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  1. #41


    Not sure why people are calling current random loots vendor trash at any level of the game. True there are mostly better effects on epic shroud at cap but the recent random loot revision of U29 moved around a lot of effects to different loot items (especially caster), scaled up per level a number of effects (stats, insightful stats, fort, spell power effects) and in some cases above what you can get on any raid loot (esp older raid loot - though raid/named loot will mostly have more total effects).

    Prior to U29, I had no random gen loot on capped characters and only looked at chest contents for their named items. There's now at least some amount of looking... which is better than the previous 2 years of DDO.
    Casual DDOaholic

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gratch View Post
    Not sure why people are calling current random loots vendor trash at any level of the game. True there are mostly better effects on epic shroud at cap but the recent random loot revision of U29 moved around a lot of effects to different loot items (especially caster), scaled up per level a number of effects (stats, insightful stats, fort, spell power effects) and in some cases above what you can get on any raid loot (esp older raid loot - though raid/named loot will mostly have more total effects).

    Prior to U29, I had no random gen loot on capped characters and only looked at chest contents for their named items. There's now at least some amount of looking... which is better than the previous 2 years of DDO.
    No kidding. My main toon maybe has two pieces of named loot on regularly and tons of random loot that is pretty good. The rest are using some cannith crafted things and also random loot.

    Not sure why there's any hate for this. It may not benefit everyone equally, but for people like me who're relatively new to 20+ content, it's a nice thing.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordTigerDawn View Post
    After running To Curse the sky on en, and eh today. Until ransack, and getting the same about of plat from both difficulties and then later tavern brawl on en also getting the same amount of plat as the curse the sky. Then running Tempest on LH with guild bonus running (base 33+1), same plat as lvl 32. This is a thing.

    +1 guild bonus
    +1 gem bonus
    +15 treasure hunting potion
    (+10 world bonus treasure hunting)

    were running.

    the plat was consistent with lvl 32 and the stats on items also were consistent with lvl 32. A lot of special master crafted items popped, which one 1 of them I kept as it was a good combo of stuff, not because the stats were great.
    If you are going to pay for treasure hunting potions I think you also need to pay for +2 gems (level 33 loot instead of 32). Otherwise you aren't getting your money's worth....

  4. #44
    Community Member Nyata's Avatar
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    I have to say I like this version of loot bonus better than getting level 18 loot while I am level 12.... at least now I might be pulling some awesome item I can use *right now*. and actually got the first nice thingee already today, a necklace with +6 con, +2 insightful con, corrosion 50something (I forgot) for level 11. if that is vendor trash to some people, they are spoiled.

  5. #45
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gratch View Post
    Not sure why people are calling current random loots vendor trash at any level of the game.
    Just speaking personally - it's the Mad Libs aspect of it. There hardly any rhyme or reason to it - and most of it is mishmashed junk, or something suitable to only a handful of niche-builds. And I like niche builds, but still... It takes more then a minor miracle to actually find something worth a ****, let alone usable. At least for me.

    And the naming structure is just badly designed, imho. Much much less intuative then it used to be - and a lot more muddled then it needed to be. At least for me.

    This weekend's bonus may help me see more of a silver-lining to it all - but the Loot Change is one of the worst changes this game has enacted. At least for me.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    If you are going to pay for treasure hunting potions I think you also need to pay for +2 gems (level 33 loot instead of 32). Otherwise you aren't getting your money's worth....

    All the +1 gems come from the monster manual rewards and daily dice rolls.
    Lunality, Sorcality, Tunality, Axation, Causation, Shurality, Desparality, Stingality and a few more...

  7. #47
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Just speaking personally - it's the Mad Libs aspect of it. There hardly any rhyme or reason to it - and most of it is mishmashed junk, or something suitable to only a handful of niche-builds. And I like niche builds, but still... It takes more then a minor miracle to actually find something worth a ****, let alone usable. At least for me.

    And the naming structure is just badly designed, imho. Much much less intuative then it used to be - and a lot more muddled then it needed to be. At least for me.

    This weekend's bonus may help me see more of a silver-lining to it all - but the Loot Change is one of the worst changes this game has enacted. At least for me.

  8. #48
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Just speaking personally - it's the Mad Libs aspect of it. There hardly any rhyme or reason to it - and most of it is mishmashed junk, or something suitable to only a handful of niche-builds. And I like niche builds, but still... It takes more then a minor miracle to actually find something worth a ****, let alone usable. At least for me.

    And the naming structure is just badly designed, imho. Much much less intuative then it used to be - and a lot more muddled then it needed to be. At least for me.

    This weekend's bonus may help me see more of a silver-lining to it all - but the Loot Change is one of the worst changes this game has enacted. At least for me.
    Odd, I like the change overall because it makes it easier to scale, control and modify.

    I just wish it made named loot appear +10 more often.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordTigerDawn View Post
    +1 guild bonus
    +1 gem bonus
    +15 treasure hunting potion
    (+10 world bonus treasure hunting)
    A lot of special master crafted items popped, which one 1 of them I kept as it was a good combo of stuff, not because the stats were great.
    Just curious, were you getting like 30% masterful craft items? And were you seeing them as end rewards?

    I know Cordo said it didn't affect end rewards but in the 2 quests I ran with turn ins (still doing my anniversary party runs) I got 3 masterful craft items which seems much higher (but not statistically significant with 2 turn ins only). This was with no treasure hunting pot (so just +10).

    I'm just curious if augments/masterful craft/3rd power normally appear 5% of the time and the world bonus increases it to 15 so with a pot would be like 30%?

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    It's interesting that someone on the Players Council copied a speculative post in a Council forum discussion into a non-Council thread, since we're still investigating this issue.
    Congratulations on your Players Council selections?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    Wow, this is harsh. I think too harsh. But what I think isn't important or what matters, sorry bud. I think you've gone out of your way to bow out gracefully and with dignity though.
    Yeah, it seems that his intentions were good and the penalty was harsher than many other PC members deserve for their actions on these forums which have gone unaddressed at all by Turbine. But expecting a consistent response from customer facing Turbine employees (except their CS reps, who are fairly awesome) is probably not a reasonable expectation.
    Last edited by Kompera_Oberon; 03-10-2016 at 11:31 PM.

  11. #51
    Community Member Pehtis's Avatar
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    Default Gasp!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mikarddo View Post
    I made a bad judgement call. I read the reply to me in the PC as just an open answer to my question which could as well have been sent in PM or on the open part of the board - and hence not something covered by the NDA as it wasnt about anything "secret". In retrospect I should have asked before copying that to the open part of the forum but it didnt cross my mind at all at the time.

    As can be seen that was a grave mistake for which I do apologise and I fully accept and respect the decision that this means I am no longer on the PC.

    I am happy that the chest level mechanic is finally investigated but I am very sorry that I caused problems in the process.

    There is only one TRUE penalty for this treachery.
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  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikarddo View Post
    I made a bad judgement call. I read the reply to me in the PC as just an open answer to my question which could as well have been sent in PM or on the open part of the board - and hence not something covered by the NDA as it wasnt about anything "secret". In retrospect I should have asked before copying that to the open part of the forum but it didnt cross my mind at all at the time.

    As can be seen that was a grave mistake for which I do apologise and I fully accept and respect the decision that this means I am no longer on the PC.

    I am happy that the chest level mechanic is finally investigated but I am very sorry that I caused problems in the process.

    This is a really unfortunate consequence for a breach which sounds accidental and not particularly serious.

    You have always come across like a decent, reasonable and thoughtful person on these forums. I would prefer it if you were allowed to remain on the PC and hope that this decision will be reconsidered.

    There's no reason to go all 'extreme prejudice' on someone over an honest mistake. If anything, it suggests a lack of clarity in what PC members can and can't discuss, which cannot only be the fault of its members.


  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by blerkington View Post

    This is a really unfortunate consequence for a breach which sounds accidental and not particularly serious.

    You have always come across like a decent, reasonable and thoughtful person on these forums. I would prefer it if you were allowed to remain on the PC and hope that this decision will be reconsidered.

    There's no reason to go all 'extreme prejudice' on someone over an honest mistake. If anything, it suggests a lack of clarity in what PC members can and can't discuss, which cannot only be the fault of its members.

    I'd agree that taken on case-by-case basis, Mik's post is a fairly minor transgression and should've at most resulted in a suspension rather than booting from the PC. That said, the PC's NDA is pretty clear and non-vague on the matter: (in short) if its on the PC forum, don't put it elsewhere. I suspect last year's posting of the (at the time of the posting) entire PC forum on "the other site" may be influencing the zero tolerance response to this occasion.
    I would still like to see... Something that tests character versatility and player adaptability rather than character focus strength and quest knowledge.
    I play the quests for the content of the quests not just as an XP/min merry-go-round.
    Actual play experience is worth infinitely more than theorycrafting...

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    I'd agree that taken on case-by-case basis, Mik's post is a fairly minor transgression and should've at most resulted in a suspension rather than booting from the PC. That said, the PC's NDA is pretty clear and non-vague on the matter: (in short) if its on the PC forum, don't put it elsewhere. I suspect last year's posting of the (at the time of the posting) entire PC forum on "the other site" may be influencing the zero tolerance response to this occasion.

    This sounds like a fair reading of the situation and if I recall correctly you were on the PC at one time too. But it does seem like the guidelines were not as clear to Mikkardo as they were to you, so perhaps there is some room for improvement there.

    Still, I think there should be room for lenience in cases like this. It seems like a minor breach with no serious consequences that was the result of a misunderstanding rather than an attempt to harm the company. So why not make an allowance given that they are dealing with someone who wants to make the game better by giving up his time to serve? That is exactly the sort of player who should be supported, not punished, and it also seems like he is remorseful for what happened.

    Someone in this situation should not be treated the same way as someone who is discovered to be deliberately leaking much more sensitive information on a large scale. All this decision does is deprive the company of potentially valuable input from an invested community member, which is not a good outcome.

    Showing us all how tough the company can be when it comes to enforcing its NDA is pointless in itself and may actually be counterproductive. It is not Mikkardo's fault other people broke the NDA more seriously but it sounds like he is being punished for that too.

    Last edited by blerkington; 03-11-2016 at 03:02 AM.

  15. #55
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    ****, you really showed him.

    When dude was just trying to shed little light on a long standing mystery of chest levels.
    After you are trying to sell us something you don't even know what it exactly does but it must be good for ze loot, right ?

    I get it, gotta make money from Store cause the content and technical state of the game have been really ****** for quite a long time. So lower drop rates, chest levels, astral shards rerolls, nonexistent lesser hearts and tome ingame. Can't wait for "spawn second chest" loot gem.

    Extreme Prejudice™ against a "wrong" person.

    Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer

  16. #56
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    +10 says very little without knowing what the roll is and what is needed for a roll to be "lucky".

    If its 1d100 and only a 100+ gives the lucky roll +10 is amazing.
    If its 1d10000 and 9500+ gives a luck roll +10 adds very little.

    I dont expect to see the details but without those its hard to know in advance if +10 matters or not.
    Last edited by mikarddo; 03-11-2016 at 03:44 AM.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  17. #57
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    To those trying to defend me. Thank you for the kind words but please dont.

    I made a very clear mistake and I fully understand, accept and respect the decision made. If anything I just wish for it to be forgotten rather than cause more strife.

    Thank you.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  18. #58
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    I guess I'm just puzzled by what this bonus actually does... and so far all the attempts at clarification just muddy the waters further. What exactly does it mean to "get lucky" with loot? Beyond bringing up too-horrible-to-contemplate images of Mimics, that is.

    I'm honestly confused.

    It's a +10 bonus to that Hidden Loot Luck score that *ahem* doesn't exist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nyata View Post
    I have to say I like this version of loot bonus better than getting level 18 loot while I am level 12.... at least now I might be pulling some awesome item I can use *right now*. ....
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 03-11-2016 at 04:51 AM.
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  19. #59
    Community Member Rys's Avatar
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    ROFL. PC is becoming a running joke.

  20. #60
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikarddo View Post
    To those trying to defend me. Thank you for the kind words but please dont.

    I made a very clear mistake and I fully understand, accept and respect the decision made. If anything I just wish for it to be forgotten rather than cause more strife.

    Thank you.
    What mistake lol When I saw the quote, I thought it was a PM anyway. Removing you for that shows the real nature of the PC. You were one of the few I liked in the PC of this year, now it's even more loaded with yes-men and obvious fanbois.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rys View Post
    ROFL. PC is becoming a running joke.
    It is already.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

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