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  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    Default The latest on lag and game performance improvements

    Hello! Our original thread has grown fairly large, so I wanted to start over with a new thread to track the results of the work starting today to improve game performance and reduce lag. Today's patch included several optimizations that we believe will improve game performance, along with fixes to several issues with barbarian enhancements that were causing them to decrease game performance for both them and anyone in the same instance as them.

    We're continuing to work on improvements. For example, this afternoon we identified an improvement we will be making to our monitoring tools to lessen their impact on game performance, and will be working to bring that out to the game worlds in the relatively near future.

    In the meantime, tell us about your experience as of, say, Noon Eastern on Thursday, April 14th. Please consider the following information:

    1. Server
    2. Approximate time
    3. General class makeup and group composition
    4. Size of party/raid group
    5. Quest or raid run
    6. General experience

    We no longer need trace route information from players, although we'll let you know if it's helpful to provide that information in the future.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Duana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We're continuing to work on improvements. For example, this afternoon we identified an improvement we will be making to our monitoring tools to lessen their impact on game performance, and will be working to bring that out to the game worlds in the relatively near future.

    I knew it! Lag is caused by the NSA!

    Work is a ***** today. I look forward to logging on this evening and seeing how things sit currently. Thanks for the info.
    Thelanis, by way of Xoriat. Forged in the Blood of Butterflies.

    Proud participant of the Xoriat Hate Thread.

  3. #3
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Ran on Thelanis with groups of various sizes from around noon until about 1630 zerging through low-level quests (which means lots and lots and LOTS of loading screens) No noticeable lag at any point, I think only one slow loading screen the entire time. Was nice. I know we had a warlock, a bear druid, a fighter, a bard, a ranger, a wizard, and a pally in there at some point along with a couple of hirelings.
    Join Magefire Cannon on Thelanis!
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  4. #4
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duana View Post
    I knew it! Lag is caused by the NSA!
    That's ok. Apparently once you find out about one of their listening posts there's a non-violent solution to that...
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Wayfinder back to normal.

    None to very little lag on quests.
    Raid lag is back to pre-data center move.

    Overall...a very good day on Wayfinder.

    Hope it stays.

  6. #6
    Community Member Six_Gun's Avatar
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    1. Server - Thelanis
    2. Approximate time - 5pm MST
    3. General class makeup and group composition - Barb x 2, Rogue, Pally, Fighter
    4. Size of party/raid group - 5
    5. Quest or raid run - Vale quests
    6. General experience

    The lag seems about the same to me. Consistent stuttering, slight rubber banding, and minor freezes when large groups spawn. Still seem to be missing a lot of swings while monsters seemingly shift about.

    Not much of an improvement.

  7. #7
    Community Member Eryhn's Avatar
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    1. Server: Argonessen

    2. Approximate time: ~ 30 mins ago, aka 02.15-02.30 CET / 08.15-0830 PM Eastern

    3. General class makeup and group composition:
    9/8/3/10 cleric/fighter/pally/epic PDK, Legendary Dreadnaught, Twists: Sense Weakness, Balanced Attacks, Brace for Impact, Cocoon

    4. Size of party/raid group: solo

    5. Quest or raid run: LN Tempest Spine

    6. General experience:
    start with fire eles smooth. slight rubberbanding on first few drow groups. bypassed fire+ice cause to dumb for rune and just hunting some chests. in the room with 3 drow rednamed, rubberband was still ok on the first drow, slightly increased onward, on the 2nd one, caster at shrine more often hits didnt go in. once the thrid caster started spamming cloudkill, completely lagged out for 30 sec before server caught up and i was dead. cloudkill effect persisted during death, after shrining up, could not be removed by any spell or scroll and persisted after quest in house J public too ...

    latency and loss were perfectly stable / non existent ...


  8. #8
    Community Member Nyata's Avatar
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    joined a couple of raids on a level 30 artificer on khyber. mostly full or almost full groups, so 10 to 12 people.

    mixed groups, pretty much every class present (have not seen a wizard. but everything else was there some time or another.. even a deep gnome barbarian)

    DOJ: unfortunately the verdict is still unplayable with a full or almost full raid group. tried EE and EH. gave up due to lag

    temple of the deathwyrm: EH, mostly went well lagwise. one person got seperated from group previously and trapped in portal room, which usually does not bode well for lag (we asked her to stay in for the completion at least, and spreading out the group is never a good thing in that place). stutters in final fight, 'volley' effect (attacks not hitting for a while, and then all of them seemingly hitting at once a bit later) and some delayed casting. first attempt at levers failed because lever only moved 2 seconds after it was flipped. we were blessed and got both jump room and red/green room (lucky, I know). Red/green was... wonky. some players standing completely still for minutes not even daring to range anything still died all of a sudden when lights changed.

    Fire on thunder peaks: EH, lag was unpleasant. not completely crippling, but I for one died with nothing actually being near me and the combat log not even stating that I got killed.

    FoT: was pleasantly surprised by no lag freeze after dragon/giant pairs were killed. occasional stutters, but nothing disastrous.

    hoping to test legendary HoX, shroud and TS tomorrow.

  9. #9
    Community Member Gordo's Avatar
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    19:40 EST
    One caster
    Grim & Barett
    Epic Elite
    * Horrible lag, monsters dying 5 seconds after they were already dead, spells having no effect after cast, etc...
    * Quest was much better solo on EE before the "fix" today.
    Last edited by Gordo; 04-14-2016 at 08:53 PM.
    Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo

  10. #10
    Community Member Jetrule's Avatar
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    Just finished several heroic quests and a heroic Tempest spine full raid group on Canith. 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm eastern. Playing a wizard. No lag at all that I noticed.
    Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion

  11. #11
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    Default Thelanis - quest good - raid bad.

    8:57PM Eastern

    12 man DOJ Normal

    4 Locks, 1 fighter, 2 barbs, 1 wiz, 2 rangers, 1 rogue, 1 Sorc

    Made it past initial mobs first room up stairs lag started lightly, in blade room lag was worse but we killed all. Gate opened and lag went through the roof, unplayable complete stops and after 6 died lag disappeared until fail for too many adds.

  12. #12
    DDO Trivia Champion alancarp's Avatar
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    Things were going fairly well until 9:11pm ET on Thelanis.
    Running a rogue Gnome + cleric hireling on Attack on Summerfield. Suddenly I got stopped very short for a minute or two.
    Example? Shoot a barrel with an arrow, then literally count to 4 seconds before it blew.
    Better now as I write this...and that's been the only note of significance right now.

    Was watching for performance just running about in the marketplace public area, too: seemed a bit better, though slightly jerky if you're looking for it. It was more noticeable earlier in the week.

    Edit: Correction - still pretty stop-n-go-like at 9:18pm...maybe it's that DoJ run (prior post)? The 4-second breakable thing is back, too (I'm in the warehouse).

    Bad again at 9:23-24. At 9:27 it got me killed.
    Last edited by alancarp; 04-14-2016 at 09:27 PM.

  13. #13
    Founder, Alpha, Omega and Other Secret Things AnubisPrime's Avatar
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    Default Load screens

    No lag

    Ghallanda 9pm EDT...

    But i end up w/ some delays on load screens.

    Did Shar quests and Harbor stuff
    Last edited by AnubisPrime; 04-14-2016 at 09:45 PM.
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  14. #14
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    Default Thelanis - quest good - raid bad.

    9:15 PM Eastern

    12 man DOJ Normal

    4 Locks, 1 fighter, 2 barbs, 1 wiz, 2 rangers, 1 rogue, 1 Sorc

    Made it past initial mobs first room up stairs lag started lightly, in blade room lag was worse but we killed all. Gate opened and lag went through the roof, unplayable complete stops and after 6 died lag disappeared until fail for too many adds.
    Last edited by vandall01; 04-14-2016 at 10:12 PM.

  15. #15
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    Default Thelanis DOJ 8 man EN

    Ran with 8 peeps and lag was tolerable. Still small flashes when mob numbers were high @10pm EST on Thelanis.

    1 rogue, 4 locks, 1 ranger, 1 barb, 1 bard

    Made it to pit fiend fight and lagged a bit, one death and we were able to go until we failed for too little DPS, but it was playable.

  16. #16
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Cordovan, still seeing a lot in regards to when mobs die and server is divvying out renown. Was the renown mechanic changed at all recently?
    The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!

  17. #17
    The Hatchery
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    1. Thelanis
    2. Early afternoon Eastern time. Say, between noonish and 2-ish eastern.
    3. L30 Warlock, mostly using cone with the rest of the time the default EB; no aura. Consume, Stricken, Steal Life Force, occasional Eldritch Burst. In DC, level 2-3, with Aura of Purification and some (not much) Consecration.
    4. Soloing
    5. EE A Small Problem & Partycrashers, and some running around an empty-other-than-me guildship.
    6. Mostly good, but some stuttering in both quests and on the ship. Generally while not firing everything off, but a couple of times while blasting. No "OMG, this game is unplayable right now!" moments, though I'm pretty sure some abilities never fired off when told (may've just not mashed the button hard enough, though).
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
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  18. #18
    Community Member dontmater's Avatar
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    short Khyber.
    8pmish CST
    twin cites
    l hound and L tempest
    a few lag spikes but not too bad yet
    8-12 people

  19. #19
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    1. Server


    2. Approximate time

    7pm to 11:30 pm eastern

    3. General class makeup and group composition

    trying to remember..

    druid, rogue, barbarian, artificer, cleric and something else for all Stormhorns

    rogue, cleric, fighter, fighter, ranger and something else for LOD chain

    rogue, artificer, something else, something else, something else for Sleeping Dust

    4. Size of party/raid group

    5-6 for all but Spinner. we were down to 3- rogue, fighter, ranger

    5. Quest or raid run

    see above all heroic at level BB

    6. General experience

    a couple glitches running around the public instances, but near perfect. Stormhorns was a little laggy and seemed the animation was about a second faster than the action. certainly playable. LOD chain was near perfect. no real lag. Dust was also near perfect. overall a very good night. only 1 player quit in the middle of Stormhorns saying he wanted to take a break from the lag. I haven't really had too much lag problems lately, so the real test will be when I get into epics and start raiding again. that's where I had the biggest problems.

    edit: I forgot to mention that the druid in the Stormhorns group used Quake a lot. I have always had a problem with the lag when druids use this spell, but that accounted for most of my lag problems in those quests last night. it just intensified the lag about twice as much.
    Last edited by Qhualor; 04-15-2016 at 06:48 AM.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  20. #20
    Community Member
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    Default Report for Thursday 4/14/16

    1. Server - Cannith
    2. Approximate time - 5:00 pm EST to 12:11 am EST
    3. General class makeup and group composition - Fighter - Bard - Warlock - Artificer
    4. Size of party/raid group - 4
    5. Quest or raid run - Korthos Village - Korthos Wilderness - Stormreach Harbor
    6. General experience - I had NO lag inside of the quests I ran. Experienced just a smidge of lag in the public instances of Korthos Village and the Harbor, but it was very minute. Better now than before the Data Center move.


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