short Khyber.
8pmish CST
twin cites
l hound and L tempest
a few lag spikes but not too bad yet
8-12 people
short Khyber.
8pmish CST
twin cites
l hound and L tempest
a few lag spikes but not too bad yet
8-12 people
1. Sarlona
2. Approximate Time - 1120pm eastern
3. Location - Tucson, Az,
4. Quests/raids run - Temple of the Death Worm
5. Difficulties run - Epic Hard
6. character classes - 2 Rogues, 4 warlocks, 1 bard, 1 druid, 1 cleric, 1 ranger, 1 fighter, 1 wizard
7. Number of players in the group 12
8. freezing lag affecting everyone through out the attempt to complete, no improvement. Red light Green was nearly impossible, several deaths in just that part, far more then normal for High Lords
Last edited by Bolo_Grubb; 04-14-2016 at 11:40 PM.
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time: 8:30pm - 9:30pm EDT 4/14
3. General class makeup and group composition: 1 Warlock, 1 Artificer, and 1 Paladin all level 23
4. Size of party/raid group: 3 real people in three different states; no hirelings
5. Quest or raid run: The Lost Thread - EE
6. General experience: This same group attempted this mission on 4/11 and 4/12 and we died miserably in lag stasis both night. The decision was made not to log in again until after a patch was made to attempt to fix the lag, so we tried again tonight. We had occasional stutters, but no freezing and no lag deaths. Whatever was changed, it definitely made a huge impact for us, unless all we needed was for the servers to be rebooted...
1. Server
2. Approximate time
7pm to 11:30 pm eastern
3. General class makeup and group composition
trying to remember..
druid, rogue, barbarian, artificer, cleric and something else for all Stormhorns
rogue, cleric, fighter, fighter, ranger and something else for LOD chain
rogue, artificer, something else, something else, something else for Sleeping Dust
4. Size of party/raid group
5-6 for all but Spinner. we were down to 3- rogue, fighter, ranger
5. Quest or raid run
see above all heroic at level BB
6. General experience
a couple glitches running around the public instances, but near perfect. Stormhorns was a little laggy and seemed the animation was about a second faster than the action. certainly playable. LOD chain was near perfect. no real lag. Dust was also near perfect. overall a very good night. only 1 player quit in the middle of Stormhorns saying he wanted to take a break from the lag. I haven't really had too much lag problems lately, so the real test will be when I get into epics and start raiding again. that's where I had the biggest problems.
edit: I forgot to mention that the druid in the Stormhorns group used Quake a lot. I have always had a problem with the lag when druids use this spell, but that accounted for most of my lag problems in those quests last night. it just intensified the lag about twice as much.
Last edited by Qhualor; 04-15-2016 at 06:48 AM.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
1. Server - Cannith
2. Approximate time - 5:00 pm EST to 12:11 am EST
3. General class makeup and group composition - Fighter - Bard - Warlock - Artificer
4. Size of party/raid group - 4
5. Quest or raid run - Korthos Village - Korthos Wilderness - Stormreach Harbor
6. General experience - I had NO lag inside of the quests I ran. Experienced just a smidge of lag in the public instances of Korthos Village and the Harbor, but it was very minute. Better now than before the Data Center move.
argo, from 4h ago to now:
LN TS, 8 in party: 2 pure clerics, 1 pure arti, 1 pure barb, 1 fighter monk, 1 pure ranger ranged, 1 pure pally THF, 1 cleric/fighter/pally
comperatively speaking smooth run, minmal rubberbanding and stutter freezes of up to 3 seconds affecting whole party, nothing one would call a functioning product mind,´but playable.
were on platform and had the puzzle and runes prepped when major lag set in, was around 10.15PM to 10.35 PM. when i say major i mean people frozen in place for intervals of 20 to 40 seconds, then move a minimal margin of half a meter, do 2 swings that go in, then freeze again, rinse repeat for 10-15mins. during the long lag phase 2 more people showed up in channel and were invited into the party. doing the invites took about 1-2min till they registered on their end. those 2 were a bard and a rogue. they could move ok in house J on their way to quest, but encountered a laggy quest dilaogue, long load screen and immediately joined the laggyness once inside. half the party died, half got blown off. some were able to recover at bottom, make way back up, we eventually beat him down with 3 and one healer as the lag subsided somewhat. by subsided somewhat i mean you could move 5 meters, do 20 swings, then lag for 10 seconds. rinse repeat. then 2 mins of working ok, then again 2mins of lag inbetween ...
overall people agreed the lag was better on the way up as the mini freezes after mob kills were better, but that mess at the end doesnt even deserve to be called ugly.
LN HOUND: one cleric dropped another bard joined. another pally joined. ran with 11 i think?
by and large smooth run with only minimal rubberbanding and minor 1-3 second freezes.
EN DOJ: 1 bard switched to pally, 1 cleric switched to arti. added necro wizard, ran with 12.
lag on first group, 5-10 sec freeze after each dead mob. lag on ballista group, 5-10 second freeze on each mob. lag on gate, 5-15 sec freezes, totall stuttering till all mobs dead. lag on 2 first executioners. miserably jerked our way up the ramps. lasted 5 mins till wipe by reinforcements. constant lag freezes. impossible to switch to raise scrolls. spells not going off on targets. heals not going in either. absolutely unplayable. disastrous.
EN deathwyrm, same group minus 1 pally
more or less smooth, with what i would call the usual these days in terms of mini stutters or 1-2 sec every now and then, playable. got trap room. got red light green light. spellblocks were depelted by lag fast. usually, 2-4 of 11 were alive, busy raising the rest. several people died again right after being raised, unmoving, not under attack by mob. me too. they probably made it through we were on first level, but i just didnt wanna do the endfight with that ****. lag killed my mojo. told everyone to not punish themselves with this **** and released and quit game.
to clarify, all the above experience was on all raids always shared by all party members. party members hail from argentinia, canada, us in various places and germany ... both pnap and centurylink routing.
still overall very unfun, some raids/situations remain unplayble. we had a discussion inbetween on if there are improvements or not... one person said *i think it is better, i am rubberbanding shorter now* ....
yeah there is improvements, the point where you cant take it anymore and log is now like 2 raids and 1h30 later ... congratz...
Last edited by Eryhn; 04-15-2016 at 01:30 AM.
****, I had high hopes seeing that Sev finally decided to say a bit in the interview after a month+ of silence. I took that as a sign that something was finally going to work - but from these reports we are still well into the dark and no light at the end of tunnel when it comes to raids.
Much sadness - and even sadder that reports now state "a bit of rubberbanding, it was ok" as if people are starting to accept a worsened state as the norm.
Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda
1. Server - Khyber
2. Approximate time - 8:00 pm PST to 11:00 pm PST
3. General class makeup and group composition - Mixed
4. Size of party/raid group - 12
5. Quest or raid run - LH Tempest Spine, LN Shroud/Codex and LN Hound
6. General experience -
My initial impression was much like having a 50 lb pack removed after a 10 mile hike. Overall LAG was not what was the central aspect of any of these raids. We still saw in the shroud what has come to be known as loot lag (First set of chests after first part is completed and party is running up steps). In Hound when the keepers were killed in the past group would get 10 to 20 seconds of frozen, tonight is was more like a stutter.
In all of these I saw micro-stutters in places where full blown Party Freezes use to occur.
I was excited and almost decided to go another round of these 3 Raids on a different character - but then thought better of it since I still have to work in the morning as well as meet with my Table Top Group in the evening.
I find this very promising and so far just like Mikey - I Really Like It. So hope this stays this way through the weekend.
Thank you Staff at Turbine that have been working on this, I like being excited to login and play. I like it better when people whine about loot in a quest and not lag![]()
Serious consideration should be given to a renewed announcement of 10th Anniversary, and the release of the Gnome race. If ever there were a time that Warner Brothers were going to help out, this is it, with actual advertising (even just a 72 hour period in near future).
You have to consider, the inertia was lost after lag hit, and we need to fire off a Flare into the virtual world to inform/remind potential players/customers that the Gnome Race is here, and the game hit its 10th Anniversary. This may help reengage that marketing inertia that ran into the Lag wall of Doom.
Kyll - Guild leader of Your Part Time Guild on Wayfinder server.
-- Your Part Time Guild has over 750+ Guild Members!
Wouldn't it be simply easier to build a logging feature into the game, allow users to choose to activate it and send that logging information directly to you guys? Instead of relaying on people's memories, you could get any data you want directly. And it could be as specific as you want.
Sample 1: HoX:
1. Server - Orien
2. Approximate time- 10:30 PT (1:30 AM ET)
3. General class makeup and group composition - Mixed: Barbs, Warlocks, Fighters FVS, Wizards, Clerics multi-class
4. Size of party/raid group- 12/Raid
5. Quest or raid run- Hox LN
6. General experience - Got through but still somewhat laggy, seemed a bit better than before
Sampel 2: Legendary Shroud:
1. Server - Orien
2. Approximate time- 11:00 PT (2:00 AM ET)
3. General class makeup and group composition - Mixed Barbs, Warlocks, Fighters FVS, Wizards, Clerics multi-class
4. Size of party/raid group- 12/Raid
5. Quest or raid run- Legendary Shroud LH
6. General experience - Completed 12 man LH run, though still very laggy, seemed a bit better than before, though still very far from pre-Data Center move; Phase 1 (portal section) was especially terrible lag, after that only bad lag)
N.B. Please keep it up, network and virtual servers still seem laggy, though a bit better.
1. Ghallanda
2. 5PM - 7PM EST
3. 2 x 10/6/4 Sorc/Wiz/FvS Shiradi; 1 x 20 rogue repeater
4. 3
5. Demon Assault; To curse the sky
6. Lag in every fight. As soon as mobs get in aggro range the game becomes laggy. Attacks don't go through. Cast spells don't get actually cast. Everything happens delayed. Overall stuttering experience. No lag inbetween fights.
Playable but utterly unenjoyable.
Check your AI scripts maybe?
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel:
1. Server: Thelanis
2. Approximate time: Midnight EST 4/15/2016
3. General class makeup and group composition: 2 warlocks (auras off) {1 of these was me}, 1 thrower, 3 rangers, 1 mechanic, 1 palemaster, 1 bardbuffbot (dualboxed so mostly soulstone), and 1 other rogue icon (thrower or mechanic)
4. Size of party/raid group: 10 (9 people, 1 dualbox)
5. Quest or raid run: LE Shroud
6. General experience:
Overview Score - 4/10, where 5 is pre data center move, 1 is initial post data center move, and scores 6-10 would be improvement but haven't been seen in a long time
Part 1: Generally speaking a lot less laggier than other runs post-data center move. Significant lag after portal kill / portal spawns / curse debuff. Significant lag when approaching chests. More lag when split across the map / attacking multiple portals.
Part 2: Loading in lag (5-10s stutter). Lag after each miniboss killed (1-3 s stutters). Lag when killing crystal (8 second latency between when crystal should have died versus when it did die).
Part 3: Stutter lag (1s-2s a piece). Puzzles mostly didn't lag when going from on/off. Drastic lag when approaching chests. Smoothly run imo.
Part 4: Stutter lag (1s-2s a piece). Freeze lag 1x (5s-10s) pop during middle of fight, abilities ended up registering, resulting in weird cooldown / numbers interactions (if interested send me a pm and I'll go into more detail). Lag associated with blades (mostly stutter). Massive lag at chests.
Part 5: Stutter lag (1s - 2s a piece). Freeze frame lag 2x (~8 seconds and 13 seconds respectively), rakshassa spawn and book dying. Major stuttering in a few places. Massive lag when book died / chests in addition to freeze frame at start.
Endnote: Adaptation were made to deal with lag - auras off, limit party makeup to a certain extent, shortman, patient strategies, etc. Not an ideal situation but far better than before. You have a lot left to do - I seriously hope you look into auras (including other auras besides warlock ones). If you want more details, feel free to shoot me a pm.
around 9pm GMT
Horc cleric lv 9
All good except for a few (short) moments where barrels and crates took a hesitation before breaking.
TYRS PALADIUM.....Officer. If you think there must be more to the game than pugging, come on and joinTYRS! Willibold Fighter/Wilibold monk /Tooflower monkftr/rogue /Hesteban fvs /Machiavehli druid/ Commabayou bard /Greenbolts ranger/Dramoh arti /Dragbat bard /Covemonster Paladin/A Pherzackerly wizard/Asimovsbayne barb/Pardoner/Cottelettedporc cleric/ftr /
6 man doj en ran 4 in a row almost no lag
no Barbs, 2 locks, can't remeber the rest
on 5th one (9:00 est) add 3 more ppl to party and LAG Happened. (TBF I think it had more to do with the time of night and that others were running DOJ (there were 2 more LFMs when we started
We dropped Group and my Guild did a 10 man LH TS no lag the whole way (10:30 EST)
Note I was triple boxing, one client in Amrath experienced the same lag as DOJ. the one in market was fin, jumping. banking etc
Logged in around 9:00 pm CST on the Ghallanda server. Ran slayer in the King's Forest with three of my guildies for about two hours - one cleric, one monk and two palemaster gnome illusionist - actually had NO lag throughout the night, which was a nice change from usual. The only request that we ALL had was that you bring back the volume sliders for each party member - that was a nice touch that made balancing volume SO much nicer. So far, so good.
Last edited by Ariendar; 04-15-2016 at 09:55 AM.
Argo right now, in Offering of Blood with full group - 2 warlocks, one barb 1 wix 2 ranger 1 rogue. heroic elite.
stuttering rubber bandy hell, several lag deaths, hanging as runnig through traps and so on. Awful.
We've just run four or five quests with zero issue however. So perhaps OOB and respawning mobs?
Last edited by dunklezhan; 04-15-2016 at 10:16 AM.