outheal you with ease and Cocoon is available to everyone anyway!

    Quote Originally Posted by Discpsycho View Post
    Sovereign Host FvS are essentially the Warlocks of party healing. Just metamagic the bejeezus out of your free CLW, stack devotion and crit, and save your mana for when you want to kill things. Get yourself a LR +1 Heart of Wood, roll Morninglord, spec into EA and drop a Sunburst / Divine Wrath duo for a Warlock-level burst that heals allies, debuffs enemies and isn't centered on you. The ability to do both of these on the same character seems like a decent niche to me.
    When was the last time you actually saw a FvS heal anyone?

    Even when Clerics and Souls were the only Party Healing Classes available FvSs wouldn't heal anyone! {You were better off asking a Bard to play Healer if you couldn't find a Cleric!}.
    Actually there was a big thing back then in-game and on these forums where if you were putting up an LFM for a Raid and looking for a Healer - If your LFM didn't show Bard Icon as well as Cleric/Soul you wouldn't get your Healer!
    Why? Because Souls did not WANT to Heal! And Clerics even then were in short supply and basically tied to static Groups/Guilds!

    Funnily enough - If a Bard did join it would 95% of the time be one who didn't have any viable healing whatsoever! But woebetide you if bard was not allowed as your party healer!

    Then Druid came out and guess what - No-one would play a Druid Healer despite their abilities to party heal being greater than a Soul's and almost equal to a Cleric's if built that way!
    The problem is that if you did build a Druid that way they'd be useless for anything else!

    It's the same problem we have with Souls - Build them for Healing and that's all they're good for!

    Clerics have the same problem if you make the mistake of building them for healing but the thing is that with Clerics you don't HAVE to - They're more than good enough Healers anyway!
    In fact taking all the Healing Enhancements {except for Burst/Aura obviously} is a complete Newbie Trap as you'll vastly overheal everyone bar the at 20% or lower HP max Con Tank/Barb! {and when do you wait till the max con tank/barb is below 20% hp before throwing a heal?}.

    The single biggest mistake Turbine made with Healing {bigger even than Cocoon!} was HEAL AMP!

    Once players could up what they got from a Heal/Cure it drastically reduced the need for a REAL Healer!
    And suddenly everyone was required to get as much Heal Amp as they possibly could because Healers wanted to buff their other abilities so dropped all the buffs to actual Healing!
    So the Devs instead of making Healers Heal Baseline better decided to up the availability of Heal Amp and provide even more self-healing abilities to everyone!
    And while doing this:
    Significantly upped the expense of a Cleric or Soul who wanted to concentrate on Healing {an expense btw that I will say again is a complete Newbie Trap due entirely to HEAL AMP!}.

    To fix Clerics and Souls and Druids - HEALING NEEDS TO BE A BASELINE THAT THEY ALL GET!
    It needs to be fully available as a Lvl Based ability with only small cost low tier buffs in Enhancements {Emp. Healing needs to be merged into Empower!}

    Cleric = Mainly Sword {or Mace} and Board Melee who gets into the middle of the Melee and uses Aura/Burst to keep herself and the Tanks/DPS alive.
    FavSoul = Mainly a Spellcaster who can throw Heals or Mass Heals from the Back
    Druid = A Mix of Cleric and Soul who can opt to do either.

    Divine Disciple becomes a FvS Tree
    Warpriest becomes Cleric only and is significantly upgraded similar to Sacred Defender!
    Druids have an Upgraded Bear for Tanking, Wolf for Melee DPS {Bear and Wolf Druids should have higher forms to take instead of Elemental} and Elemental for Caster Based. {Elemental should be divided into two - Water and Fire and at lower levels Druids should have Mephit forms so a Caster Druid is a Caster from Lvl 1 to Lvl 30!}.

    Flame Strike, Cometfall, Implosion and Blade Barrier should have their Baseline DCs be higher so that Clerics {who won't have the ability to max out DCs} can make use of them.
    Slay Living, Destruction, The Light/Alignment Based Spells other than Flamestrike} and Firestorm should be FvS only and FvSs should get equal SPwr/DC buffs as Sorcs & Wizards.
    The delayed casting of Flamestrike needs to be fixed so it actually hits the mob you've aimed it at!

    FvSs need access to Word of Balance if Neutral Aligned!
    Clerics need access to Earthquake!
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 04-18-2016 at 08:26 PM.

  8. #7
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    They need to fix TU to work in epics.

    Newer spells: mass raise dead, Mass resurrection, Mass true resurrection.

    Epic cleric feats: gods mantle (complete invulnerability for 30 seconds with 90 second cool down; target friend / self).

  9. #8
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vulkoorex View Post
    They need to fix TU to work in epics.
    The reason TU doesn't work in Epics is because there's no Epic {or even past lvl 10 standard} gear available for it!

    Sacred, Hallowed, Eternal Faith etc. are still {even when available and that's mainly on very old named loot} prefaced on the cap being 12 and Heroic ADQ being the endgame Raid!

    We need Better Turn Bonuses on Feats and Enhancements too - Please not requiring yet more Feats/Enhancements - Simply double the bonuses the current Feats give at Character Lvl 10 and triple the bonuses at Character Lvl 20!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vulkoorex View Post
    Newer spells: mass raise dead, Mass resurrection, Mass true resurrection.
    These are actually good ideas but I don't really see the point in having 3 separate Resses anyway so change True Res to Mass Raise Dead and have Mass Res be a low tier {2 or 3} Exalted Angel ability

    Quote Originally Posted by Vulkoorex View Post
    Epic cleric feats: gods mantle (complete invulnerability for 30 seconds with 90 second cool down; target friend / self).
    That might actually be too strong.

  10. #9
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    The reason TU doesn't work in Epics is because there's no Epic {or even past lvl 10 standard} gear available for it!

    Sacred, Hallowed, Eternal Faith etc. are still {even when available and that's mainly on very old named loot} prefaced on the cap being 12 and Heroic ADQ being the endgame Raid!

    We need Better Turn Bonuses on Feats and Enhancements too - Please not requiring yet more Feats/Enhancements - Simply double the bonuses the current Feats give at Character Lvl 10 and triple the bonuses at Character Lvl 20!

    These are actually good ideas but I don't really see the point in having 3 separate Resses anyway so change True Res to Mass Raise Dead and have Mass Res be a low tier {2 or 3} Exalted Angel ability

    That might actually be too strong.
    Turn undead is one aspect that needs some attention..

    as to the raise deads/resurrections.. add a combat orientation for these spells.. Wisdom based will saves DC's to insta-kill undead.. insta-kills for undead.... The cleric vs undead version of FOD/PK/PWK/CoD/Wail,.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
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