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  1. #1
    Community Member Duana's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Interrupting Repeating Crossbow attack chains

    Hell I didn't know what to call it. I haven't run a repeating xbow build since I tired and hated an Arti. But I rolled up a gnome rogue mechanic and i love it..


    Potions, cannot be inserted into the attack chain for them. I am attacking away, and need some canned hjeals or curatives... For other toons, such as my TA, I click on the pot and whatever i am doing gets interrupted while I drink then I go back to my regularly scheduled programming.

    Healing Spring, Cocoon, mechanics brew, attack boosts, they all work on my repeater build as they do on any other. I click on em and they activate when a break can be made in the attack chain. I am guessing because it does not involve anything from inventory.

    I can kind of get it to work, but it takes spamming the potion button constantly for 3-5 seconds and many times initiates a cooldown timer with no pot being consumed. With the way things are now, a missed pot for me is often a soulstone event. Being ranged that does not happen often, but when it does it really sucks.

    If I want to equip a scroll I have to stop shooting, and wait. The crossbow has to stop shooting, reload, and drop down before I can get a scroll loaded. If I want to change crossbows, I really need to wait.

    I do not remember this **** from my arti. Perhaps the memory was so horrible I blocked it out. Has it always been this way?

    It does not happen on any of my other builds in this way. I assume it has to do with reloading the xbow somehow preventing anything from being inserted mid attack chain.

    Or is it just me?
    Thelanis, by way of Xoriat. Forged in the Blood of Butterflies.

    Proud participant of the Xoriat Hate Thread.

  2. #2
    Community Member Cleanincubus's Avatar
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    May 2010


    You're not imagining it at all, it hasn't always been that way, and it's not just you. It started when they redid the crossbow animation for the Rogue pass (Update 25.) The animation sped up the DPS by removing a pause in there, but now we're left with how it is currently

    Unfortunately the only way to deal with it is to not hold the attack button down, and simply tap it quickly once (sort of "feathering" the mouse button.) Even then, a lot of the time it will still fire off all 3 rounds uninterrupted.

    I found it very annoying at first on my Mechanic, but have gotten use to it now, while TR'ing him 2 times into an Artificer.

    Honestly, I'd recommend switching to a Great Crossbow if it's bugging you too much. Unless I've failed many sarcasm checks, most people claim that great crossbow Mechanic builds are far superior with damage dealing than that of repeaters.
    Last edited by Cleanincubus; 03-19-2016 at 10:51 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Duana's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Cleanincubus View Post
    You're not imagining it at all, it hasn't always been that way, and it's not just you. It started when they redid the crossbow animation for the Rogue pass (Update 25.) The animation sped up the DPS by removing a pause in there, but now we're left with how it is currently

    Unfortunately the only way to deal with it is to not hold the attack button down, and simply tap it quickly once (sort of "feathering" the mouse button.) Even then, a lot of the time it will still fire off all 3 rounds uninterrupted.

    I found it very annoying at first on my Mechanic, but have gotten use to it now, while TR'ing him 2 times into an Artificer.

    Honestly, I'd recommend switching to a Great Crossbow if it's bugging you too much. Unless I've failed many sarcasm checks, most people claim that great crossbow Mechanic builds are far superior with damage dealing than that of repeaters.
    Tks for that. It is nice to know it is not n my head. It is usually not much of an issue, but lately i am running quests on my own (keeps lag down) and I may occasionally **** off a few too many mobs.

    On my elven mechanic, I think folks may be right on the great crossbow. But my Gnomechanic? I don't know. That toon hell on wheels with light repeaters.
    Thelanis, by way of Xoriat. Forged in the Blood of Butterflies.

    Proud participant of the Xoriat Hate Thread.

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