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There is nothing inherent in the ranger class or any of its enhancement trees that requires you to use a sneaking playstyle (i.e. sneaking through quests to minimize kills instead of slaughtering everything that moves). You can sneak if you want to, and rangers in general have some synergy with that playstyle, but so do a variety of other classes, even some you wouldn't normally consider "sneaky." But that is a playstyle choice for each of those builds, not a requirement. The only build that requires sneaking as an inherent part of the playstyle is the assassin, and that is because you must be in sneak mode to use assassinate, so sneaking is something you are simply going to be doing on that build. But no other build "requires" sneaking.
Deepwood stalker does get some sneak attack damage, but this has nothing to do with the sneaking playstyle. Anytime an enemy is not aggroed on you and you are attacking them, you automatically get sneak attack damage. That's just how sneak attack damage works for any class. There are also a number of abilities and effects that can "induce" sneak attack damage on an enemy or enemies even if they are aggroed on you (e.g. deception, improved deception, bluff, exposing strike/sniper shot). So going deepwood stalker has nothing to do with sneaking. Don't let that deter you.
White Feather Sniper in my sig can be adapted for acid arrows, which are the better option for leveling. I designed the build for endgame so I list electric arrows in the OP. Even though I designed the build for endgame, it should be solid for leveling as well.
Terror arrows are somewhat problematic. First, if you group with others, no one likes mobs that run away. If you're goal is crowd control, then you'd be better off with paralyzing arrows in that situation. And if you're goal is to kill them outright, then you'd be better off with elemental arrows, which offers a lot of damage when you keep your spell power up. Second, phantasmal killer only procs on a vorpal (i.e. 5% of the time) and the enemy must fail 2 saves - first a will save, then a fort save. If you are keeping your DC up, then the will save probably won't be an issue, but fort saves can get pretty high on mobs, especially as you get higher in levels. Third, it's unclear what the DC is for the phantasmal killer portion of terror arrows. The fear effect uses the standard Will save vs. DC: 20 + Wisdom Modifier + Enchantment Spell Bonuses, but there is no indication how the DC is calculated for the phantasmal killer effect, which is an illusion spell. It may very well be the same formula, but as far as I know, no one knows for sure.
So overall, terror arrows just don't seem that great imo. I'd be reluctant to build around them. During heroics, you can probably kill most stuff before it reaches you with just elemental arrows. As you get into epics and things aren't dying as quickly, you can switch to paralyzing arrows and keep them in place while you and the group take them down. The CC of paralyzing arrows is particularly valuable in legendary elite content where mobs will one shot most players.
Regarding deepwood stalker vs arcane archer, I'd mostly agree with unbongwah's comments. To some extent, you want to invest in both. Beyond that, it's a matter of what you want your build to emphasize - burst dps or consistent dps. If you want to focus on burst dps, then tier 5 arcane archer for slaying arrows while running in fury of the wild destiny is still the optimal choice. But archers are no longer limited to only burst dps as they were before the revamp. They have some solid options for consistent dps now. If you want to focus on consistent dps, then tier 5 deepwood stalker is the better choice. Dreadnaught will offer the most consistent dps with the lowest burst dps, whereas divine crusader will offer a middle ground of consistent and burst dps between fury and dreadnaught.
The difference between the deepwood stalker capstone and arcane archer capstone is build dependent. I did dps calcs for my specific build and the deepwood stalker capstone came out ahead. I can't say that will be true for every build though. For my build, the difference was almost non-existent with no burst effects (e.g. manyshot, zeal of the righteous, ranged power boost), but deepwood stalker pulled way ahead when all boosts were at their peak simultaneously.
So, aside from the basic investments mentioned by unbongwah, what enhancement trees you choose to focus on will depend more on what you want your build to do.