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  1. #1
    Community Member bruener's Avatar
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    Default LR and my Assassin

    Im back after about a 2 yr leave of absence :-). Seems there have been alot of changes since I've been gone. I'm still wrapping my head around them, like vorpal on a lvl 3 weapon??? lol. When I left it seemed that for Assassin you wanted to go Int based. Now it seems that Dex is the way to go. Am i understanding this correctly? if so is it worth LRing my toon? I'm not about to TR and start over, I just dont have the time to grind up another toon. I'm an altaholic as it is :-). This toon was all about assassination and traps and I would still like to go that route. From what i have read it seems halfling is best but this toon is human and its just going to have to remain human.
    also is it any different LRing a lvl 26 toom compared to one 20 and under? I just dont want to loose anything or have to start over at lvl 20. my guess is its no different but I batter ask cause you cant go back :-).

    thanks for the help
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  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruener View Post
    When I left it seemed that for Assassin you wanted to go Int based. Now it seems that Dex is the way to go. Am i understanding this correctly?
    Okay, so brief history:
    • When Update 25 (U25) buffed rogues, one of the changes was that Assassinate DC is now based on INT or DEX, whichever stat is higher. Since Shadow Dodge provides +3 DEX (with no comparable bonus to INT), it made DEX Assassins able to hit higher Assassinate DCs. Hence the switch to DEX Assassins.
    • But then U29 comes along, raises the level cap to 30, and adds a bunch of new epic / ED feats, one of which is Dire Charge: "Charge forward at the targeted foe. That foe and all nearby foes are subject to +2[w] damage and have a chance to be stunned. Stun DC is (20 + highest ability modifier + bonus to stun attacks). 12 second cooldown." Note that its DC is based on your highest ability mod and boosted by Stunning bonuses, which includes Know the Angles. So now INT Assassins are back in vogue in some quarters, in order to hit higher Dire Charge DCs.

    And yes, I'm aware those threads are by the same builder.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3


    just to add--
    rogue crafted web & other magical traps can be buffed in the mechanic tree for 8AP. An INT rogue wearing disable device stat gear (like the eUtility Vest which you might have) can get the DCs very high--the DC with the full enhancement line is your disable device skill! So consider this also and make web, hold monster & glitterdust traps.

    In my sig is a link called weave in the fade & stealth guides too
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  4. #4
    Community Member bruener's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Okay, so brief history:
    • When Update 25 (U25) buffed rogues, one of the changes was that Assassinate DC is now based on INT or DEX, whichever stat is higher. Since Shadow Dodge provides +3 DEX (with no comparable bonus to INT), it made DEX Assassins able to hit higher Assassinate DCs. Hence the switch to DEX Assassins.
    • But then U29 comes along, raises the level cap to 30, and adds a bunch of new epic / ED feats, one of which is Dire Charge: "Charge forward at the targeted foe. That foe and all nearby foes are subject to +2[w] damage and have a chance to be stunned. Stun DC is (20 + highest ability modifier + bonus to stun attacks). 12 second cooldown." Note that its DC is based on your highest ability mod and boosted by Stunning bonuses, which includes Know the Angles. So now INT Assassins are back in vogue in some quarters, in order to hit higher Dire Charge DCs.

    And yes, I'm aware those threads are by the same builder.
    Ah i thought assassinate was only int based at one time. i couldn't remember tho. i take alot of extended breaks. seems like every time i come back i have to retool the toons lol, Thx for the info
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  5. #5
    Community Member bruener's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    just to add--
    rogue crafted web & other magical traps can be buffed in the mechanic tree for 8AP. An INT rogue wearing disable device stat gear (like the eUtility Vest which you might have) can get the DCs very high--the DC with the full enhancement line is your disable device skill! So consider this also and make web, hold monster & glitterdust traps.

    In my sig is a link called weave in the fade & stealth guides too
    honestly i have never bothered with traps or shadow walk. I checked out the link in your sig. seems like i have been missing out. Thx a lot
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  6. #6
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    I still prefer int assassins, as do some other people. I honestly don't think it's a big enough difference (if a difference at all) to actually retool from int to dex. Plus, if you have the harper tree, know the angles is still a good chunk of damage to use in general combat, even excluding dire charge (which is still worth looking at).
    A little snark, no vitriol.
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  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruener View Post
    Ah i thought assassinate was only int based at one time.
    That's correct.

    The two big advantages of DEX Assassins are higher Assassinate DCs and don't need a DEX tome for your feat pre-reqs (namely DEX 21 for Imp Sneak Atk); the two big advantages of INT Assassins are higher Dire Charge DCs and higher trap skills. There are secondary advantages too, but those are the main differences, IMO.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    That's correct.

    The two big advantages of DEX Assassins are higher Assassinate DCs and don't need a DEX tome for your feat pre-reqs (namely DEX 21 for Imp Sneak Atk); the two big advantages of INT Assassins are higher Dire Charge DCs and higher trap skills. There are secondary advantages too, but those are the main differences, IMO.
    The dex assassins can use the acrobat tree for defensive boosts. Tier 4 lets Improved defensive roll trigger at 50% hp; you can raise your dodge cap, kip-up, haste boost and shadow dodge gives dex & dodge. Halfling improves further here by adding moar dex, dodge & sneak.

    This results in not enough AP for KtA but the haste/mp power boosts can make up for its loss.

    Dex assassins can scroll Tenser's (+4 Dex) & before LGS & the new random loot, there were simply many easier ways to boost Dex whereas INT was limited. (Note too that MS/HS are dex skills.) Then 'festive' (spooky) Stacking INT augments were introduced too, closing the gap.

    INT assassins can pump up dire charge, improved traps & KtA; dex ones have all-around survivability & great DPS.

    Daggers became the best weapon due to knife spec & Assassin's Kiss. Kukris only have the EMG which gets outclassed later. However, if you plan on all the grindy epic crafting for your rogue & might TR into some other melee class, kukris are more viable due to the vastly better crit range for other classes.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
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  9. #9
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    The dex assassins can use the acrobat tree for defensive boosts. Tier 4 lets Improved defensive roll trigger at 50% hp; you can raise your dodge cap, kip-up, haste boost and shadow dodge gives dex & dodge. Halfling improves further here by adding moar dex, dodge & sneak.
    For F2P DEX Assassin (elf or halfling w/Dragonmark): 12+ APs Racial (Gtr DM), 41-42 APs Assassin (T5s + capstone), rest of APs into Acrobat (Shadow Dodge, T4s + Kip Up).
    Daggers became the best weapon due to knife spec & Assassin's Kiss.
    You were the one who argued against Assassin's Kiss. Have you since changed your mind?
    Kukris only have the EMG which gets outclassed later. However, if you plan on all the grindy epic crafting for your rogue & might TR into some other melee class, kukris are more viable due to the vastly better crit range for other classes.
    If we're talking lootgen or Cannith-crafted weapons, kukris beat daggers for lvls 1-11 due to better crit specs. For named weapons, Sky Pirate's Dagger and Tiefling's Assassin Blade are definitely the best ML:4 options, IMO, and 3BC farming isn't hard - tedious, but not hard. [Maybe you'll get lucky and pull a Kobold Uniform while you're at it.] If you like kukris, Giant Stalker's Knives are easy to come by and good for ogres & trolls as well as giants; or a couple of Blood Machetes, although Sheridan's Wrack probably make more sense.

    Then you get to lvl 12 and take Improved Crit + Knife Spec; you could stick with kukris, but like you said, there are far more named daggers and Guardian of the Liturgy is great for ML:12.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    For F2P DEX Assassin (elf or halfling w/Dragonmark): 12+ APs Racial (Gtr DM), 41-42 APs Assassin (T5s + capstone), rest of APs into Acrobat (Shadow Dodge, T4s + Kip Up).

    You were the one who argued against Assassin's Kiss. Have you since changed your mind?

    If we're talking lootgen or Cannith-crafted weapons, kukris beat daggers for lvls 1-11 due to better crit specs. For named weapons, Sky Pirate's Dagger and Tiefling's Assassin Blade are definitely the best ML:4 options, IMO, and 3BC farming isn't hard - tedious, but not hard. [Maybe you'll get lucky and pull a Kobold Uniform while you're at it.] If you like kukris, Giant Stalker's Knives are easy to come by and good for ogres & trolls as well as giants; or a couple of Blood Machetes, although Sheridan's Wrack probably make more sense.

    Then you get to lvl 12 and take Improved Crit + Knife Spec; you could stick with kukris, but like you said, there are far more named daggers and Guardian of the Liturgy is great for ML:12.
    great points! Yes, I have all my epic crafted weapons as kukris but have yet to test the Thug since it was taking forever to grind the ToEE ingredients. I think I have 130 rusty gill and no armor, maybe 50% of what I need from node mushrooms. I lost patience....

    Now I take both IC: piercing and IC: slashing. Not ideal, but I don't always plan to be an assassin on my main.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

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