Various times
Shourd LN
Full Group
Fighter 16/Pally 4
Player using Ozze bow plus summons, lag increases significantly over typical runs w/o summons types.
Various times
Shourd LN
Full Group
Fighter 16/Pally 4
Player using Ozze bow plus summons, lag increases significantly over typical runs w/o summons types.
April 8th, 8pm GMT+1, Sarlona
LHoX - Normal
Cleric 20
12 people
Some lag moments, some worse than others, I died in one of them, luckily self rez worked
Completed, usual end of raid lag with chests
8.45pm GMT+1
Caught in the Web - Normal
6 people
Ranger 12, Pal 6, Rogue 2
Lots of laggy moments, hitting but nothing happening, spell casting delays (10 secs for a heal to land)
Completed, far worse than before DC move.
Playable but not fun
I do not consider this an acceptable level of service for my subscription (12 months paid in advance).
It's almost like they WANT people to stop playing this they're pushing us to another game, maybe they'll release DDO2 soon or something.
Until then... this lag as absolutely NOT acceptable. Just logged into Thelanis and ran Subversion, it was an absolute ****show with the lag.
Zaphear(Completionist), Lugziurious, Lugzmeat Shield, Lugzii, Lugziii, Lugzsing Measong - De Profundis
Now (12:04 p.m.)
Stupid lag from hell. 5 minute load screen. Jump took me 200 feet in the air and I hanged there for a minute. Couldn't move at all for 3-4 minutes.
Logging. Going to the grocery store.
~Anaelsbet~; ~Elsbet~; ~Lilabet~; ~Islabet~; ~Phaeddre~~Ascent~
10:00 (GMT-4)
5 attempts with 8 to 12 players all failed due to massive lag.
Massive player frustration included of course.
You've got a serious problem there guys, beacause nobody will pay your 'AAA' company's employees salaries, if noboy is going to play this mess of a game any longer.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Probably my last post on this subject, the devs have definitely heard by now:
In plain English, consider reducing raid sizes?
See what my Internet Provider can come up with game quality fixes.
Starting with a static IP address (greatly recommended for gaming), and tracert forced changes as needed...
Last edited by Silverleafeon; 04-09-2016 at 05:36 PM.
1. Server - Orien
2. Approximate Time - 3PM EST Saturday April 9th
3. Approximate location of your computer - Tokyo, Japan
4. Quests/raids run - Beyond the Rift
5. Difficulties run - Epic Hard
6. Your character class - Paladin 30
7. Number of players in the group - 3
8. Anything else you think we should know - Unusually large lag spike, long pauses between movement and hard rubberbanding back to locations from 10 - 20 seconds earlier. Fell off the demon web once due to lag and one died during the lag spike. Completed but felt lucky to have made it through. When we left the instance to Eveningstar there was no problem at all.
I have little problem at all when I play my level 9, 17 and 18 toons, but when I play my level 30 toon the epic quests are pretty hit and miss for lag.
Last edited by Grandern_Marn; 04-10-2016 at 07:51 AM.
Start cross server trading and profit!Characters: Grandern Marn / Yazmirr Grezztl / Vexir Bristleblade / Zappinaizah Subatrumpf Server: Orien Guild: Faca na CaveiraNew to the Orien server? Type "/joinchannel Titan" into the chat window and join some lively DDO discussion! Happy to help out with any questions.
Server: Thelanis
It's getting to be any time, regardless of group size, regardless of which quest. The game is basically unplayable. I've been here since 2008, and I have never seen connection issues like this. Sure after other updates, there have been occasional issues, that were corrected in a fairly rapid manner. This really is making the game difficult to play. I don't subscribe to all of the conspiracy theories, but the game experience itself, is becoming harder and harder to endure.
Marshland Hunter - Tonka - Merack - Mockery - Taralack Veed - Minastir - of Thelanis
I agree in Ghallanda the lag is terrible.....ran GH EE with 3 people and was lagging as if I was in a shroud group. This is the worst I seen the lag been. My patience is started to run out. Come on turbine who cares about the next update fix the **** game. What the point of bringing new content if you not going to enjoy it with lag killing the game. Bring out the hotfix ASAP
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms []
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 8 ms 9 ms 9 ms []
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 * * * Request timed out.
7 12 ms 12 ms 12 ms []
8 35 ms 14 ms 22 ms []
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 83 ms 81 ms 81 ms
11 83 ms 82 ms 82 ms []
12 83 ms 81 ms 88 ms []
13 83 ms 82 ms 83 ms []
14 84 ms 82 ms 83 ms
15 82 ms 91 ms 82 ms
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 83 ms 82 ms 83 ms
18 82 ms 82 ms 82 ms
Trace complete.
i tried t do Defiler of Just multiple times... got really really mad... we culdnt domplete we did completion 5 man yesterday and having more than 5 in group was showing hard lag time
1. Server - Cannith
2. Approximate Time - 10:00pm EST to 5:30 AM EST. <<<-----This is in the AM NOT peak population time for Cannith.
3. Approximate location of your computer - Lafayette, Indiana (Midwest)
4. Quests/raids run - Siber Atoll chain & Reign of Madness chain
5. Difficulties run - Heroic Elite.
6. Your character class - Paladin/Rogue
7. Number of players in the group - 3
8. Anything else you think we should know - LAG! LAG! AND MORE LAG! Tried to run a guild member new to the siber atoll chain through it . Started with Prey on the Hunter, Made it to the end boss fight, Could not save the Dragon. Killed the giants trying to kill the dragon but we kill them all and 3 seconds later the game tells us we failed. EVEN THOUGH WE HAD KILLED EVERYTHING BUT THE exactly 3 whole seconds before the darn dragon drops dead.
server - Thelanis
9:23-40pm PST
Temple of Deathwyrm EH
7 players in group - 2 clerics and 5 melee
multiple lag spikes from 3 to 30 seconds
both of the rubberbanding and frozen variety
Last edited by boltzman; 04-10-2016 at 12:58 AM.
I just tried to short man a shadow dragon. We were 2 clerics, one halfling rogue, and 3 wolves. We had one lag we started timing after it lasted so long and at that point it went more than a minute! At least most of the trash lagged too, but eventually we party wiped. I had a jibbers so I was able to raise several people and we recovered before getting the dragon down enough to get shadows and get over when we again lagged and wiped. I am a VIP player since the second beta, and have a lot of friends in game and love this game and I'm seriously thinking of quitting. Most of my guild has quit playing and might not come back if you don't get this fixed. I can foresee the death of the game if it stays so unrunnable. I really don't want to see it go like this. PLEASE get this fixed!
Report for 4/9/16
1. Server - Cannith
2. Approximate Time - 2:00pm EST to 2:30 AM EST.
3. Approximate location of your computer - Lafayette, Indiana (Midwest)
4. Quests/raids run - Running anything I could with friends who I invited over to my house today for a day long gaming session.
5. Difficulties run - Heroic Elite./ Epic Elite
6. Your character class - Paladin/Rogue / Epic Ranger lvl 26
7. Number of players in the group - 5
8. Anything else you think we should know - LAG! Anywhere and Everywhere and at Any given time.
1. Server : Ghallanda
2. Approximate time: 10am pst -1am pst
3. Approximate Location of your PC ; Los Angeles, California ( Cali )
4. Quest/raids - Ran EE von 5 & 6, GH EE various quest....Amarath Chain...etc
5 Difficulty : Herioc Elite/ Epic Elite
6. Your Character class : Ran with my Barbarian 20/10 level 30.....Warlock 16/ 2 paladin 18 level
7. Number of players in the group ; 2-6
8. Anything else you think we should know - Lag Lag Lag.....all types of lag
a) Lag door/ lag quest giver....took about 10-15 sec to be able to enter a quest
b) Rubberbanding in quest with a small group
c) Lag spikes that last a min
d) Heals or spells don't cast but die because mobs are immune to lag
e) Get stuck on loading screen because of lag
9) Conclusion: Lag wipes and rage quits because of lag....sugguest hotfix ASAP
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 15 ms 10 ms 13 ms
3 28 ms 24 ms 33 ms []
4 26 ms 15 ms 16 ms []
5 15 ms 15 ms 16 ms [66.10
6 29 ms 26 ms 40 ms []
7 26 ms 27 ms 32 ms [64.86.
8 30 ms 33 ms 31 ms [64.86.
9 33 ms 31 ms 29 ms []
10 53 ms 57 ms 57 ms []
11 54 ms 51 ms 52 ms
12 68 ms 56 ms 50 ms
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 39 ms 38 ms 38 ms
15 39 ms 38 ms 38 ms
Trace complete.
Zaphear(Completionist), Lugziurious, Lugzmeat Shield, Lugzii, Lugziii, Lugzsing Measong - De Profundis
This is what have happened today...
we had really massive lag raid boss just used AOE and we all wiped in massive lag still waiting in game for a gm response... looks like noone care as we are there for 2 hours
Anyone in Ghallanda noticed after you finish a quest you still take damage from a firewall or Ice storm. After quest lag lol
Report for Sunday 4/10/16
2. Approximate Time - IT DOES NOT MATTER!
3. Approximate location of your computer - IT DOES NOT MATTER!
4. Quests/raids run - IT DOES NOT MATTER!
5. Difficulties run - IT DOES NOT MATTER!
6. Your character class - IT DOES NOT MATTER!
7. Number of players in the group - IT DOES NOT MATTER!
8. Anything else you think we should know - YOUR GAME IS BROKEN, YOUR FORUMS IS BROKEN. That is all.
Sunday noon 4/10/16
Atlanta, San Francisco, New York, London, Eastern Europe. Other places.
Defiler of the Just
Epic normal
Various classes
5, 6, 7 raiders
First run with 5 succeeded. Barely
Next five runs failed due to lagging, rubber banding, massive delays on player spells attacks.
Except for the first run it was a complete waste of time. There were some very sore heads at the end of it. I am certain that archon light would not have made the slightest difference and you should turn that back on now so we can enjoy it in these final weeks that are left.