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Thread: Lag idea.

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Lag idea.

    Odds are i'll get an infraction for this and the tread will get deleted, but I propose we start putting in a ticket every time we wipe due to lag. The theory being, if it takes more of their time to respond tan it would to fix it, maybe they'll fix it. plus I see no reason why we should be penalized due to poor servers or whatever the cause of lag is.
    P.s. as sad as it is, I almost hope I get banned so I have a reason to stop playing. been a subscriber since beta but this is killing it for me.
    P.s.s Additional idea. If the lag persists, we should be compensated 1 heroic and 1 epic xp shard. Recompense for time spent lagging around. Just an idea. I know turbine won't do that, but a nice dream, no?
    Last edited by Hesiodthepoet; 03-19-2016 at 12:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Because wasting the customer service guys' time will certainly help the networking team fix the network issues, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hesiodthepoet View Post
    as sad as it is, I almost hope I get banned so I have a reason to stop playing.
    Just take a break. If it's causing you this much frustration, just stop playing for now.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  3. #3
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    Default a response

    yep, I get it. They are separate areas of service. My point was more or less based on frustration and the face that payroll comes outa the same pocket book. If enough customers complain, they will have to make it right. Or so I hope. It's like how you complain to the customer service desk at "Insert major retailer" even though your issue is with the tech desk, or cashier, or whatever. If one area has to deal with irate customers, they pass it on. I know it's not the fault of the devs that can help us in game. I also feel that we shouldn't be "punished" with lag. The lag is their issue. they should, please, fix it or make it right with us. And as for taking a break, why should I have to take a break from a game I enjoy playing as a result of an issue on the development side of things? One that has lasted for weeks now? I respect other's opinions, but this is mine. Please respect it as well.

  4. #4
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    This is like asking why should you stop eating at your favorite restaurant when they've just had a fire that demolished the kitchen. And, further, declaring that they "owe it to you" to "make it right".

    We already got a huge amount of free stuff for the 10th anniversary--stuff they gave away just to be nice. Maybe you "owe it to" them to be a little more patient.

    Heck, the amount of free stuff I've gotten out of this game is pretty darn impressive. I've been given hearts, xp stones, entire sets of tomes, free alignment changes, multiple raiders boxes, stacks of free LR's and +20 hearts . . . and some of those were given because I screwed up, not because of any bug in the game itself. if I were to total up the cash value, its probably worth more than the price of my sub for all 6 years I've been playing.

    Harassing Turbine while they fix a problem isn't some Grand Crusade against the Tyrannical Injustice of the Vile Oppressor. It's just being a jerk.
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  5. #5
    Community Member skorpeon's Avatar
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    Default Free stuff?

    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    This is like asking why should you stop eating at your favorite restaurant when they've just had a fire that demolished the kitchen. And, further, declaring that they "owe it to you" to "make it right".

    We already got a huge amount of free stuff for the 10th anniversary--stuff they gave away just to be nice. Maybe you "owe it to" them to be a little more patient.

    Heck, the amount of free stuff I've gotten out of this game is pretty darn impressive. I've been given hearts, xp stones, entire sets of tomes, free alignment changes, multiple raiders boxes, stacks of free LR's and +20 hearts . . . and some of those were given because I screwed up, not because of any bug in the game itself. if I were to total up the cash value, its probably worth more than the price of my sub for all 6 years I've been playing.

    Harassing Turbine while they fix a problem isn't some Grand Crusade against the Tyrannical Injustice of the Vile Oppressor. It's just being a jerk.
    Free stuff? a bunch of pixels most of which really did not change how I play the game. What has changed the way I play the game is the Lag.

    Every night since the server change I have been in groups where lag has part a significant in the game play experience. I have not read all the other lag threads as yet, but I am asking that this is given a priority as it will be the one thing that will stop people playing. I want to continue to play (with others) and hope more people will join the game and stay. In the current state I can not see that happen!
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  6. #6
    Community Member biggin's Avatar
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    I would imagine the store is way down in sales as it is. I know the majority of my purchases were raid timers and I can't think that anyone has bought one since Lagzilla hit.
    There is no lag. Just because you had none before and can't play now doesn't mean the server move had anything to do with it.

  7. 03-19-2016, 09:07 AM

  8. #7
    Community Member
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    [QUOTE=PsychoBlonde;5803106]This is like asking why should you stop eating at your favorite restaurant when they've just had a fire that demolished the kitchen. And, further, declaring that they "owe it to you" to "make it right".

    Exactly. It would be like sitting down to order dinner, waiting for a reasonable period of time and asking the waiter what the issue is. Then the waiter never even responds and you wait a bit more. Eventually you realize that the kitchen may or may not have burned down, no one will answer. So then you ask for free breadsticks while you wait. That is exactly what I was asking for. It costs turbine exactly nothing to give us that "free stuff".

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