We are looking to improve the Fighter to make it more competitive with other classes. We have already begun the process by allowing Fighters to take feats to add lots of Tactical bonuses and extra passive mitigation. We want to further boost the class with enhancement trees changes.
We are currently looking at tweaks to Stalwart Defender and some solid Kensai changes.
(I just wanted to say that these changes will likely be tweaked further as we do more DPS testing as we implement the changes and incorporate player feedback.)
Stalwart Defender
Stand Fast: When activated you also gain +4 bonus on all saves for 20 seconds.
Last Stand: The passive portion of the enhancement is improved to be: +2 Constitution, +2 Strength, +10 Physical Resistance Rating, +10 Magical Resistance Rating, and +2 to the DCS of all Tactical Feats.
Fix the bug with the DC of Shield Charge.
Core Abilities
Strike with No Thought: You also gain a +1 competence bonus to critical multiplier.
Power Surge: You gain +8 Psionic bonus to all attributes for 60 seconds. If you possess the ability to generate Ki, you gain On Hit: +2 Ki
- +2 to all ability scores
- +15% Doublestrike
- +15% Doubleshot
- +4 Action Boost uses (even though it is currently bugged to be only 1, it will be 4)
- +2 to the DCs of all Tactical Feats
Tier One
Action Boost:
Attack Boost now adds +4/+6/+8 to hit and damage for 20 seconds.
Fix the bug where the 3rd Haste Boost says it lasts 30 seconds.
Reed In the Wind: Cooldown is reduced to 15 seconds. Damage increased to +1/+2/+3[W].
Tier Two
Improved Dodge AP cost changed to 1/1/1.
Improved Dodge now has a multi-selector.
Improved Defense: +2/+4/+6 Physical Resistance Rating.
Weapon Meditation is removed.
Ascetic Training:
Conditioning changed to +1/2/3 Fortitude Saves, +5/+10+15 Hit Points, +5/+10+15 Fortification
Weapon Group Specialization: You gain +1 to hit and +2 damage with one handed weapons and repeating crossbows, and +1 to hit and +4 damage with two handed weapons and non-repeating crossbows.
Tier Three
Critical Accuracy changed to Critical Mastery.
Add Critical Mastery: +1/2/3 bonus to critical damage and to confirm critical hits.
Improved Mobility removed.
Add Athletic Mastery: +1/+2/+3 Maximum Dexterity Bonus and Dodge Cap, -1/-2/-3 Armor Check Penalty. Works in any armor.
Shattering Strike: Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds, Fortification loss no longer has a saving throw. No longer requires Weapon Mediation.
Weapon Group Specialization: You gain +1 to hit and +2 damage with one handed weapons and repeating crossbows, and +1 to hit and +4 damage with two handed weapons and non-repeating crossbows.
Tier Four
Critical Damage removed as it was combined into the tier three Critical Mastery.
New: Opportunity Attack: 2 Charges, Melee Attack: Deals +1/2/3[W] Damage. Your Melee Power is boosted by 10 for 6 seconds. Each time you damage an opponent, but no more than once per second, you have a 10% chance to add a charge up to a maximum of 2.
New: Strike at the Heart: Your weapon attacks have the Improved Destruction effect.
Weapon Group Specialization: You gain +1 to hit and +2 damage with one handed weapons and repeating crossbows, and +1 to hit and +4 damage with two handed weapons and non-repeating crossbows. Requirement changed to Weapon Focus.
(We are discussing the possibility of another enhancement in this tier that we are not ready to reveal.)
Tier Five
A Good Death: Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds. Extra damage now activates if target is below 30% health. Extra damage scales with Melee Power. Requirements are removed.
One with the Blade: You also gain, as part of the passive bonus, +20 Melee Power and Ranged Power. Requirements are removed.
Deadly Strike: No longer requires an action boost. Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds. Change the on vorpal ability to cause an extra 500 damage which scales with 400% melee power.
New: Weapon Master: You gain +3 to hit and damage with all weapons.