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  1. #1
    Community Member ssgcmwatson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default How about an estimated time until my ticket is addressed?

    Back in the day when I worked customer support for Microsoft products, we had metrics that we strove to meet. Things like "customer waits no more than two minutes on hold" etc.

    If Turbine tracks things like "Time ticket created" vs "Time ticket addressed" there should be a way to make an estimated wait time when you submit a ticket (Number of tickets in the queue times average wait time).

    This will give us an idea if it is worth waiting in a quest for help, or if we should quit out and try running something else.

    UDR Loot Rules:
    1) No griefing people for pulling loot that dropped in their name
    2) When rolling, classes for which the item is "useful" get +10 to the roll
    example: Wiz and Barb both roll on a Torc, the barb saying "I'm TRing into an arcane next week"
    Wiz gets +10 on his roll

  2. #2
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    It depends on the kind of tickets, the time of the day and the day in week.

    GM tickets : between 10 minutes and 3 Hours... it varies depending when in the day and when in week ( longer time during the week end nights [ US Time ] )

    Out of Game Tickets : one or two weeks, after you answered the automatic post asking you if the issue was fixed... ( you need to read really carefully these automatic posts )
    On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...

  3. #3
    Community Member Duana's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    First off, which Microsoft do you work for? Because the customer service I call... eh, nvm.

    Ticket response can range in time, as said above. generally a good way to get a response is to get into a really good group where you are just zinging along through quests. A tell will pop at the most inopportune time. Unless they just close the ticket without tell you.

    Or log out... Just before the screen disappears that light green text appear.

    Once I got passed along to someone else. Their text was blue. I don't know if colors denote ranks but that dude was super cool. I wanted to invite him to a BBQ. I might have asked him to date my sister. I can't remember.

    Once I finally get someone to respond the GM's or CS or whatever they are called always work things out with me and are helpful even when it was me being the dumb ass.

    It's just getting there.
    Thelanis, by way of Xoriat. Forged in the Blood of Butterflies.

    Proud participant of the Xoriat Hate Thread.

  4. #4
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ssgcmwatson View Post
    Back in the day when I worked customer support for Microsoft products, we had metrics that we strove to meet. Things like "customer waits no more than two minutes on hold" etc.
    Microsoft is HUGE. They have a large enough service base that they can have such a thing as an "average" time. Turbine is TINY. So, even if they were to give some kind of estimate like this, it would be a complete wild guess because they don't have enough of a statistical universe to provide such averages. Hence why they don't provide it.

    This may shock you, but the business model for a very large company and a very small one are RADICALLY DIFFERENT.
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