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  1. #21
    Community Member Nyata's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jreinoehl2 View Post
    Its bad enough theres no save. Its worse the cooldowns the same as the duration. Getting trolled for half an hour by a level six at lv 30 is embarrassing. I had to log off and wait for him to leave. Cmon, its worse than fascinatejust make it one of those "not available in tavern brawl" things. or monsters that immune to fear/paralyse are immune to its effects. that could work.
    I have to admit I was smirking and thinking 'HAH. there's revenge for every helpless new player who just got off korthos, went to the first tavern they see in the harbor, and full of exploratory spirit stumbled into the fighting pit and got nuked.' Also kind of happy to see that there is ways to counter raw DPS after all.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartharok View Post
    If he is actively seeking you out to troll you, the answer is to report him. If he isnt, just gping into an out of the way brawling are is good enough.
    Unless you can suddenly read minds, you cannot know that the intent is to troll. But being in a PvP arena, the intent is clearly to PvP. If a player is actively seeking out another player for the purpose of attacking them in a PvP arena, this would seem to me to be the very essence of PvP, and not a reportable offense. I mean sure you can report it, but how does this sound? "I entered a PvP arena and was attacked in PvP combat by another player. Please make them stop." Even adding "I entered another and they keep attacking me" seems incredibly weak, because the person making the report has all the power in the world to make it stop. Don't want to be attacked in PvP? Don't go into PvP areas.

    If I was the admin receiving such a report, especially with the level 6 vs. level 30 details, I would find it hilarious. After passing it around the office and making a copy for the office "Best worst reports by players" list, my reply would consist of some variation of:
    Player: Doctor, it hurts when I do this.
    Admin: Don't do that.

    I'd suggest submitting a bug report or other form of ticket asking that the "not in PvP" flag be set for this ability. Reporting someone for attacking you when you willingly enter a PvP area seems rather pathetic.

  3. #23
    Community Member bartharok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kompera_Oberon View Post
    Unless you can suddenly read minds, you cannot know that the intent is to troll. But being in a PvP arena, the intent is clearly to PvP. If a player is actively seeking out another player for the purpose of attacking them in a PvP arena, this would seem to me to be the very essence of PvP, and not a reportable offense. I mean sure you can report it, but how does this sound? "I entered a PvP arena and was attacked in PvP combat by another player. Please make them stop." Even adding "I entered another and they keep attacking me" seems incredibly weak, because the person making the report has all the power in the world to make it stop. Don't want to be attacked in PvP? Don't go into PvP areas.
    If hes following the player from arena to arena hes deliberately trolling. If its a random guy that popped up once, or that frequents a certain arena, hes not.
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jreinoehl2 View Post
    Its bad enough theres no save. Its worse the cooldowns the same as the duration. Getting trolled for half an hour by a level six at lv 30 is embarrassing. I had to log off and wait for him to leave. Cmon, its worse than fascinatejust make it one of those "not available in tavern brawl" things. or monsters that immune to fear/paralyse are immune to its effects. that could work.
    If you're trying to test things with a particular person, can't you just go into an Arena and set for 1 vs 1? (BTW, Tavern Brawl areas are not "Arenas".)

    If you're just random PvPing I agree with others that Dark Delerium should not be changed for PvP (as some have suggested) and no, not even make unavailable for PvP. Even the most innocent change can have unforeseen consequences.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartharok View Post
    If hes following the player from arena to arena hes deliberately trolling. If its a random guy that popped up once, or that frequents a certain arena, hes not.
    He is not trolling, he is PvPing.

    "Hey bra, headed to a different arena? Cool beans, let's go fight in a different place!"

    Seriously, if you choose to be in a place where you can be attacked by another player, when that choice and the consequences of it are entirely under your control, you have no valid complaint at all in my opinion. Anything after that is just crying because you're losing.

    If the guy is actually harassing the complainer, via tells or whatever, that is a completely different case because it can happen anywhere and not just in areas clearly marked as being for the purposes of PvP.

  6. #26
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    Moved to PvP forums.
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  7. #27
    Community Member Coyopa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jreinoehl2 View Post
    I cant get thru his displacement really anyways. only maybe can knock him down if arcane encumberance works with eldritch blasts
    Wait. You're level 30 and you don't have an item with True Seeing on it? AND you can't scroll cast True Seeing? You deserve everything you get, then. Come prepared or simply come prepared to lose.
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BigErkyKid View Post
    Description: The arcane archer PrE seems to be designed to work only with bows. However, it is possible to attach its effects to other weapons with much greater rate of fire like shurikens (or crossbows).

  8. #28
    Community Member Coyopa's Avatar
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    Here's an actual suggestion: Rather than using the public brawling areas, challenge your helper to a match. That takes you into a private brawling area that may or may not have environmental dangers (traps, lava, etc). You'd be able to do all the testing in there that you want to do and the mighty level 6 with his displacement that you can't bypass won't be able to follow you.

    Last edited by Coyopa; 04-07-2016 at 11:37 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BigErkyKid View Post
    Description: The arcane archer PrE seems to be designed to work only with bows. However, it is possible to attach its effects to other weapons with much greater rate of fire like shurikens (or crossbows).

  9. #29
    Community Member razzertothemax3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragavon View Post
    I simply do not want any developer time whatsoever wasted on anything related to PvP in DDO
    Implying that devs actually make good use of their time elsewhere, lol. Are you playing the same game i am?
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  10. #30
    Community Member relenttless's Avatar
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    What's the kid's name?

    I'll buy him a drink
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  11. #31
    Community Member thomascoolone64's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jreinoehl2 View Post
    Pvp is very rarely used for pvp, it is actually used for testing about 80% of the time. And getting interrupted by a level six is very annoying.
    Get a Spell Absorbtion cloak or Pale, they block Dark Delirium... I know from Experience
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post

    "Ignore the text in the Lamannia launcher claiming to be from Middle Earth. Wat?"

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