I'm trying to get a good friend of mine into DDO. He loves healing in games, so I'm still looking for a build for him...

Anyways, that means someone has to tank, and to hell with hirelings.

So my question is pretty much what the title says. Which one would last longer? Which one would keep a party alive longer? Which one would simply do the most damage (Which, I know, equals keeping threat/hate)?

Some basic info:

*I really, really like barbarians actually. But when I asked this friend of mine what he'd rather heal, he said Paladin. Granted, he doesn't know jack squat about the game.
*I managed to round it up to 400 HP for a Paladin and 1000 HP for a Barbarian at endgame, using the character planner, and thorix's barbarian build, and the Sacred Vanguard S&B for the pally.
*I have a good build ready to use for a Barbarian (Thorix), but really nothing for a Paladin.