"It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"
Most lag I have ever experienced on Wayfinder, approximately every other minute ... and getting worse.
3:00 pm, EST, Friday, 4/1. House K [the Prisoner]; Guild ship, Harbor ... . And, for the record, a total 45 people logged on.
And no, not an April Foo's prank.
Last edited by Andu_Indorin; 04-01-2016 at 03:23 PM. Reason: Updates
1. Server - Argonessen
2. Approximate Time March 30th, ~8:45 PM EDT
3. Approximate location of your Minneapolis, MN
4. Quests/raids run - Deathwyrm and Thunder Peaks raids
5. Difficulties run - Epic Normal
6. Your character class - Monk/Rogue
7. Number of players in the group - 10-12
8. Anything else you think we should know -
Deathwyrm was fine at the beginning, through the mirrors. We did the traps and the tower fight. In the tower, we started to get a lot of lag. We got through that, but at one point in the shrine room we all were stopped for 3-4 minutes. It slowly got better, but never was smooth after that until after everything was dead and we were looting.
After we left, still in group but in the public area it went smooth, and we were fine in Thunder Peaks except small stalls. Most of the time I noticed it I had just received, or was about to receive guild reknown. While it wasn't bad it was noticeable, though no one died from it.
Thelanis, 30 Warlock, virtually all times but highest playtime freq at 11 am - 5 pm
LE Shroud - doable with shortman after Tue/Wed server restart - some lag but not game freezing lag
LE Shroud after Friday downtime - virtually unplayable, tried turning shiradi off / auras off. Complete freeze up after first portal died.
Very frustrating that it got worse and not better after friday downtime... was expecting to do some LE raiding over weekend.
just had approx 5 to 10 min game breaking lag spike in fotp. started with choppy lag, gradually increasing to total stop (and near wipe so far).. may have to jibbers
<Sarlona>Leafy - ranger , Ingvild - fighter, Backk - rogue, Dahgnabbit - warlock , Reinheits - cleric, <Lost Legion>
Did a 6-man EN DoJ. No lag, but that's most likely not surprising. That's been the only way anyone can possibly complete DoJ for some time now, and I'm getting pretty tired of having to treat a raid like a regular quest because lag mandates it.
At 7pm EST, we did guild raids of EH Deathwyrm and EN FOTP with a full 12-man party. We do these every Friday at this time.
Lag-wise, Deathwyrm went pretty well at first - just a few stutters. However, the whole party started rubber-banding all over the place once we got to the combat room. It had something to do with the mobs. When the top of the tower was clear, we could move freely, but when we had more than 4ish mobs, everyone could hardly move. Once we got to the end fight, it was more or less the same thing, especially with shadows. Everything froze up for a couple of minutes causing several lag deaths when we first entered the shadow side. Rubber-banding continued off and on for everyone throughout the end fight.
FOTP had hardly any lag in it at all.
1st April, 8.20 pm GMT+1, Shavarath, freezes for up to 1 minute, rubber banding, type chat lag up to about 1 minute to see on screen.
Attempted Defiler, Normal, 10 people, Sarlona, circa 8.55pm GMT+1, lag better than it was a week or so ago, but still freezing, and unable to move, but mobs were dying.
I was on my cleric, froze and couldn't move, and eventually disconnected, rest of party able to move. Restarted client and gate had come down, so we restarted.
Restarted, I actually got to the 2nd gate, whole party freezes, then everyone except me was able to advance again, client lagged out, disconnect, restarted and gate down again ... soon after rest of group were lag wiped by re-inforcements, people couldn't tell if they were hitting anything or not.
Locations of players, Europe and US.
Gave up Defiler circa 9.30pm
Next Legendary Hound of Xoriat, circa 9.40pm, 12 people, Normal, smooth run, only lag was when chests spawned, no complaints.
Next Fall of Truth, 8 or 9 peeps, Normal, lag no better or worse than prior to DC move, so ok, completed.
Also re-installed client after finishing these to see if that would help with our raids tonight.
Kyber is this as well. Was able to be cursed in Shroud in real time (instead of delay)
Now back to multi second delays and horror in FOTP and DW
Milacias of Kyber
Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber
The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.
* Server - Thelanis
* Approx time - April 2nd, ~8:00 AM EDT (very off peak)
* Approx location - Japan
* Quest - Epic Shroud
* Difficulty - EH
* Number of players - 12
All kinds of lag, freezing and hitching at part 1. Mostly unplayable so we just gave it up.
Raid is maybe maybe doable with patience and party consideration, but it would take like 70+mins to complete, where normally it took 25mins before, so no for me.
For me, this is the first time running a raid since the data center move, so I cannot say whatever you guys did recently have helped the situation or not.
I have lots of things I wanna say, but I'd keep it short here.
5:30pm to 2:30am east coast
ran a variety of EE quests with some known good players, though I doubt they knew it was me, and it was just too good to stop playing. I had to eventually log off so I could sleep, but I didn't want to. we did LOD chain, ES1, Von 3 & 4, ERed Fens and I think that was it.
one guy did complain of freezing up from time to time, but the rest of the party was moving around fine. overall, it felt like pre-datacenter move, which is a good thing and seeing more and more improvements with game play after each change. had the occasional lag spikes and freezing, though when a boss died it lasted for like 1.5 seconds vs the 3 seconds the day before. one of the casters in the group commented about actually being able to land spells and noticed an improvement. I am seeing progress and will now give a raid a try, but only one I am flagged for right now is Von.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
I try to report here after every change, but all my reports are beginning to sound the same. This this will be last one unless I have a positive change to report, which I would dearly love to be able to do.
Cannith, 4/1, 1200 - 2100 CDT: Did some 6 or 7 raids throughout the day and evening. Most were the same as before the changes:
Lag was better when short-manning and during low server population hours. Lag was worse with full raids and/or high server population/multiple raids going. Guild renown lag spikes are still there, which is especially problematic when a renown spike hits while engaged with other mobs, often resulting in some player deaths;
DoJ continues to be nigh impossible to complete with more than 6 players;
Increased occurrences of lag-induced bugs, like permanent and continuous ice storm damage, flame damage, etc. ;
Occasional but serious lag-freeze and rubber-banding in public areas, lasting minutes at a time, which for me never happened before the data center move;
Occasional lag spikes (freeze/rubber-banding) in solo quests, which for me never happened before the data center move;
Pings plots show normal latency and no packet losses during lag spikes.
Keep at it guys, my subscription expires in two weeks and I would love to be able to renew it.
PS: DDO.com access continues to be a problem, several raids members commented that they would post feedback in this thread if they could get access. Highlighted comment: "I don't consider watching the browser spinning thingy trying to access DDO.com for 5 minutes to be a particularly fun or interesting mini-game."
Lag is more noticeable and frequent on Wayfinder since the Friday maintenance.
2 man heroic hard on Lords of Dust, Servants, and Spinner (3 quests)
1 warlock and 1 druid
1am EST - 2:30am EST.
Seems lag hits when initiating new dialogue, large mobs, or recalculating auras. I see the "aura" text scroll across the screen after the lag stops.
We were able to complete, but this amount of lag is very annoying. Wayfinder never had this amount of lag prior to the data center move.
Server Cannith April,2
Did run only raid form late morning till late afternoon. gmt+1
EE thunderpeak wasn't lag free but playable most of the time. Probably few people did die cos of lag.
EE Hox wiped twice but not due to lag. Raid was lag free both time, then did an EH Hox lag free as well
EE TS minor freeze lag when lots of mob, not bad really. End fight was nearly lag free.
EH shroud: 1st part almost unplayable due to lag but we made it. 2nd part lag free. 3th part lag free. 4 part lag free. 5th part lot of lag and freeze, rubberbanding.
EE FOT Was kinda ok, apart when 3 small dragon spwan and lots of mobs around we got few lag spike.
Also I noticed that everytime I get renown from mob or an objective is completed/acrivated there is a second of freeze, well on quest objective/end quest some time is 5-6 second freeze.
Triple Heroic & Epic completionist. Eroic : 42/42 - Epic : 36/36 - Iconic : 12/12.
2am 4.2.16
Build Fighter 16/Pally 4 ~ tank type
ED Unyielding
Had Cleave cycle but did not use much
Dungeon 2X EN Spies
Party # 5ish
Lag issues ~ zero experienced lag, no pauses in jumping or the like
Saw LH Shroud lfm up, no idea how that went.
Word on the street atm ~ no info, headphones off
3pm 4.2.16
Build Fighter 16/Pally 4 ~ tank type
ED Unyielding
Had Cleave cycle but did not use much
Dungeon LH Tempest Spine
Party 12
Lag issues ~ lag pause then 2~3 rubber banding every time guild renown gained, ditto for red named death, xp awarded, was laggish in the 3 boss room, died once in that room when a boss was killed promoting triple lag from boss+renown went from 3/4 health to dead, no lag on end fight
Overall, much better experience, most lag lasting 2 seconds, more annoying than unplayable, about a dozen comments or less thru the dungeon players typing in lag, was able to complete the raid easily.
Comments: this raid was easy to complete was on a level 24 well built toon, reducing raid party size to less than 12 we still would have completed easily, so still recommending reducing party size to 5/10ish.
3:30pm 4.2.16
Build Fighter 16/Pally 4 ~ tank type
ED Unyielding
Had Cleave cycle but did not use much
Dungeon EH Von 3
Party # 2
Lag issues ~ little if any lag, no noticeable lag on xp awards, guild renown, objectives completed, etc as was noticed during the above Tempest Spine run, noticed that the two dungeons are both long and complex with multiple objectives run at the same time of day with the same toon, so the main real difference was party size and more monsters per room.
1 hour later
5 person Von 4 EH
1/10 second freeze from reknown occasionally otherwise fine
2 hours later
entering gianthold
6 person
EE Feast, Cabal, Cruicble
Gianthold plus EE plus 6th member definitely more laggy, but mostly annoying and playable
Just overall pauses not renown/xp type lag
Might be the aura warlock adding to it
Feast was worst might have been bad instance.
Cabal not bad.
Crusible is actually fairly smooth.
TR cache emptying fairly normalish.
6:30 pm
Smooth as silk till 6th person joined and said "own", marilith died for xp, and guild renown then big 10~20 sec lag spike stuttering, rode it out fine as not in battle.
about 8 pm
EE Von 5 with 10 then 12 people.
Had to take a few minutes to let the dungeon load up.
After that some laggish situations, kind of choppy on and off.
A few freezes
Some lag during end fight till dogs killed
Playable but messy at times.
by 10 pm
doing other quests and lag is gone as people are logging out to go to bed
EE Chrono
12 players
Not much lag
12:45 am
EE Von 5
12 players
slight lag golems and end fight
nothing major
2:15 am
Last edited by Silverleafeon; 04-03-2016 at 03:23 AM.
4:45 pm EST
Build Evoker 20 FvS ED Shiradi
Defiler of Just - full raid group
Total Lag lock, attempted twice, two different instances, party wipe
One wipe at first fight, second wipe when first archon fell, barely into raid both times
Unplayable and unable to complete
The maintenance has done nothing, if anything has made things worse.
Crippling unplayable lag at 5:30PM CST. Cannith Server. 4man party, Gianthold Tor. From the time I logged out in frustration, it took 4 minutes to register that I had disconnected from game. Timed with wife still logged in and watching for me to be logged out. Same local network.
Lucavern of Fallen
Cannith Server
1. Server - Sarlona
2. Approximate Time March 30th, ~10 AM KST
3. Approximate location of your S, Korea
4. Quests/raids run - TOEE, Anniverday event
5. Difficulties run - Epic Hard, Level 33
6. Your character class - Pure Ranger / 8 epic
7. Number of players in the group - 101-3
8. Anything else you think we should know -
Not always able to connect to the login servers / gls data server. Sometimes I'm getting logged out, sometimes I can connect and run a couple quests. When I went to hall of heroes, I got logged out. Tried to log in and getting unable to connect, tried to travel to eveningstar, still wouldn't work. Logged into another character, then back on to main. Run part of ToEE, no problems. Run 3 anniversary, no problem, run a 4th and can't zone in (stuck on loading, please wait until game exits). Tried different character trick, didn't work.
I have a 100mps connection, no problem anywhere but the game and some slowness on the ddo forums. 2 different routers setup (corporate apartment, 1 we use to vpn on. Sometimes one router works, sometimes the other router works. I've never had this problem, could connect fine all last week with normal 200ms of latency. I mostly solo'd so little lag. Wife also tried to run raids on Saturday from 11 am KST to 2 pm KST until she gave up due to massive lag spikes / connection issues.
When you gain guild renown does it update your guild level with everyone on the server live (the who panel in the background and the floating guild levels above everyone's heads)? Maybe it is updating the guild level even when there is no change in it?
Maybe guild levels could only check for level ups (or level down) on the hour instead of every time you gained renown?