So, an idea for the favor reward of "Greater Oversword" from Purple Dragon Knights:
A choice of 4
1. Emergency Horn (ok, I don't like the name so much)
Minumum Level: 20
Binds to Character on Acquire
Effect: Calls 3 champion Purple Dragon Knights as summons that will stay and fight with you for 10 minutes. 3 charges.
Description: The 3 purple dragon knights you rescued in the cay'Vorym fighting Pit pledged their life to you. You may call for their help 3 times. Also, their experience from the pit has made them into champions.
2. Drum of Might
Minimum Level: 20
Binds to Character on Acquire
Effect: A sound like thunder that makes nearby enemies be paralyzed by fear (helpless damage) for 1 minute. They are also shaken regardless of the save. Does not affect orange named and bosses. Will save (20 + character level + CHA or STR ability modifier). If your intimidate is less than 50, you also get a fear effect that lasts 15 seconds unless you have a UMD of 50. 3 charges. 2 minutes cooldown.
Description: A magical drum reserved only for the mightiest of the dragon knights. Its effect draws from the power and determination of the wielder to instill grave fear in the minds of its opponents.
3. 5 Commendation: Purple Dragon Knights
4. Legendary Victory