We can look at a character's inventory in two ways:
1) The traditional tabs of 20 slots each
2) Lists of items that can be sorted and searched
I think this method should be applied to bank space as well. If I go look for some BtC item after I ETR, I often have to check through 20, 40, or more items to find what I am looking for. It's tedious.
For the crafting storage, instead of list options of "weapons," "armor," "clothing," etc., the lists could be "Cannith," "GS," "LGS," etc. That way when preparing to craft, we can quickly see if we have enough of the necessary materials.
Also, please include an option to sort by min level. That way people who TR/ETR frequently can easily re-equip as they advance.
Please include the TR cache as well, and as someone said on another thread, have a separate button to open the TR cache.