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  1. #21
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    -> D) "I don't remember."

    You claim to not know your own name. Which is the truth.

    "Hmm, I've heard better excuses...but at least you aren't one of those glory-seeking, 'noble' adventurers that are so common nowadays."

    She opens the door to to the carriage and invites you inside.

    "Come in, I wish to discuss something with you."

    You hesitantly enter the carriage as you lay your eyes on a fair, elegant lady, her dress catches your eyes with a vibrant purple glow.

    She speaks to you while hiding the lower half of her face with a decorative fan.

    "I apologize for acting so sudden, but you see, I need someone to help me acquire something from a certain individual. Should you be successful, I shall reward you appropriately, do you understand?"

    Do you:

    A) Accept the task.
    B) Decline.
    C) Request for more information on what she wants you to do.
    D) Ask why she picked you and not some other random person off the road.
    Last edited by ForgettableNPC; 06-11-2016 at 11:08 AM.
    Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
    Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:

    Having a gold goblet over my head to indicate availability of a quest
    Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
    Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
    Wandering around randomly
    Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
    Repeating the same lines over and over again
    Repeating the same lines over and over again

  2. #22
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    -> D) Ask why she picked you and not some other random person off the road.

    She let out a frustrated sigh as you question her about why she picked you, specifically.

    "Well, if you must know, it's because I frequent these parts rather often; I recognize almost everyone, from the merchants, to the innkeepers, and even the beggars on the streets."

    She continues to explain.

    "I need someone who's not from around here. Especially someone who isn't named, for I need discretion on what I'm about to ask of you."

    She returns to an impatient tone.

    "Now, would you like any other questions answered, or are you going to do the job I ask of you?"

    Do you:

    A) Accept the task.
    B) Decline the task.
    C) Inquire about the task in greater detail.
    D) Ask her who she is.
    Last edited by ForgettableNPC; 06-11-2016 at 11:08 AM.
    Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
    Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:

    Having a gold goblet over my head to indicate availability of a quest
    Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
    Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
    Wandering around randomly
    Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
    Repeating the same lines over and over again
    Repeating the same lines over and over again

  3. #23
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    -> C) Inquire about the task in greater detail.

    "It's a rather simple one, really. I need you to retrieve something that rightfully belongs to my family, and by extension, me."

    You can spy a frown forming between her eyes as she tells you the circumstances.

    "That sniveling scumbag had no place in claiming right to it, and everyone fully knows that it doesn't belong to him, ever!"

    She takes a deep breath, calming herself.

    "...Anyway. All the plans are in motion, I just needed someone unrelated who can't be traced back to me specifically, in the likelihood that you were to fail, understood?"

    Do you:

    A) Accept the task.
    B) Decline the task.
    C) Ask about this "plan" of hers.
    D) Ask who the hell she is.
    E) Ask what happens if you fail.
    Last edited by ForgettableNPC; 06-11-2016 at 11:08 AM.
    Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
    Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:

    Having a gold goblet over my head to indicate availability of a quest
    Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
    Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
    Wandering around randomly
    Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
    Repeating the same lines over and over again
    Repeating the same lines over and over again

  4. #24
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    -> C) Ask about this "plan" of hers.

    "Ah, of course, I have to actually explain it to you..."

    A sigh escapes her lips as she goes over the details of this plan of hers.

    "It's rather simple, really, the only problem is I'm not sure if you're up for it, just that you're the best candidate I can find at this point in time."

    She continues to elaborate.

    "You see, the scumba-the lord who has what belongs to me is hosting a party with many of the nearby other important figures in the area-I'm obviously invited, of course."

    "You'll be accompanying me to the place-at least, until before the front door-so do try to be on your best manners. While I'm tolerating the insufferable presence of the others, you'll be sneaking around and grabbing what you need. It's simple."

    She pauses for a moment as her voice shifts to a slightly dull tone.

    "Though if you're caught, I'll deny all involvement with you and claim you're just trying to pin this on a defenseless, frail lady."

    "I don't care how you do it, lie, cheat, or even seduce someone if you have to-if you even can with that appearance of yours."

    She looks out the window and then turns to you once more.

    "...We're almost to my estate, are you willing to work for me or not? And decide quickly!"

    Do you:

    A) Accept the Task
    B) Reject the Task
    C) Do Something Else
    Last edited by ForgettableNPC; 06-20-2016 at 12:21 PM.
    Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
    Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:

    Having a gold goblet over my head to indicate availability of a quest
    Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
    Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
    Wandering around randomly
    Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
    Repeating the same lines over and over again
    Repeating the same lines over and over again

  5. #25


    accept! Doesn't mean we need to actually do it!
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  6. #26
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    -> A) Accept the Task

    You hesitantly declare that you'll accept the task.

    The lady appears content with your response and closes her eyes as she speaks to the carriage driver the moment you pass through a pair of iron gates.

    "Bring us back in through the back garden, will you? I don't feel up to talking to anyone else for the rest of the day."

    The vehicle turns to the right and you see the iron fencing as you look out the window, the carriage circling around the outside of this estate.

    On the other side is a rather spacious garden emanating with overwhelming greenery of the fertile land underneath.

    The carriage eventually comes to a stop, to a place that you assume is the rear entrance of the estate.

    The lady stays silent and you suddenly meet her gaze, you feel some time pass as you stare into her cold, blue eyes.

    Irritated, she speaks to you as if she lost her patience expecting something of you.

    "Well? It's rude to keep a lady waiting, get up and open the door already, will you?"

    Do you:

    A) Politely open the door for her.
    B) Insult her and tell her to open it herself.
    C) Use an Item.
    D) Turn this into a hostage situation.


    Money: 8 Copper
    Glass full of ooze remains
    Last edited by ForgettableNPC; 06-27-2016 at 02:28 PM.
    Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
    Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:

    Having a gold goblet over my head to indicate availability of a quest
    Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
    Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
    Wandering around randomly
    Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
    Repeating the same lines over and over again
    Repeating the same lines over and over again

  7. #27
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    -> A) Politely open the door for her. (4/4 Votes)

    You rush out and hold the door open for your employer.

    "Good to know you have SOME manners, perhaps this plan isn't so far-fetched after all."

    She sighs with a slight tone of relief. As she steps down the carriage, a rigid voice clears his throat and speaks.

    "Welcome back, milady."

    A tall, bearded man awaits a short distance away, bowing courteously.

    "May I ask who your guest here is? We may have to prepare at least the bare minimum formalities, or-"

    "No need, Hans." The lady interrupts him before he could finish his sentence.

    "You requested for some extra hands around the estate, did you not? Well, I went out of my way to procure one for you. Be honored."

    The servant named Hans raises an eyebrow in surprise, but returns to a subservient tone.

    "Ah yes, of course, I apologize for having troubled you for such a thing, now about this individual...should we begin their training immediately, or should we hold off until the next morning? It is getting quite late, after all."

    The lady stands in place, pondering for a short time before giving her answer.

    "Hmm, I'm in a generous mood, so let them choose as they wish. If you wish to begin your training now, follow Hans and listen to his every word. Should you desire rest, follow Lia over there."

    She gestures to a maid who seemed to be passing by, who turns suddenly at the mention of her name and gives a polite curtsy before walking up near your general vicinity. Your employer continues to walk towards the door before stopping just steps away from it, and turns to you, with a hint of eagerness in her voice.

    "Or if you so choose, I could personally train you to fit my tastes. Though to be warned...I'm not as nice."

    You look over to the others as the lady speaks, Hans looks at you with mild pity in his eyes, while Lia tries not to make eye contact with you, but you can definitely feel sympathy from whenever she does manage to meet your gaze.

    You start rethinking your decisions that got you this far and wonder what you have gotten yourself into.

    Do you:

    A) Follow Hans and immediately start your servant training, might as well get this over with faster.
    B) Follow Lia and get some rest for tonight, it's been a long day.
    C) Follow the lady and hope for the best. Hopefully there are other motives than to just tormenting you.
    D) Run away, don't look back, get as far as away from here.
    Last edited by ForgettableNPC; 07-07-2016 at 01:22 PM.
    Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
    Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:

    Having a gold goblet over my head to indicate availability of a quest
    Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
    Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
    Wandering around randomly
    Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
    Repeating the same lines over and over again
    Repeating the same lines over and over again

  8. #28


    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  9. #29
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    -> C) Follow the lady and hope for the best. Hopefully there are other motives than to just tormenting you. (3/4 Votes)

    You follow behind the lady as she leads you to a rather isolated wing of the estate.

    You greet any other servants that you pass by, as your gestures are returned with an estranged gaze.

    "In here, we can discuss inconspicuously without raising suspicion."

    You're led into a mostly empty, but still well-furnished room, it doesn't appear to have been used for a few months at maximum, yet is still well-maintained.

    The fan that was hiding her visage snaps shut as she turns around to speak to you, with a light smile emanating from her lips.

    "I'm glad to see you managed to muster an iota of intelligence to follow me instead of any others, good work. Perhaps you're not completely clueless as you let on."

    She brings out a series of rather large parchments over to a nearby table, and gestures you to come closer.

    "Come, I'll inform you of the details of the plan and your part in it."

    Do you:

    A) Listen obediently.
    B) Ask her something first.
    C) Attack her without considering the consequences.
    D) Run out of the room.
    Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
    Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:

    Having a gold goblet over my head to indicate availability of a quest
    Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
    Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
    Wandering around randomly
    Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
    Repeating the same lines over and over again
    Repeating the same lines over and over again

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