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  1. #161
    Community Member
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    Jun 2007


    1. Argo
    2. 430 pm EST
    3. Pale Master Deep Gnome in a mixed group
    4. 12
    5. LH Tempest Spine
    6. 1-2 second stutter step/rubber banding lag on the run through the outside to the entrance. Roughly every third spell did not go off yet the cooldown started and mana was deducted (and it's wasn't the "you're not facing bug"). 1-2 second lag on every renown given and a couple 5-10 sec total stops when fighting large groups. Completed easily though. It's better than where we started after the DC move, but it's far from what I would consider "good" or "acceptable".

  2. #162
    Community Member
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    Apr 2013


    1. Khyber
    2. 1pm EST
    3. Paladin in a full group (warlock, bard, sorcerer, artificer, ___)
    4. 6
    5. LE Creeping Death and LE To Curse the Sky
    6. Things went smoothly. I did not expect lag in creeping death, but past experience in To Curse the Sky has been horrible from the start of the quest. Today, all battles went smooth with few small freezes when renown was awarded. We did not use lag-safe tactics but instead rushed into some of the battles.
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  3. #163
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    Khyber Friday night

    Between 9 and 10 PM PST
    10 Man Legendary Hard Shroud

    Had a few places in part 1 where I froze in place for 2 seconds but other than that ran smooth. First attempt ended in part 1. Seems the Keepers beat the sweeping team. Second attempt we made it to part 2, but we had timing issues and after 4 attempts some were just done.

    Later between 10 PM and 12 AM I ran 2 Legendary Normal Shrouds. Both went really smooth, even the lag at the end of part one was less noticeable - It was there, just not as bad as it has been.

  4. #164
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    * Server - Thelanis
    * Approx time - April 23th, ~8:00 AM EDT (Saturday morning, off peak)
    * Approx location - Japan
    * Quest - Epic Shroud
    * Difficulty - EH
    * Number of players - 12

    Completed at less than 40 mins.

    Yes, after the 64-bit dll and game timer update, game experience is improved.
    Compared to the last 2 runs I had (page 4 #65, page 8 #141), severity of guild renown lag is like now halved and it is somewhat manageable. It previously had 3-4 secs lockdown, now it feels more like 1-2 secs.

    Part 1 - lag when portal blows up, DPS lag (?) on the large pile of mobs, chest lag/rubber banding.
    Part 2 - something including a Cat. With mandatory 2secs freezing and a Cat in the combo this part can still be tough. Off-course we tried to kill the Cat last but mistakingly killed it 3rd while lagging out. Managed to break the crystal just in time but the Cat came back in life too. You know this happens when it is really close timing so we almost failed. We had to kill the Cat second time at the shrine.
    Part 3 - just a minor lag killing kobolds.
    Part 4 - no lag for the most part, easy 1 rounder.
    Part 5 - 4-6 ppl died from lag at the beginning. Force blowup thingy and meteor swarm hit the entire party at the same time I think? Series of renown lags in mob waves were annoying but it was manageable. More deaths at Raksasha beatdown but for me this looked more of our fault, our melees didnt have jeweled cloak equipped this time it seems.

    It is getting better overall but it still needs a long way to go, in terms of full group raiding. With this reduced amount of lag I wanted to see if EE DoJ is now doable or not, but nobody in the party was thrilled about the idea.

  5. #165
    The Thing That Should Not Be lipidoidal_maniac's Avatar
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    Default Funny logout messages on bard

    I noticed on my bard character, Blighttongue, that there were repeats in the effects as you logged in & out. He is currently a dwarf bard/rogue 12/2.
    He also consistently takes more than 15 seconds to get from where the logout bar finishes until the effects start to scroll to actually logout.

    Login effect messages:

    Logout effect messages, was hitting control-P to get them before they disappeared so they overlap:

    Orien! Kerkos wiz-> sorc -> druid -> bard -> rogue -> monk -> ranger
    artificer -> favored soul -> paladin -> fighter -> warlock -> barb
    Blighttongue barb -> ranger -> fighter -> monk -> bard
    Seekn cleric -> fvs -> druid

  6. #166
    Community Member dontmater's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    Sunday night
    lag wasn't too bad, we can tell its getting abit better.
    keep plugging away, mostly short spikes

  7. #167
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Lerincho's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Had period of stuttering and complete stopping while in market and tangleroot. about 4 pm CDT
    The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!

  8. #168
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Oct 2008


    1. Server: Argo
    2. Approximate time April24 -9:00pm est
    3. General class makeup and group composition: Regular assorted
    4. Size of party/raid group: 12
    5. Quest or raid run: quest: LH Shroud
    6. General experience:
    ~Still laggy periodically throughout the entire raid.
    ~Every time a red named died there was lag. enough to cause a party member death or two each time.
    ~players get the lag, mobs don't..
    ~cast spells take mana, but do not land or are delayed in landing wile still allowing it to be cast multiple times and still taking mana subsequently after the lag catches up..

    ..They still have a lot more 'tweaking' to do.. Lag is nowhere near manageable levels to be considered acceptable...
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  9. #169
    2017 DDO Players Council Starla70's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    Server Argo. Lag has been stutter step and not for more then a few seconds. However, I am having issues when I first log on since Friday with no sound. Have to quit the game to get it to come back. Happen every day so far including today.
    Argonnessen main server/Kachinna, Dannu, KKenzi, Shanahann, Kaystrra, Fnorr, and Kyliestar toons

    Your Dice really do hate you.

  10. #170
    Community Member
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    Jun 2014


    Server: Cannith
    Time: Saturday (late posting), 3:00 pm Eastern
    Party size: 8-man
    Party makeup: no idea
    Raid: DoJ on EN.

    Experience: I had periodic stuttering, but I'm really not sure if that was my connection or the server. I suspect it was my connection because the rest of my party didn't say anything about having lag. The lag that caused the whole party to be unable to move was completely absent. We completed easily, which was wonderful! However, I'm not brave enough to take a full group in or to try EH. I've heard both those situations result in lag fails. Please keep working on it!

  11. #171
    Community Member AzureDragonas's Avatar
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    Feb 2014


    1. Server: Sarlona
    2. Approximate time: Right now
    3. 4 members in group. Ranger, Bard, Fvs, Wizard
    4. 4
    5. What goes Up EE
    6. End fight rubberbanding last 10 minutes. Damage and movement late. objectives updates in 10-20 seconds after done.

  12. #172
    Community Member Six_Gun's Avatar
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    Apr 2016



    2:30 - 3:30 PM MT

    Duo - Pally & Rogue

    Various low level marketplace quests.

    Rubber banding, freezing, and missed attacks continuously during all quests. Especially noticeable in Proof is in the poison and Freshen the Air.

    No noticeable improvement from prior to hot-fix.

  13. #173
    Community Member
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    Dec 2014

    Default Sunday, 4/24

    1. Server - Wayfinder
    2. Approximate time - 1PM-5PM EST
    3. General class makeup and group composition - 9-12 players
    4. Size of party/raid group - 9-12 players
    5. Quest or raid run - LN Tempest Spine, LN HoX, EH FoTP, EN Deathwyrm, EH/EN DotJ
    6. General experience - LAG in all. Details below.

    LN Tempest Spine - Intermittent LAG, not crippling.
    LN HoX - Severe LAG after completion.
    EH FoTP - Severe and crippling LAG on any milestone. A full 90 seconds of able to do nothing at all any time we advanced the quest. Only strong dragon tanks allowed us to avoid a wipe.
    EN Deathwyrm - Severe and crippling LAG on any milestone.
    EH DoJ - Severe and crippling LAG on any milestone, including new spawn of fallen archons or new spawn of reinforcements. Wiped due to reinforcements for the first time ever. On the second attempt on EN, severe rubber-banding trying to advance into the ballista area. LAG on any milestone. LAG was slightly better than the EH attempt.

    Throughout we had 9-12 players, with players dropping and others joining as their schedules permitted. A very strong group, and we could have easily handled higher difficulties on all of the runs if not for the LAG.
    Last edited by Kompera_Oberon; 04-26-2016 at 02:33 AM.

  14. #174

    Default unplayable lag in defiler 4/22/16

    Server: Sarlona
    Approximate time: 10:20 PM EST on 4/22/16
    General class makeup and group composition: see video
    Size of party/raid group: 12
    Quest or raid run: EN Defiler
    General experience: very laggy in ambush room prior to
    start of video. Lag starts in main portion of the raid just
    before video starts. Video continues to the point of
    failure due to lag.

  15. #175
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    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    General experience: very laggy in ambush room prior to
    start of video. Lag starts in main portion of the raid just
    before video starts. Video continues to the point of
    failure due to lag.
    That was painful to watch, almost as if I had lived through it myself. Oh, wait. I did.

  16. #176
    Founder Ladywolf's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Results for same quests same time at various days after last server reset

    Server: Khyber
    Approximate time: 7 pm PST April 21, 22, and 25
    General class makeup and group composition: various
    Size of party/raid group: 10-12

    We did TS on LE, and Shroud on LH on April 21 (day of server reset), April 22 (1 day later), and April 25 at roughly the same time.

    I already posted about the April 21 and 22 results (basically April 21 great, april 22, not quite as good but still very good). April 25 we had periods of freeze up and had to reset a TS. We decided to only run the shroud with 10 due to the TS experience. It really does seem like the longer after a server reset the more lag kicks in (this was noticeable after the prior server reset as well). Was guild renown lag in all the runs. Is there a way we can just get guild renown as a bulk amount at the end of the quest to prevent the renown lag? Not sure how you can fix the freezing up for several minutes type of lag though.
    Day 1 Founder
    Main characters: Usually on Rhyes, Miniryse or Legolass
    I'm rich! filthy rich! /runs off to AH
    /cry! I'm poor! flat broke!

    Lava Divers - Khyber

  17. #177
    Community Member
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    Aug 2012


    Server: Argonessen
    Aproximate time: 00.00-04.00 a.m. GMT on 4/24/16
    General class makeup and composition: various (pure rogues, pure fighter, fighter/monk splits, cleric, warloks, palladin, bard, ranger, artificer)
    Size of party/raid group: 10/12
    Raid runs: LN Tempest Spine, LN HoX, EN DOJ, EH Fot, EH FoTP, EN Wyrm
    General experience:

    We noticed lag in all the runs, freezing with favor 3-5 secs long (and a few lag spikes maybe longer). The most annoying with this were DoJ (this one started really bad, we lost 1 archon in the first fight because of lag spikes and ruberbanding) and Wyrm (we got red/green room and lot of us dye because this get broken with the lag, it kills you/drain spellblock charges even if you dont move).

    We did most runs on normal as we dont have a strong group and we can t go through the lag in harder diff
    Argonnessen: Koorb - Frankiy - Bladeth - Cararoja - Stormbeach - Cheet - Zafires - Koorgib

    P.D. Spanish is my native language.

  18. #178
    Community Member
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    Jun 2014


    Cannith server
    Wednesday, 3:00 pm Eastern
    10 man group
    DoJ EN

    Experience: Some lag, all involving guild renown rewards. Still completed easily, which was great!

  19. #179
    Community Member Pomdude's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Server: Ghal
    Approximate time: 2000-2220 hrs UK Time (GMT)
    General class makeup and group composition: Solo - Cannot get a group for love nor money mid levels at the moment
    Size of party/raid group: 1
    Quest or raid run: Lvl 12's - Relic / Invaders / WK / Marketplace
    General experience: Lag lag lag. It never seems to stop. Did not rubberband tonight like it did last night but several near death experiences. Only save is on a warlock, boosted hp with displacement and try and fight near a shrine. Spoken to several players on Ghal and most are soloing because of the lag. The first day or two after this thread started it all seemed better. But it has steadily worsened to the point that I call it a night early now due to poor gaming experience. It lags everywhere, I avoid any situation where they maybe a build of mobs and any spells that worsen it. Getting weird things happen now as well. Game freezes, have to switch to windows home then back and is fine, can happen mid quest, if i stand still too long. Never had that before. Working my way to 20 then will call it a day. This is no longer fun. I love group play not just playing q's for the sake of it. I can solo but I feel so sorry for any new player at the moment. All I can say it was great once and lag free.

    My suggestion strip back on all quests, close them all down. Then add level by level / chain by chain until you find out what the big drains are. Then take them out or rework them. I am not a techy but this is the way I tackle problems.

    Why is the marketplace so bad ?? There are no players in it, there are limited quests - what area does it service? Maybe just work on that as if you can figure it out there then you have a template to work from ? I recall issues when the sub was first installed there but noone goes in it anymore. There are not enough lowbees to be running all the market place too extreme and are the graphics really that earth shattering n that place?

    Sorry to be negative but I don't get it - how come it once was fine and now it's not?? Turn back the clocks and take us back there please. Or close down one of the worlds and see if that has any effect?
    As many have said before I would rather no glitches than new quests. New players will have lots of content to play. Old timers like new content but want the game to work and to be able to run raids. So who are the new quests for over a game fix??

    Just on a plus you have done some awesome work in the past, some great story lines and some knock out quests. I even like my Gnome

    Good luck - thanks for listening..
    Pom may refer to: An alternative word for the British /Polyoxymethylene, a common plastic polymer / Pompom, a decorative ball / Baby Pom, the youngest of the Fimbles /Puddle of Mudd, an American hard rock band

  20. #180
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default Hitching

    Its notcible when you're running thru the MArketplace or Eveningstar that there is hitch every so often when running from one place to the next. Its consistent like a bike chain that makes a rotation and rubs on the chain guard at one spot.

    Last night:

    9-10pm PST
    Irestone Inlet
    2 person party

    LAg spike/puase at the start of the quest when you step out to encounter the 1st 3 baddies and then some lag spikes/pause when battleing at the campes when dps from both sides was in full swing.

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