I've been away from the game for a while, before returning in the last couple of weeks. Having a good time so far playing a first life rogue mechanic on a new server. Playing first life, completely un-geared/under-equipped, in a static duo with my girlfriend's pure ranged ranger. Playing much more casually than I used to, so quality of life during the heroic leveling experience is important. Problem is I've been away since before the mechanic pass and I feel like I'm a bit behind the 8 ball.
From the perspective of someone who wants a fun and powerful feeling character on an under-equipped first lifer, throughout the process of leveling from 1 to 30 with no experience bonuses, no twink gear, no guild buffs, etc. . .
Can anyone speak to the pros and cons of staying pure rogue vs. Splashing 2 arti?
The mechanic capstone seems decent, but not exceptional. Dex and int are both good, of course. The stat bonus from the capstone clicky seems helpful. (My character is an int-based drow with Harper for KTA, currently level 10.)
The big advantages of going arti seem to be the free feat and the stats/imbues of a runearm. A lesser but still significant advantage is more SP for KTA epic abilities. If I were playing human, I feel like pure rogue would definitely win - with the extra human feat, getting rapid reload free matters a lot less. But on a drow... I'm really torn.
Right now, at level 10, I'm stuck choosing to drop rapid reload, rapid shot, or precision -- all of which are feats I really want. (Precise Shot and Point blank shot are non-negotiable.) I'll have a similar problem for quite a while, since level 12 will be IC: ranged and then I'll want IPS. Plus, long term, I probably won't be able to fit Insightful Reflexes or Quicken.
Typing all this out, I find myself leaning more and more toward the 2 arti splash - probably for levels 13 and 14, since I dont want to delay Improved Critical. Are there any disadvantages I'm missing? I know there's a bit of lost sneak attack, the capstone itself, etc. And it will mean I don't get to play with expert builder till epic levels. What do you all think?