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  1. #301


    1. Server - Khyber
    2. Approximate Time - 1400 CDT
    3. Approximate location of your computer - Minnesota
    4. Quests/raids run - House J Quests at level
    5. Difficulties run - Any
    6. Your character class - Elf Pally 5/Rogue 3.
    7. Number of players in the group - 2
    8. Anything else you think we should know:

    Over the period of 1 hour and 45 minutes today I ran a series of quests in House J with another player who was more AFK than present.

    I saw so many types of LAG today that I am not sure I could describe them all. One detail I found interesting and it may be coincidental but is worth mentioning:

    The more the quest used vertical space (as opposed to single plane) the more lag we saw. So in Haunted Library when we were on two vertical levels separated from one another the lag was unbearable and it took about 30 seconds or so to catch up.

    The Twilight Avengers are always recruiting -

  2. #302
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Thelanis raids are currently ultra laggy still, though we did manage to snap and freeze our way through a 12 man LH shroud the other day. I would call the gameplay experience technically possible to play but no ones idea of fun.

  3. #303
    Community Member Mithis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I wanted to make sure people were aware that I chatted with Sev for the first six minutes of today's livestream about the lag, and he provides some detailed information about what we are doing and what's been happening:
    Is there any additional information that can be provided on the CenturyLink related networking issues that was mentioned by Sev at approximately 5:28?!?

  4. #304
    Community Manager
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    Here's today's interview with Sev. It's the first six minutes of today's video:

    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  5. #305
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Here's today's interview with Sev. It's the first six minutes of today's video:
    That would be great if I were somewhere I could play sounds atm. (or didn't generally despise watching videos for information where plain text would be much easier.)

  6. #306
    Community Member Kza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Here's today's interview with Sev. It's the first six minutes of today's video:

    Thanks for this! Really nice to hear you ppl and not just read.

  7. #307
    Community Member Eryhn's Avatar
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    I was rather negative of late so yeah, should point out that the more detailed information on what is going on from the stream is appreciated.

    At the same time, allow me to point out that a number of people on here would probably not have been as negative if we had gotten something like this say 2 weeks ago.

    I understand that the stacking enhancements on barb might only have been identified recently, but i would think the issue of the VMs actually not being able to properly load balance (if i read that bit on limited CPU switching correctly) is something you did not stumble across just 3 days ago. having info like this out a bit earlier would have helped players to better appraise the situation and thus react less itchy ...

    that beeing said best of luck to us all with the fix lol

  8. #308
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krelar View Post
    That would be great if I were somewhere I could play sounds atm. (or didn't generally despise watching videos for information where plain text would be much easier.)
    Wow. Cordovan didn't have to do that, and Sev didn't have to answer, but this is the response from their efforts? Wow.
    The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!

  9. #309
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Here's today's interview with Sev. It's the first six minutes of today's video:

    Lol and people were blaming warlocks.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  10. #310
    Ultimate Completionist
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    (Party: [Party] _________: renown is an issue for sure

  11. #311
    Community Member Taimasan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Here's today's interview with Sev. It's the first six minutes of today's video:

    Saw you around 20:00 min in you had to adjust the sound bar...I hate that!!

    Is it not annoying to you too?? Ugh.

    But thanks for putting this out there for the players.

  12. #312
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default Thanks for the update!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Here's today's interview with Sev. It's the first six minutes of today's video:

    Makes sense and I totally understand.

    TYVM for the update!

  13. #313
    Hero Phoenix-daBard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I wanted to make sure people were aware that I chatted with Sev for the first six minutes of today's livestream about the lag, and he provides some detailed information about what we are doing and what's been happening:
    Any synopsis for us deaf players? Not complaining and I am asking from anyone who watched the video.
    Last edited by Phoenix-daBard; 04-13-2016 at 07:45 PM.

  14. #314
    DDO Official Troubadour Taurnish's Avatar
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    Thumbs up thanks

    Thanks for the info Sev and Cord. I'm looking forward to the new Kensai changes and the anti-lag buff .
    Cannith! Too many alts to list. Lorrtusk, Lorrtank (my main), Lorrgar, Jimipage, Taurnish, etc.

  15. #315
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix-daBard View Post
    Any synopsis for us deaf players? Not complaining and I am asking from anyone who watched the video.
    1. New data center and new operating system need to be optimized regarding Microsoft.
    2. Still having some issues w/3rd parties.
    3. Barbs have some over performing stacking going on behind the scenes.

    Fix will probably address 1 and 3. Feel bad for the people at Turbine that have to deal with 2. Aside from all this lag will continue to be worked on past these items.

  16. #316


    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix-daBard View Post
    Any synopsis for us deaf players? Not complaining and I am asking from anyone who watched the video.
    There's a server side update in test hopefully for a Thursday update. They're fixing a stacking-lag-isssue that affects Barbos and they've got a change to help with threads migrating across processors caused by swapping from direct Microsoft OS to their new Virtual Machine environment.

    Also trying to cleanup network connection routing to the servers but its a long process due to lawyers and contracts being their own source of paperwork in triplicate lag.

    There will be a few more updates coming on the current inDesign Fighter enhancements on the forums.
    Player's Council is getting an early look now at U31 new loots.
    Coming to Lama "Fairly Soon". (but not SOON).
    Last edited by Gratch; 04-13-2016 at 08:25 PM.
    Casual DDOaholic

  17. #317
    Community Member -D_Rock-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lerincho View Post
    Wow. Cordovan didn't have to do that, and Sev didn't have to answer, but this is the response from their efforts? Wow.
    Which makes me wonder why this person could have ever made the players council. Or why a council even exists with people like this offering nothing but negativity.
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  18. #318
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    1. Server - Thelanis
    2. Approximate Time - 7:50pm U.S. Central
    3. Approximate location of your computer - Texas
    4. Quests/raids run - nothing the rubber banding was so bad I couldn't ship buff because I kept trying to move forward only to be pushed away from the shrines, tried to use them several times, went through the motions five times before successfully getting one elemental resistance. Wanted to log off at that point and had to click log out several times before it actually went to the character screen.
    5. Difficulties run - Lag difficulty : Champion Frustration
    6. Your character class - Fighter5/Barb3
    7. Number of players in the group - Solo
    8. Anything else you think we should know: Earlier in the day I duo-ed with my hubby through Undermine and Seigebreaker on Elite, different alts, we had frequent stutters and sometimes spawns would be delayed and then suddenly everything was on top of us from out of no where. Also quite frequently we would be hitting/shooting the mobs and none of our damage was registering all though we were moving around fine then all of a sudden we'd be nearly dead and never saw them do such damage to us, also in these cases we'd still have to finish damaging/killing the mob because they simply were somehow lag-immune to our efforts.

    So far I cannot tell on my end that anything you have done has improved game performance much since the data center move. I wish you luck but I'm getting awfully aggravated and disappointed.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  19. #319
    Community Member jaedom's Avatar
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    Default renoun and chest spawn

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    If you are continuing to see poor in-game performance, then any information you can provide is helpful.
    As others have probably noticed renown acquired from mobs causes lag. We have tested it over our last two lives and it happens to us all no matter our location ie. east coast west coast or international. We all play on high performance gaming computers mine being only a few months old so age of computer is not an issue. Defiler seems to be one of the harder hit raids but as previously noted you receive renown for each mob killed with the amount of red named it freezes up unless short-manned and even then is nearly unplayable. Chest spawn lag is also an issue tho much less of a problem.

    Another issue that has been causing problem and has been reported is perma walls. Ice storm,fire wall and acid fog that persist until relog. One does not merely get a single stack of aoe in many instances I have gotten up to three stacks of aoe.

    We have been very patient and continue to hold out hope that the patch will help. It will take time but I am sadly hearing of more and more players leaving for more stable games. I know you guys are working hard for a fix you play the game too and if it is broken for us it is for you as well. Keep us posted. Thanks

  20. #320
    Community Member zehnvhex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Here's today's interview with Sev. It's the first six minutes of today's video:

    At about 20 minutes they mention the Cannith Crafting deconstruct lag. I just want to mention I've been having this problem since early on. Sometimes I can mow through items no problem but there are other times where after one or two items it just gets 'stuck' and I have to close and re-open the interface.

    I'd say in a typical 'deconstruct' session where I'm nuking 100 items or so it will get stuck about 13 or 14 times.

    It's gotten to the point where I find it faster to just close the interface as soon as I hit deconstruct and re-open it. Even when it doesn't get stuck about another 30+ times it'll take a few seconds longer for it to register the deconstruct then if I force close the interface and just re-open it quickly.

    I can tell you the following:

    It has happened regardless of what size ingredient bag I have auto-collecting.
    It has happened even with no ingredient bag auto-collecting.
    It has happened with items of all sorts of levels.
    It has happened with me deconstructing or stripping enchantments.
    It has happened on my Windows 7, Windows 8 and now my Windows 10 computer.
    It has happened since at least u24.
    It has happened across 4 different ISP's and 3 different routers/modems.
    It has happened across at least 5 different characters.

    I've tried everything I can think of to eliminate it as a problem on my end though I obviously could be missing something. Given that I'm not the only one reporting the issue though makes me feel there's a commonality that extends beyond some setting I haven't switched.

    As is I'm eagerly looking forward to a crafting revamp since right now there's about a half dozen twink items it's useful for and that's about it. If all it did was fixed the deconstruct lag that alone would keep me giddy for a month straight.

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