Hello! Our original thread has grown fairly large, so I wanted to start over with a new thread to track the results of the work starting today to improve game performance and reduce lag. Today's patch included several optimizations that we believe will improve game performance, along with fixes to several issues with barbarian enhancements that were causing them to decrease game performance for both them and anyone in the same instance as them.
We're continuing to work on improvements. For example, this afternoon we identified an improvement we will be making to our monitoring tools to lessen their impact on game performance, and will be working to bring that out to the game worlds in the relatively near future.
In the meantime, tell us about your experience as of, say, Noon Eastern on Thursday, April 14th. Please consider the following information:
1. Server
2. Approximate time
3. General class makeup and group composition
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience
We no longer need trace route information from players, although we'll let you know if it's helpful to provide that information in the future.