The Damsels of DDO take over DDOCast for a week with a hilarious rendition of the week’s news!
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DDO Chronicle 182
Port Forwarding Updates and Changes
DDO Unlimited: Interview with Voice Actress Cindy Robinson -
Shady Rogues: Captives of the Cult
DDO Players News: Shady Rogues Interview
DDO Gamer: Anniversary Party Challenge
DDO Gamer: Why is Malicia So Popular?
Axel: 10th Anniversary Party Playthrough -
Order of Syncletica: Ascetic Guardian Revisited
LoreHound: Tips for a 2016 DDO Newbie
Tactilicious & Craftilicious: Me Myself and My Gnome
Massively Overpowered: Guide to MMO Death Penalties
MMO Play: DDO 10th Anniversary Review