Quote Originally Posted by Faltout View Post
To find out beyond any doubt, you just have to remove your last login times from each server.

Go to the file UserPreferences.ini and delete the lines from "WorldName_1" to the end of the section. Then when you get the launcher again, the default server will be highlighted (since the launcher no longer has your previous login information).

(And by doing that, it seems Orien is still the default)

P.S. Some have said that the default server may also be the 2nd server to appear on the list. First the last visited server and then the default. This holds true right now (orien is the second server after Khyber), but don't know if it's luck or not.
Good information there Faltout, thanks. With default server the population can get up to 50% more activity and Korthos is still hopping on the sunny and snowy side so that makes sense.

I guess the number that the default server comes in on the list could also depend on whether you're logging into the default server. If you are it will naturally be first, if not then the one you are logging in to will be first and the default will be second.