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I've been reading the boards, and trying to gauge the if there's any chance DDO devs will be changing the rules on 6mil Karma having to be acquired all in the same sphere.
I'm playing epic levels for the first time and I find that mechanic extremely limiting - as a pure fighter there are not a lot of synergies with the other options in the Martial Sphere, whereas Shiradi would be really cool, but then I would have to 'grind' to get the rest of my Karma to Reincarnate in the Martial Sphere.
As a first time epic player, I almost feel penalized for doing a 'pure' class instead of multi-classing to explore the other trees in my sphere.
At Level 24 I've already capped Dreadnaught - and while there is a fair amount of new content, so much of the content is in fact stuff I've played in Heroics.
If the goal is to reincarnate (which has become a staple game mechanic) how do I not feel the next six levels are are a 'grind' instead of exploring new feats in other spheres with Karma I can use to reincarnate. Yes, questing for better gear is always a goal, but like many I enjoy the character building aspects of the game.
It seems the option to use a 'karma pool' as many have suggested would provide countless ways to explore and experiment with epic levels in other spheres, even if it is with content we've encountered in heroic levels.
I genuinely enjoy DDO and post not to complain - there is no richer game character game out there. But I do look for insight and any insight on what might be in store.
And after I posted - I looked at the character creation screen - fighter is grouped with other melee fighters - Barbarian and Paladin which my fighter would have had more synergies with and would in my mind make a better 'martial' sphere. Again, looking for insight on the mechanic.