Yes, I would like two d10's, a d20, and a cool dice bag for DDO's 10th Anniversary.
Yes, I would like two d10's, a d20, and a cool dice bag for DDO's 10th Anniversary.
The join date is lying to you! Kill it with fire o.o
Yes, I would like two d10's, a d20, and a cool dice bag for DDO's 10th Anniversary. Think it would be cool to bust that out at a convention and see which other DDO players you might meet in real life!
Yes, I would like two d10's, a d20, and a cool dice bag for DDO's 10th Anniversary.
~ Alco Holic ~ Grlfriendaggro Pizzenmeoff ~ Rincewind the Damp ~ Sunbernt Junk ~ Ouchmy Leghurtz ~~ Bobthesponge Squarethepants ~ Whaleoil Beef Hooked~~Ascent~
Yes, I would like two d10's, a d20, and a cool dice bag for DDO's 10th Anniversary
All right closing down the thread so I can pick the winners. Sorry if you didn't make your entry in!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Congratulations to our winners! I will PM you shortly. Please try to get back to me with your mailing address in PM as soon as you can so we can get these mailed out!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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