I just don't want to miss to ask even when I doubt I am the first who ask for this, but wouldn't be great if npc would act like hirelings?
After you talk to them they join your group and you can give commands, target them easy for healing etc.
It would be possible to have different classes and maybe even hirelings with unique special abilities needed to complete a quest. Possible a quest where your hireling is your champion and you have to support him, you show him the right way and targets and he is need to do the things or is just the best choice for this job even when also a player character could get it done the hireling npc has the better abilities for it. Similar to Hound of Xoriath.
A lot thing would be possible with this.
Technically you could make a group possible in normal dungeons with the limit 6 players/normal hirelings + 6 npc hirelings.
Or they could work like druid or Artificer pets (the player who talk to them get them as pet).
The most important part is already there with the hirelings. Hirelings are an awesome feature of ddo IMHO and possible they could be used in new quests or even in old quests to make them better.
Like the well known and beloved Coyle in Threnal west.