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  1. #61
    Community Member Tillann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MobiusMk2 View Post
    Somewhat true, but Turbine now states that the minimum OS requirement for PC machines is Windows Vista (yech!). The Wiki still states XP, but that clearly needs to be updated.
    Actually, Turbine changed requirements as the *response* to the problem.

    You can see this article stating such ... (from LoTR forums):

    And it's not even true that Microsoft won't support XP. It does. You have to pay for it, it's cost prohibitive for an individual, but a large business can purchase support.

  2. #62
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    Statistically speaking, Vista is far more vulnerable to security issues than XP since the newer technology allows for vastly more avenues of attack.
    Its likely they took some really bad advice from microsoft, who have been embarrasingly ineffective in killing off XP, and who are in the shadows quietly working on their UWP initiative. This isnt about security.

    To do this moments before their anniversary event adds even more dispicability. I would guess that 20% of their total user base still runs XP (considering its popularity in Europe and Asia), and likely 10% run linux.

    BTW: Neverwinter runs fine on XP. So does Requiem. So does Elder Scrolls.

    Remember when computer engineers were creative, imaginative, solved problems? If I told my clients that their vessel is too old to be lined easily with brick so they should just buy a new vessel, they would take their business to the competition, and they would be right to do so.

  3. #63
    Community Member eris2323's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-2 View Post
    Statistically speaking, Vista is far more vulnerable to security issues than XP since the newer technology allows for vastly more avenues of attack.
    Its likely they took some really bad advice from microsoft, who have been embarrasingly ineffective in killing off XP, and who are in the shadows quietly working on their UWP initiative. This isnt about security.

    To do this moments before their anniversary event adds even more dispicability. I would guess that 20% of their total user base still runs XP (considering its popularity in Europe and Asia), and likely 10% run linux.

    BTW: Neverwinter runs fine on XP. So does Requiem. So does Elder Scrolls.

    Remember when computer engineers were creative, imaginative, solved problems? If I told my clients that their vessel is too old to be lined easily with brick so they should just buy a new vessel, they would take their business to the competition, and they would be right to do so.
    I can't believe that many people are still using XP, you claim 20% - Yeah, it just doesn't feel right.

    DDO also won't run on my commodore 64, who do I talk to about that?
    If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
    - Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona

  4. #64
    Community Member Taimasan's Avatar
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    Migrating data is a huge nightmare. At my job we are working with Windows Server 2008. You will lose stuff, for no reason(or sometimes for a reason) At that point where things are being lost its no point in pointing fingers, you just handle it. It sucks but it is the reality of atleast design on the job I do.

    But I am also starting to wonder if lack of data merging is related to the DDOStore....

    Maybe it is giving out bad stuff so that the child cannot pass through the schema correctly to get to the parent.

    I'm guessing your toon does a data post every time you zone by the responses that I have read. But you can have data post and give errors and be able to do stuff while your locked into that workspace(logged out). But when you try to merge(logging out of the game) that data with DDOMAIN(Main Database). Its not going to post. In my line of work I have this issue when I try to copy and paste tedious landbase buildings and such. It is a pain when I have to build pointless stuff by scratch. But it does no good when I know the stuff is not going to post. Which is also why I believe that when we did our server mergers we lost large portions of data, because people were finding a way to get past a posting error(change the ID sequence for those objects you copy and pasted). Which is why I will find a XFM ID at 2xxxxxxx(which is around what we should be at this point in the progression of a booming area) When working with problem areas I see XFM ID's starting around 4 or 5 and I have been scratching my head on why V8i would do it this way. Now I suspect it is not a quirk of Bentley as people have been suggesting it is.

    I guess its a good thing I am instructed to send these huge projects out to contractors who I then have to QC and take more time than if I actually designed it myself. /sarcasm

  5. #65
    Community Member kanordog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eris2323 View Post
    DDO also won't run on my commodore 64, who do I talk to about that?
    It never had but it did run on XP when I - and other players -signed up, subscribed, downloaded the game etc. Maybe You can still install the game under XP so the point You try to make is not valid. Actually I was glad to have a community like DDO has and not one like Lotro. But it's gone now.
    Plenty people will chose to uninstall instead of buying new Os and new hardware just to be able to play. This game can not really afford not 20 but even 5% drop on sales.
    Last edited by kanordog; 03-06-2016 at 12:18 PM.
    You nerfed my monks, throwers, dailies and alchemists.
    I hardly play anymore, found a better hobby.
    Thank You!

  6. #66
    Founder Roberto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-2 View Post
    BTW: Neverwinter runs fine on XP. So does Requiem. So does Elder Scrolls.
    Technically, so does DDO. The store, however, using software from a different company, doesn't. Thankfully for those that still use XP, that company is working on a fix to make their software work with XP.

  7. #67
    Community Member houxer1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We have been looking into these reports, and are working on a solution.
    well today is the 6th and many of us want into the store to buy some items with our turbine points before they expire today....the items that are back for a limited time. What will Turbine do for us if they can't fix it before the deals and items are gone?
    Mess with the best die like the rest then i take all your loot!!!!

  8. #68
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by houxer1 View Post
    well today is the 6th and many of us want into the store to buy some items with our turbine points before they expire today....the items that are back for a limited time. What will Turbine do for us if they can't fix it before the deals and items are gone?
    I was going to try calling there customer service tomorrow since they are closed today and see if they can and are willing to do it over the phone for me.

  9. #69
    Community Member Knobull's Avatar
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    You should see the JavaScript behind the new Xsolla DDO Store. Scary stuff, it's into the megabytes (minified and gzipped!), piles of Yahoo! User Interface Library and similar cruft (YUI is not even maintained anymore). Two versions of jQuery (1.7.2 & 1.9.0)... I have one session capture here with 2.41 MB of minified JavaScript! It is no surprise that the performance is horrible. You can watch it saturate the cpu when opening the store and browsing it.

    I mean, Doom fits in 431KB of JavaScript: (via emscripten)
    What the heck is the Xsolla store trying to do?

    The whole thing feels like something a buzzword-starry-eyed fresh graduate would do.

    Yes, Chromium(/Awesomium) has announced the end of support for Windows XP, as well as Windows Vista, and Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8, but this has not been done yet and should not be the problem (yet).

    DDO is currently using Awesomium which was released almost two years ago (2014-03-31). So I'm pretty confident that Awesomium is not to blame here. I'd be looking real hard at the insane mess of JavaScript behind the Xsolla store.

    BTW, get your copies of Win7 OEM while you still can. Google has joined the push to foist Win10 on us.
    Last edited by Knobull; 03-06-2016 at 05:06 PM.
    "... none but ourselves can free the mind." - Marcus Garvey, 1937

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knobull View Post
    You should see the JavaScript behind the new Xsolla DDO Store. Scary stuff, it's into the megabytes (minified and gzipped!), piles of Yahoo! User Interface Library and similar cruft (YUI is not even maintained anymore). Two versions of jQuery (1.7.2 & 1.9.0)... I have one session capture here with 2.41 MB of minified JavaScript! It is no surprise that the performance is horrible. You can watch it saturate the cpu when opening the store and browsing it.
    ... ... ...
    DDO is currently using Awesomium which was released almost two years ago (2014-03-31). So I'm pretty confident that Awesomium is not to blame here. I'd be looking real hard at the insane mess of JavaScript behind the Xsolla store.
    What is it with the various "web stores" and horrible messes of scripting anyway? I mean, these days that seems to be the norm, Xsolla is hardly alone in this. (My local co-op supermarket occasionally offers discounts if you preorder stuff through their chain's web store. Wife wants to get that discount, and about half the time I end up spending hours debugging their mess of JavaScript, mangled CSS and whatnot just to be able to do that...)

    And then people wonder why things don't work...
    No longer completely f2p as of November 2014. Father of a few more DDO players.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by eris2323 View Post
    DDO also won't run on my commodore 64, who do I talk to about that?
    You can talk to ME about it sir or madam. I was not asking if it could run on my many 98se boxes, or my 95b box, or windows 3.1, or my TRS-80, or my TI-99-4a, or my Atari 65 XE, or even my apple mac plus. I was not trying to take this to absurdity. I was asking about my WinXP SP3 box. Theres more than a subtle difference in the platforms in regards to the WIN32 API Platform. Im unsure if you were just being a troll, or if you just dont understand, but I would expect more class out of someone thats on the players council, and someone who is the alleged founder of the Griffons Nest. I've always treated your guild with respect. If you have something intelligent to add, I'll consider your ideas, but you have no right to troll me.

    I would not have even taken my fight to these forums had Turbines tech support just established a dialogue and been truthful and honest on the matter. It was only after they tried to feed me a line of garbage that I decided I was going to make them wear it. I do see now that they did change the minimum system requirements to Vista. Im unsure when the change was made, but it said WinXP when I filled out my ticket Monday.

    Much like I dont PVP with my second life character because im at a severe disadvantage, not having store access is about the same. Its a severe disadvantage, and I choose not to endure it. If Turbine doesn't want me as a player, they have only to respond and say the store will never work under winXP again, and I will move on. Cordovan says they are looking into it, and I want to believe he is telling us the truth, but thats neither a yes or a no, so I will again go eat my dinner, play some Neverwinter, and check back tomorrow to see if there is any new information on the topic.

    Last edited by J-2; 03-06-2016 at 06:24 PM.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knobull View Post
    DDO is currently using Awesomium
    Cordovan must be referring to 1.7.5 in his post regarding the 'new' version.
    They did fix some 'long string' crash issues, likely a buffering or dimensional oversight.
    The 'long string' causing the crash could also simply be the result of the client creating a malformed string.

  13. #73
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    Assuming that this does get resolved, is it too much to ask for a repeat of the sales that we missed? Just for a weekend or something?

    There was at least one adventure pack that I wanted to buy, and monk...
    Last edited by guises; 03-09-2016 at 04:58 AM.

  14. #74
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    Any workaround yet?
    (aside replacing the OS)


  15. #75
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    Friday afternoon, after being told this was a security issue, I replied to that email stating that it was garbage and a brush off. (Anyone familiar with the problems of Vista would.) I also inquired if I could 'cash in' my character or sell the profile, neither of which I want to do, and both of which I know are against policy. I only included them to guarantee a response.

    I received this reply Monday.

    'I apologize for any confusion. Windows XP is not a supported operating system for Dungeons and Dragons Online as listed on the system requirement page here:'
    'I would not be able to issue a refund on your previous purchases as you have already used the Turbine Points you purchased. While there may be an update in the future that resolves the issue with Windows XP and the Awesomium process, I cannot guarantee this.'
    'Additionally, as the selling of a game account is a violation of the Terms of Service and the Code of Conduct, I do need to advise you that this action is not permitted.'
    'If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reply to this email and I will be happy to assist you.'

    It is a non-decisive reply in that it does not indicate if a solution exists or if they are willing to implement one. As they have recently updated and also moved their server, I would not be surprised to hear they have a plethora of minor glitches to resolve and tweaks to implement. I fear that if it wasn't before, this is now a very back burner problem that will not receive much attention for at least a few weeks, if at all.

    But even if store compatibility were to be fixed, this would be a very short term solution in that its doubtful they will ever change their minimum requirements back to Windows XP, and that means any future updates/QA/testing will not be evaluated for functionality under XP either.

    For this paladin, it is time to move along. I hope to see you all again. Catch you on Neverwinter.

  16. #76
    2015 Players Council Claver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We have been looking into these reports, and are working on a solution.

    Quote Originally Posted by Claver View Post
    Thanks for staying engaged on this

    Any progress?

  17. #77
    Community Member eris2323's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-2 View Post
    You can talk to ME about it sir or madam. I was not asking if it could run on my many 98se boxes, or my 95b box, or windows 3.1, or my TRS-80, or my TI-99-4a, or my Atari 65 XE, or even my apple mac plus. I was not trying to take this to absurdity. I was asking about my WinXP SP3 box. Theres more than a subtle difference in the platforms in regards to the WIN32 API Platform. Im unsure if you were just being a troll, or if you just dont understand, but I would expect more class out of someone thats on the players council, and someone who is the alleged founder of the Griffons Nest. I've always treated your guild with respect. If you have something intelligent to add, I'll consider your ideas, but you have no right to troll me.

    I would not have even taken my fight to these forums had Turbines tech support just established a dialogue and been truthful and honest on the matter. It was only after they tried to feed me a line of garbage that I decided I was going to make them wear it. I do see now that they did change the minimum system requirements to Vista. Im unsure when the change was made, but it said WinXP when I filled out my ticket Monday.

    Much like I dont PVP with my second life character because im at a severe disadvantage, not having store access is about the same. Its a severe disadvantage, and I choose not to endure it. If Turbine doesn't want me as a player, they have only to respond and say the store will never work under winXP again, and I will move on. Cordovan says they are looking into it, and I want to believe he is telling us the truth, but thats neither a yes or a no, so I will again go eat my dinner, play some Neverwinter, and check back tomorrow to see if there is any new information on the topic.

    And I was merely citing my concern over the accuracy of claimed numbers, with a little joke thrown in.

    Zip up, your feelings are showing.

    So sorry if I offended you.
    If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
    - Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona

  18. #78
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    Default Still having the DDO Store closing out the Game issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We are looking into this.
    Still having the DDO Store closing out the Game issue.

    I updated Firefox.

    Deleted DDO from my DDO partition.

    Re-download the Game.

    Did a full install of DDO.

    Defrag that partition / HD.

    Updated the Nvida Drivers.

    Even tried to open the DDO Store from the Character select screen.

    NO GO… I still do not have access to the DDO Store.

    Next, as per the Windows XP issue… /sigh….

    DDO is 10 years Old and XP was the Operating system of choice then. One of the reasons I play DDO, other then the content, is because I have older systems / devices / software thus look for Older Games to invest my money into / my play time into without having to get new systems and replace devices and software I like. There should be no reason DDO still cannot fully work on XP. In fact Neverwinter, a Perfect World Entertainment game, much newer then DDO runs on XP without lockups every 5+ hours. We cannot even say that about DDO because of its memory leaks. If Turbine drops support for XP; my Groups V.I.P. monthly payments, as we all play at my home on my older systems, then we may move on to other Games that fill our needs. Right now we only play Neverwinter on Fridays and DDO Thursday and Sundays.

    Please FIX the DDO Store issue.

  19. #79
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    the store doesn't close the game for me but I cant get in the store

    Beware the Sleepeater

  20. #80
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    Thumbs up right!

    J-2 is right! you guyz should fix the problem! He bought all those packs and stuff now he can't use it.

    Quote Originally Posted by J-2 View Post
    Friday afternoon, after being told this was a security issue, I replied to that email stating that it was garbage and a brush off. (Anyone familiar with the problems of Vista would.) I also inquired if I could 'cash in' my character or sell the profile, neither of which I want to do, and both of which I know are against policy. I only included them to guarantee a response.

    I received this reply Monday.

    'I apologize for any confusion. Windows XP is not a supported operating system for Dungeons and Dragons Online as listed on the system requirement page here:'
    'I would not be able to issue a refund on your previous purchases as you have already used the Turbine Points you purchased. While there may be an update in the future that resolves the issue with Windows XP and the Awesomium process, I cannot guarantee this.'
    'Additionally, as the selling of a game account is a violation of the Terms of Service and the Code of Conduct, I do need to advise you that this action is not permitted.'
    'If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reply to this email and I will be happy to assist you.'

    It is a non-decisive reply in that it does not indicate if a solution exists or if they are willing to implement one. As they have recently updated and also moved their server, I would not be surprised to hear they have a plethora of minor glitches to resolve and tweaks to implement. I fear that if it wasn't before, this is now a very back burner problem that will not receive much attention for at least a few weeks, if at all.

    But even if store compatibility were to be fixed, this would be a very short term solution in that its doubtful they will ever change their minimum requirements back to Windows XP, and that means any future updates/QA/testing will not be evaluated for functionality under XP either.

    For this paladin, it is time to move along. I hope to see you all again. Catch you on Neverwinter.

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