Hi Casters!
I have always loved playing a caster, however after returning from a 3-year break a lot of stuff is weird and I would like to be informed about some things. I am trying to determine what my next life would be, but what I knew then is totally different from today's game. If you wouldn't mind answering a couple questions, I would love you very much.
1. Where do Clerics/FvS stand in today's end-game? Talking about pure or maybe a monk splash if that is still a thing. Caster-specced, healer, etc? I was told "everyone" is now self-sufficient from heroics to epics, and they don't really have a space in raids anymore unless they melee. How true is this? I certainly do not see a lot of clerics or favored souls these days. While I was always happy with BYOH groups, BYOH raids? How interesting.
2. Bards, can they nuke now? Feats like Ruin, Arcane Pulse, etc. Had me wondering if their SP pool, and their sonic dot/slas, plus some others are viable or is this just an idea that needs to be wiped from my head? I would love to make a bard caster who could do some spell DPS, but I'm not sure how well this would go.
3. Warforged for caster self-healing or is Cacoon on a fleshie really "that good"?
4. Artificers and the Archanotechnician Enhancement Tree + DI (Electric), while I do see a potential to spam the SLAs, the arty spells, and having energy burst + vortex. Is this a silly idea as well? What exactly is immune to electricity other than Raiyum and Abbot?
5. Lastly, Assuming you only had gear from late 2013... If you only had these past lives which caster class would you TR into and why? 3x Wiz, 3x Sorc, 3x Fvs, 1x Cleric, 1x Druid, 1x Monk, 1x Paladin - 1x PDK
Thank you in advance, I'm trying to learn as much as I can but I generally feel like a new player all over again!