I'm getting the error mentioned here http://support.turbine.com/link/port...ed-Server-Full so follwed the link here to post about it. Trying to connect to Argonesson and get the message box displyed in the article.
I'm getting the error mentioned here http://support.turbine.com/link/port...ed-Server-Full so follwed the link here to post about it. Trying to connect to Argonesson and get the message box displyed in the article.
I have seen several different posts of issues today. I have an affiliate guild on Argo also, but -- if you do want to temporarily pass the time while this issue is ongoing, stop into Wayfinder for some part-time play:
On Wayfinder server:
My main: Kyll
Guild name: Your Part Time Guild
We're sort of a "Rest Area" for many people in your situation, and we have a Kraken Airship to support, so it's not such grind while part-timing there.
Kyll - Guild leader of Your Part Time Guild on Wayfinder server.
-- Your Part Time Guild has over 750+ Guild Members!
Been getting this for the last hour now. Takes 5-10 attempts to log in and once Ive logging in ddo crashes with no error msg after anything between 2min to 15min.
it's the weekend. prolly won't be 'fixed' for a few days...
I've been getting this Error for the past 5 hours...Which is really annoying cuz I don't want to play another server till it's fixed. Means I have to make a new toon level it up and I just don't wanna play other servers I like Argonesson.
Last edited by WickedRogue; 02-20-2016 at 05:09 PM.
Seems to happen every other time I try to sign in today.
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
Hey, Turbine! Take a look here. This person has one, and only one post. And it's about your poor service. Customer service is important. If *I* was in charge at Turbine, there would be somebody monitoring the servers 24/7. AND there would be someone monitoring these Forums 24/7.
You can't make money when the game doesn't work.
Make this post number two. Sad thing is I'm VIP. And if you think that I'm going to keep paying every month for a server that I can't play then you're crazy. It's been six and a half hours and I still can't get on. The same Game Failed Connection Error Server Full Error.... And Thank you Mindos at least someone watches what's going on around here. I don't post in forums because I'm busy playing your game Turbine. Not to forget I'm not the only one that's been having server problems and big problems since the last update. Server crashing, really big and annoying lag spikes, Bugged Raids, Hell one person in my guild (The Jedi Order) Lost all of his Plat after the last update... What gives? This is a problem and a big one that needs to be fixed... Fast...
I am a VIP having the same issue as well today, but a f2p account I have is able to log in to the server. Is it an error or is the server actually full?
i hope the amount i just paid two weeks ago for my yearly subscription gets taken out of these morons salaries...
Yeah got that for Argo
Beware the Sleepeater
I had this problem now I can't log on my main character. Message says ''character is still being saved''.
Any idea?
I have had this problem in the past, and every time it was solved by rebooting my computer. No idea how/why the DDO client gets so broken to give the false server full messages, but reboots have fixed it for me.
Yea, i've tried rebooting after router and modem refresh. Didn't help. I can log on other characters fine. I've even tried another server and it worked good too. It's only one one character.