1. Server - Khyber
2. Approximate Time - 10:20- Midnight CDT, Monday evening April 11
3. Approximate location of your computer - Alabama
4. Quests/raids run - Shroud
5. Difficulties run - LN
6. Your character class - Deep Gnome Fighter 16/Pally 4 in LD blitzing
7. Number of players in the group - 12 then 1 dropped immediately, 1 DCed towards end and was kicked
8. Anything else you think we should know - Annoyingly playable, lag every 10 seconds or so in part 1, autoattack seemed to work more than button pressing, an ungly 3x killing the bosses in part 2 due to lag from lieutenants dying especially the last one, an ugly 5 round harry due to getting renown from gnolls causing 5~9 seconds of lag, part 5 went fairly smoothly
Group stuck together as much as possible which seemed to help a lot.
Computer/internet kept up with downloading foes, chests.
All in all, a very sluggish 11 man LN Shroud, late Monday right after a "spring break" type weekend is over.
Logged out afterwards, between waiting to fill, and the raid, long time.
No news on static IP yet, went and got my router today.
Pretty clear like to me with the 3rd set of gnolls generating renown several rounds in a row, and suddenly 10 seconds of lag (while harry heals up), renown is definitely a big problem atm. We took harry down by getting lucky and not getting renown from gnolls on last round.