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  1. #1
    The Hatchery
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Comprehensive Spell Power, Crit Chance, Crit Damage Breakdowns

    Thread is what it says on the tin. Now includes spell power at all levels!

    Once again I invite everyone to point out errors. There is definitely stuff I've forgotten, but it's all probably quite small. All breakdowns are on this spreadsheet.

    Spell Power totals before class bonuses:

    Ignoring Class sources, the max spellpower for each spell type at a variety of levels is:

    Class bonuses:
    Not gonna do this for every level, but you can probably figure it out. For a level 20 character, this is the total.
    I made some assumptions here, such as number of points spent in a tree. This is spell power per tree, not per class, again figure the build out on your own. "All" is added on to the other bonuses, i.e. Warlock ES gets 72 total Light spell power.

    Warlock ES: +22 all, +50 Light
    Warlock SE: +42 all
    Warlock TS: +30 all

    Sorcerer Savant: +30 all, +85 Acid/Fire/Cold/Elec, +10 Force. Requires stacking bonus by casting spells of appropriate type.

    Wizard AM: +26 all
    Wizard PM: +30 all, +31 Negative
    Wizard AM: Up to +90 with Master of Knowledge, requires casting Arcane Bolt and Arcane Blast

    FvS AoV: +41 all, +30 Fire/Force/Light. Requires stacking bonus by casting spells of appropriate type.
    FvS WP: Assuming only taking up to fourth core, +20 Fire/Light.

    Bard Swash: +20 Sonic. Requires Orb.
    Bard SS: +66 all

    Cleric DD: +45 all, +9 Fire, +6 Force, +18 Neg/Pos
    Cleric WP: +20 Fire/Light
    Cleric RS: +20 all, +81 Pos

    Druid NW: +40 Pos
    Druid SH: +46 all, +30 all except Force/Repair/Negative depending on season.

    Artificer AT: +58 all, +60 Electric
    Artificer BE: +40 all, requires charging rune arm

    Racial Bonus:

    Dragonborn: +30 (fire/elec/cold/acid)

    Gnome: +20 all

    Spell Power Feat Checklist:

    Epic Destiny Feat: 20
    Legendary Feat: 40 (Scion of Fire is recommended though, so unless you're using Fire, you get -10 SP in the desired element)
    Maximize, Empower, Intensify: 300 (does not apply to all spells)
    Empower Healing: 75 (Healing Spells only)
    Past Life Sun Elf, Bladeforged, Deep Gnome: 15/30 (Acid, Light, Repair)

    Spell Power Item Checklist:

    All spell types:
    Gear slots:

    Equipment, from Cannith Crafting, Slavelord Crafting, or named items.

    Implement, from Cannith Crafted, lootgen, or named weapons.

    Insightful, Cannith Crafting or named items.

    Quality, named items

    Competence / Insightful / Quality, for Spellcraft/Heal/Repair/Perform. From Cannith Crafting or Slavelords, various other small bonuses to these skills are available. The spell power values I found also include Heroic Greensteel +6 state item.


    Alchemical : House P vendor pots. They have up to 25 spellpower for all types except force, acid, sonic, and light; +20 potions are available for these.

    Alchemical : Commendations of Valor turn in. These stack with House J pots

    Tome : Mysterious Remanants turn-in. Very small bonus so probably not worth it unless you're just floating 30k remnants or something

    Some spell types:

    150 Enhancement
    (additional) Quality
    37 Exceptional : For Fire/Cold/Ele/Acid/Pos/Neg, LGS provides stacking spell powers including a massive +150 bonus that is not found anywhere else. Maybe a bug? Who knows.

    Guild : All spell types except Force and Repair. Acid and Cold are bugged.

    Destiny Sources of Spell Power:

    Draconic tier 3: +30 Acid/Fire/Cold/Elec
    Draconic tier 4: +20 Acid/Fire/Cold/Elec. Cannot be taken for same or opposing element as tier 3 bonus

    Fatesinger core 6: +10 Sonic, Light, and Positive
    Fatesinger tier 1: +6 Sonic
    Fatesinger tier 3: +60 Sonic, +15 Force/Pos/Neg
    Fatesnger tier 3: +9 Acid/Fire/Cold/Elec. Stance, cannot be toggled with others.
    Fatesinger tier 4: +25 Positive. Stance, cannot be toggled with others.
    Fatesinger tier 4: +6 Acid/Fire/Cold/Elec/Repair. Stance, cannot be toggled with others.

    Crusader core 3: +10 Positive
    Crusader tier 1: +5 all
    Crusader tier 2: +30 Fire
    Crusader tier 3: +20 all. Requires casting Fire/Light/Pos spells to stack bonus.

    Angel tier 1: +30 Pos/Light
    Angel tier 4: +30 Pos/Light. Requires casting Light/Pos spells to stack bonus.

    Spell Power Boosts:

    Draconic core 6: +50, 20 seconds, four minute cooldown
    Wellspring of Power feat: +150, 30 seconds, three minute cooldown

    Action Boost, from class: +30, 20 seconds, 30 second cooldown
    Action Boost, from Human: +20, 20 seconds, 30 second cooldown

    Warlock Tainted Spellcasting: +25, 20 seconds, one minute cooldown

    Exalted Angel Reborn in Light gives +100 Light spell power for two minutes. Very long 10 minute cooldown though.

    Xachosian Eardweller or Meridian Fragment: +25

    Finding the spell multiplier for your desired class:

    Take the value from the table. It already includes gear, feats, most bonuses to your skill, and a reasonable Destiny.

    Then, add the spellpower you get from your class, and the stat mod to your skill (INT: Spellcraft, Repair. WIS: Healing. CHA: Perform.)

    Now, add 100, and then divide by 100. That is what the base power of your spell is being multiplied by.

    Example Maximum Spell Powers:

    Bard Maximum Sonic Spell Power at level 30:

    971 "base"
    40 CHA mod (Perform)
    86 Bard stuff
    =1,097 -> 11.97x multiplier

    Average roll of Greater Shout, using Master of Music and +3 CL/MCL from Magister (MCL of 33, may not be possible to get to CL33): 11.88 * (33d3+99) = 1,975

    Sorcerer Maximum Electric Spell Power at level 30:

    1,156 "base"
    30 example INT mod (Spellcraft)
    115 Sorcerer stuff
    =1,301 -> 14.01x multiplier

    Average roll of all the 1d3+3, capped at 20 (or 10, with Master of X), spells, such as Chain Lightning or Master of Fire Fireball, with Savant/Draconic MCL increases: 14.01 * (27d3+81) = 1,891

    Energy Burst (no Metamagics), which gets boosted by Sorcerer Savant (iirc) and Arcane Augemention item, but not Draconic CL increase, for a max'ed Sorcerer will do an average of: 10.67 * (39d15+585) = 9,876

    Cleric Maximum Heal at level 30:

    1279 "base"
    -300 (Heal only takes Empower Healing)
    126 Radiant Servant stuff
    50% Heal Scaling
    =1,105 -> 6.525x multiplier
    CL 18 Heal * 6.525 = 1,174.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Non-Class/Destiny Sources of Spell Crit Chance:

    Ignoring Class and Destiny sources, the max spell crit chance for each spell type is:

    49 49 40 49 40 49 40 49 40 40
    Fire Acid Positive Cold Force Electric Negative Sonic Light/Align Repair

    ToD Belt+Ring gives another 2% Artifact for some spell types, but is probably not viable for an end-game set-up.

    Spell Crit Chance Item/Feat Checklist:

    3% Normal/Improved/Epic Mental Toughness

    27% Certain named items, Slavelords crafting

    5% Golden Orb of Death. Druids cannot use this. They can instead use Libram of Silver Magic.

    9% Arcane Past lives, for Acid/Cold/Fire/Elec/Sonic

    Destiny Sources of Spell Crit Chance:

    Crusader tier 1: 1%
    Crusader tier 3: 10%. Requires getting stacks by casting Fire/Light/Positive spells

    Class Sources of Spell Crit Chance:

    Not gonna go through the whole thing... see the spread sheet. All classes get 4% to 8% with various spell types. Sorcerers and Bards stand above with 10%. You can multiclass and get stupid high crit chance though.

    Bard Warchanter tier5 gives another +6%

    Spell Crit Chance Boosts:

    Archmage tier5 gives +25% crit chance.

    Spell Crit Damage Item/Feat:

    LGS Accessory: +35%, Fire/Cold/Acid/Elec/Pos/Neg only
    LGS material 4-piece set bonus: unknown (wiki states 11, 23, 25, 29 as possible values)

    Scion of the Plane of Fire: +25%, all spells
    Scion of Celestia: +30%, Light/Alignment only

    Destiny Sources of Spell Crit Damage:


    Class Sources of Spell Crit Damage:

    Tainted Scholar Cores gives +60%

    Archmage Wizard can get up to +60% damage from Master of Knowledge stacks.

    Spell Crit Damage Boosts:

    Night Revels robe gives +25% damage for 90 seconds. Once per rest, exclusive.

    Archmage tier 5 gives +100% crit damage for twelve seconds.

    Wellspring of power gives +20% crit damage for 30 seconds. Three minute cooldown.

    Maximum Dragon Breath Damage:

    Just for fun. Archmage might be able to get a bit more damage with the +100% spell crit damage but they don't get the +7 to caster levels. Also that boost is not reliable.

    Sorcerer spellpower: 1,267. +220 Wellspring of Power, Draconic core 6, Human Spellpower Boost -> 15.87x multiplier.

    Dragon Breath gets an additional +3 CL from Draconic. 15.87 * (42d15+630) = 15,330.

    Base helpess damage is 1.5x. Sense Weakness adds 0.3 to that, I believe, for 1.8x. 27,595.

    Crit damage: base 2, +25 Scion of Fire, +35 LGS, +25 Spooky, +20 Wellspring for a total of x3.05. 84,164.

    x1.2 vulnerability x1.15 Savant Awaken Weakness = 116,146 damage. 64,525 damage without the helpless i.e. something that could be done on a boss. Damage so high you can pike for the next minute and you're still doing 1k DPS.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Example DPS breakdown for a caster:

    Bard can do:

    10 Greater Shouts/min @ 1,960 + ( .54 * 1,960 ) = 30,1840 average damage over one minute
    10 SLA Shouts/min @ 1663 + ( .54 * 1,663 ) = 25,613 average damage over one minute
    15 Shouts/min @ 1663 + ( .54 * 1,663 ) = 38,420 average damage over one minute

    Total 94,217. Divided by 60 seconds is 1,570 DPS, ignoring fort saves. Just by shouting. Amazing.

    With Reverberate (assuming they have max stacks up):
    30 * ( 46.5 + .54 * 46.5 ) * 11.88x = 25,522 average damage over one minute. 423 DPS.

    With Arcane Pulse (docking like 200 SP cause no way you can max force and sonic at the same time):
    30 * 8.51 * ( 82.5 + .35 * 82.5 ) = 28,434 average damage over one minute. 473 DPS.

    Ruin+GRuin (we're into impossible territory now because these two take up lvl27/30 feats, and Intensify and Master of Music are both ML24, but this is just an approximation):
    3 * 8.51 * ( 1,500 + .35 * 1,500 ) = 51,698 average damage over one minute. 862 DPS

    Total of 3,327 DPS. Actually pretty decent, so long as your SP lasts and if we ignore the fact that we have some impossible spell power in here and if we ignore that the mob can save against shout.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    How much is crit chance worth?

    This was something I was wondering about when planning a gearset. This mainly has to do with Golden Orb of Death, and seeing if it's worth using. Right now it competes with options that provide more spell power, which is usually some combination of TF/LGS/lootgen. But does the additional crit chance even it out?

    The average damage a spell does is:

    average_damage * SP_mod * ( 1 - crit_chance )
    average_damage * SP_mod * crit_mod * crit_chance

    There's no simple way to solve this. Probably. I'm bad at math. At any rate there won't be a simple answer, it will depend on your crit multiplier and how much spellpower you already have.

    Playing around with the formula, I found that:
    Higher/lower average damage does not cause crit chance to become more or less valuable
    Higher crit multiplier will cause crit chance to be worth more SP
    Higher SP will cause crit chance to be worth more SP
    Higher crit chance will cause additional crit chance to be less valuable

    Compare two sorcerers. One is using GOoD, one is not. Everything else is equal: 2.35 crit damage, 1267 spell power, 135 average base damage on their spells. One has 49% crit chance, the other has 54% crit chance.

    135 * 13.67 * ( 1 - .49 )
    135 * 13.67 * 2.35 * .49

    135 * 13.67 * ( 1 - .54 )
    135 * 13.67 * 2.35 * .54

    ( 3190.78 / (13.67) ) * ( 13.67 - X ) = 3066.22
    -> X = .5336

    Therefore, if the Sorcerer using GOoD gave up 53 or more spellpower to equip that item, it actually lowered their average damage.

    What if they both have Scion of Fire? In this case, the Golden Orb is worth 58 spell power.

    What if we're starting out with less crit chance, but have Scion of Fire? With 3% less starting crit chance, the Golden Orb is now worth 60 SP.

    Full stacks of Emyrean Magic with 3x mental toughness, no Scion of Fire? Additional crit chance is now worth a bit less, so GOoD is worth 49 SP.

    So, for Sorcerers, we can estimate that 1% of crit chance adds about 10 to 15 SP. If you are giving up, say, 20 SP for 1% more crit chance, it is probably not worth it.

    Now let's consider a different case: FvS light nuker, using Celestia. Spellpower and crit chance is lower. What do they gain by using GOoD? Let's not use 3x Mental Toughness, but we'll add on Empyrean Magic. 51%, 56% with GOoD.

    They only get 45 effective SP out of GoOD, because of their smaller amount of spell power. For them, 1% of crit chance gives 9 SP, effectively.


    So I can't go over every single build or combination of crit damage/chance/spellpower, but you can download and use a copy of the simple spreadsheet I made to quickly work through this. For most casters, who already have most bonuses to their crit chance and spell power, 1% additional crit will give somewhere between 8 and 15 SP.

    Using Golden Orb of Death instead of an insightful spell power stick, or a LGS stick, will definitely lower your damage.

    Using Golden Orb of Death, slotted with Spellpower 138 and Meridian Fragment, instead of a Thunderforged stick, will likely raise your damage (you lose 12 equipment, and 6 implement I think), so long as you get that 22% crit chance somewhere else.

    Optimal damage gear-out is probably:
    LGS Stick (or Thunderforged for light/sonic casters)
    Golden Orb of Death, slotted with Spellpower and Meridian Fragment.
    Insightful Spellpower Gloves
    Lootgen ring with Spell Crit

    It gets a bit more complicated if you're using two elements, which every caster does cause Ruin. Golden Orb could provide more damage for your primary element, but you can only slot one element in it (unless you forgo the Meridian Fragment); Thunderforged can slot up to one (tier2 purple slot) and gives +150 to another. The real issue is finding two non-weapon sources of spell crit chance, but if you use Epic Noxious Embers your secondary element(s) will only take a small hit, but your primary element is still maximized thanks to GOoD. Furthermore, you can use a second lootgen in your other ring slot and put the crit chance there, but you give up some nice rings like Legendary Brazenband and Lantern Ring.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Guide has been updated and improved a bit.

  6. #6
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Very helpful!

    Great job! A very nice breakdown.

  7. #7
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Indeed, very nice!

    One small thing: Last I checked the airship amenity Shrine to the Devourer was mistakenly giving bonuses to Fire/Light (already covered by Sign of the Silver Flame) instead of Acid/Cold as it is supposed to.

    From combat log when applying ship buffs:
    (Effects): You have multiple effects granting a Guild bonus to Light Spell Power that do not stack. ( Sign of the Silver Flame and Shrine to the Devourer )
    (Effects): You have multiple effects granting a Guild bonus to Fire Spell Power that do not stack. ( Sign of the Silver Flame and Shrine to the Devourer )
    Last edited by Buddha5440; 09-27-2016 at 01:41 PM.
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Added slavelord set (10 artifact to all spellpower) and LGS 4-piece set (some value of spell crit damage.)

  9. #9
    The Hatchery
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Buddha5440 View Post
    Indeed, very nice!

    One small thing: Last I checked the airship amenity Shrine to the Devourer was mistakenly giving bonuses to Fire/Light (already covered by Sign of the Silver Flame) instead of Acid/Cold as it is supposed to.

    From combat log when applying ship buffs:
    (Effects): You have multiple effects granting a Guild bonus to Light Spell Power that do not stack. ( Sign of the Silver Flame and Shrine to the Devourer )
    (Effects): You have multiple effects granting a Guild bonus to Fire Spell Power that do not stack. ( Sign of the Silver Flame and Shrine to the Devourer )
    So guild buffs are not giving +15 to Acid/Cold at all?

  10. #10
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
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    Nope, no guild bonus to Acid/Cold spellpower.
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Community Member Tlorrd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qezuzu View Post
    Scion of Celestia: +30%, Light/Alignment only
    It also includes +30% to Positive spells.

  13. #13
    Community Member AzB's Avatar
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    Slave Lord staff conflicts with LGS? Is it just the staff or all SL gear with sp?

    I don't raid much and don't have any LGS gear, but was thinking about jumping into it.

  14. #14
    The Hatchery
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by AzB View Post
    Slave Lord staff conflicts with LGS? Is it just the staff or all SL gear with sp?

    I don't raid much and don't have any LGS gear, but was thinking about jumping into it.
    The staff, because they take the same item slot.

  15. #15
    The Hatchery
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    Jun 2010


    Updated spellpower to u35, and calculated for all levels.

  16. #16
    Community Member painkiller3's Avatar
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    thanks for all this, just a question

    Quote Originally Posted by Qezuzu View Post
    LGS provides stacking spell powers including a massive +150 bonus that is not found anywhere else. Maybe a bug? Who knows.
    is this still true? the wiki says it's an enhancement bonus (the tier 1) or do you mean a different bonus than that? Thanks!

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