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  1. #1
    Community Member FuryFlash's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Dragon Horde (Thelanis)

    Hello everyone,
    Some of you may have seen me previously on the forums or in game as Furyflash, on Thelanis. You could call me the community manager of Dragon Horde.

    Dragon Horde is a guild on Thelanis which could be considered a fairly casual and new player friendly guild. Although there is no way that I know of to see for sure, I believe we have the second highest population of active members on the server. We recently cut down the number of inactive players severely as one of our attempts to make the guild into a better community, and now that we have room for more players, we are ready to take the next step.

    We are now recruiting active players who wish to help Dragon Horde grow into a great community and to bring the guild together. We almost always have people online, many of whom enjoy playing with other guildies and are willing to join when asked; however, we have so few leaders in our guild who want to make these guild runs happen.

    Our guild is level 99, almost 100 and we have every guild buff in the game, as well as the best airship. We also have a guild website and calendar, which allows for easier communication and planning of events. We even have a static group that runs on Monday nights. The problem is, despite all these great benefits we lack participation in events. If you want to help Dragon Horde become even better, please join now by contacting Furyflash or Ariesss through ingame mail or post a reply here. We want to start having guild raids, questing and other fun events and you could be the one to get it all going.

    Of course our policy of being a new-player friend guild is still going so if you are new to the game, go ahead and join! We have many veteran players happy to help you in guild chat or in quests, and other new players who may be looking for people in the same position as them to get to learn the game with.

    Here’s a message from our guild leader about joining the guild:
    “Dragon Horde has a few openings for new guildies and we want leaders and people who love DDO and actively play on a regular basis when time permits.

    We are a guild where you have to earn your right to become an officer, and when that is granted you will be considered as a fully fledged guild member. This can only be done by you showing us that you can uphold our guild motto at all times, and that you are willing to take an active role and participate in guild runs and functions.

    If you feel this sounds like something that interests you seek out an officer in our guild and ask to be given the chance to become a Dragon member. Again, you will be judged on your own merits, and if you are willing to become a leader, then you just might become the future of the Dragon Horde.

    See you on the Dragons Nest, Ariesss.”

    I hope to see you in-game! Please consider joining Dragon Horde and making our community better in any way you can. Even just playing quests with your fellow guildies is a great step in bringing the community together.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    I'm not saying TRing isn't optional but its kind of optional in the way that defeating the waves in Devil Assault are optional.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Apollos713's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Hi all.

    I'm also a member of Dragon Horde and I really enjoy being in the guild. There are lots of nice people in the guild who are happy to give advice. Furyflash and Ariesss and great people, too. So, if you're new and thinking about joining, please do!

    I'm also happy to answer any questions that you may have. Look me on up Thelanis as Cladion.

    Have a great day!

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Saw your post on another persons thread

    When D&D originally started up, back in 1977 I was a player/DM. I played WoW online with my kids a bit until DDO came online and I played from day one, for about 4 years with The Legion of Doom on Riedra. After the merge with Khyber, everyone seemed to have went their separate ways and so ended my DDO career.

    I had a lot of fun while I played and gathered a lot of gold and things and I wanted to find a server to start playing on again, although I am really unsure where to go since I dropped by Khyber and saw how dead that it was.

    I have 6 toons :
    I believe that their levels are as follows, but not positive:
    10 Pali
    8 Clc
    8 Rog
    8 Brb
    6 Ftr/Rog
    and, I'm not sure.. A few of my toons are Dark elfs.

    If you know of a populated server and Guild to hook up with, let me know.

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