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  1. #1
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    Default New race: Kalashtar

    With gnomes and deep gnomes coming out, I decided to take a crack at some racial trees for new races, three in particular: the aasimar, tiefling, and kalashtar. I felt these three races would best round out DDO's lack of variety. But, since doing all three would be time consuming, I decided I liked the Kalashtar the best, since it was one of my favorite races in PnP. So, without further rambling, I'll get right to it.

    *Keep in mind, that this won't be spot on with PnP, since things need to be adapted to DDO's environment and game mechanics. Psionics do not exist in DDO, thus I've replaced the Kalashtar's inherent psionic potential with psionic-like abilities and passives.*

    *For Kalashtar clerics, favored souls, and paladins, you can pick any deity that humans can*

    Brief Description:
    Kalashtar are basically humans that have merged with benevolent quori from the plane of dreams, Dal Quor. They have high psionic potential and are quite charismatic. Kalashtar are usually calm and collected, rarely given to open displays of emotion; this is usually because the quori have trouble adapting to the human mind, and are often in a constant internal struggle. That being said, they're often unfailingly polite and serene, but often take a long time to deliberate and think on things before acting. Appearance-wise, Kalashtar are usually tall and slender, looking little different from humans other than having an exotic, almost alien-like grace and beauty.

    Racial Bonuses:
    +2 intelligence, -2 Constitution (select +2 wisdom or +2 charisma in character creation as special racial feats) *Kalashtar are like drow, in that they are a 30 point build instead of 32*
    +4 racial bonus to saves against mind-affecting spells and effects
    +1 racial bonus to diplomacy, bluff, intimidate, and haggle
    Immunity to sleep spells and effects

    CORE 1
    Mindful Reinforcement: 1 AP
    +1 bonus to willpower and +2 universal spellpower

    CORE 2
    Choose 1: 2 AP
    +1 Charisma
    +1 Intelligence
    +1 Wisdom

    CORE 3
    Mindful Reinforcement: 1 AP
    +1 bonus to willpower and +2 universal spellpower

    CORE 4
    Choose 1: 2 AP
    +1 Charisma
    +1 Intelligence
    +1 Wisdom

    CORE 5
    Mindful Reinforcement: 1 AP
    +1 bonus to willpower and +2 universal spellpower

    TIER 1
    Mindlink: 2 AP [Activation Cost: 5 SP, Cooldown: 2 seconds]
    You telepathically bond with an ally, increasing both you and your target's willpower by 3. Only one ally may be linked with at a time and cannot be used on yourself.

    Charismatic Nature: 1/1/1 AP
    +1/+2/+3 diplomacy, intimidate, and bluff

    Mental Acuity: 1/1/1 AP
    +2/+4/+6 universal spellpower

    Mind's Eye: 2 AP
    While not automatically proficient with all weapons, you nonetheless possess excellent foresight and can act quickly against opponents. +2 to attack with all simple weapons.

    TIER 2
    Improved Mindlink: 2 AP
    Your mindlink is now stronger, increasing both you and your target's spell resistance by 6. Only one ally may be linked with at a time and cannot be used on yourself.

    Social Interaction: 1/1/1 AP [requires Charismatic Nature]
    The cooldowns of your diplomacy, bluff, and intimidate abilities are reduced by 5%/10%/15%.

    Spell-Like Ability: Calm Mind: 2 AP [Activation Cost: 5 SP, Cooldown: 10 seconds]
    Telepathically sooth an ally, removing any fear, crushing despair, silence, doom, idiocy, or feeblemind effects that they are currently afflicted with.

    Mental Fortitude: 1/1/1 AP [requires Mental Acuity]
    +30/+60/+90 maximum spell points.

    Martial Learning: 2 AP [requires Mind's Eye]
    You apply yourself to learning new things, especially with weapons. +2 to damage with all simple weapons.

    TIER 3
    Greater Mindlink: 2 AP [requires Improved Mindlink]
    Your mindlink is now even stronger, causing you and your target to regenerate 1 spell point every 8 seconds. Only one ally may be linked with at a time and cannot be used on yourself.

    Spell-Like Ability: Telekinesis: 2 AP [Activation Cost: 10 SP, Cooldown: 12 seconds]
    Mentally force your opponent to the ground, effectively knocking them down for 4 seconds on a failed will save. (DC = 10 + character level + highest of wisdom, intelligence, or charisma modifier)

    Human Empathy: 2 AP
    Choose 1:
    Harmony: +20% healing amplification
    Discordance: +3 melee and ranged power
    Balance: +5% bonus to movement speed

    Mind's Eye: 2 AP [requires Martial Learning]
    You have become proficient in the use of simple weapons. +2 to attack with all simple weapons.

    TIER 4
    Superior Mindlink: 2 AP [requires Greater Mindlink]
    You can now forge a powerful bond with an ally. Both you and your target gain a +12 bonus to universal spellpower. Only one ally may be linked with at a time and cannot be used on yourself.

    Spell-Like Ability: Mind Wrack: 2 AP [Activation Cost: 10 SP, Cooldown: 20 seconds]
    Telepathically attack an enemy. On a failed will save, the target takes a -2 penalty to all saves and ability scores for 20 seconds. (DC = 10 + character level + highest of wisdom, intelligence, or charisma modifier)

    Human Empathy: 2 AP [requires Human Empathy]
    Choose 1 that you did not pick in the previous tier:
    Harmony: +20% healing amplification
    Discordance: +3 melee and ranged power
    Balance: +5% bonus to movement speed

    Knowledge: 2 AP
    Choose a spell school and gain +1 to the DC's of all spells in that school.

    True Strike: 2 AP [requires Mind's Eye] [Activation Cost: 5 SP, Cooldown: 10 seconds]
    Activate this ability to attack an opponent with +1[W]. This ability gains a +20 bonus to attack and bypasses 10% dodge.
    Last edited by HastyPudding; 02-17-2016 at 10:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Telekinesis should be knock down for 6 seconds.

    Mind Wrack is way way too weak to bother with.

    True Strike needs to also negate 50% Fortification.

  3. #3
    Founder & Hero
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    I would want them to add psionics along them or not add them at all and I would like to see them

    Beware the Sleepeater

  4. #4
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Telekinesis should be knock down for 6 seconds.

    Mind Wrack is way way too weak to bother with.

    True Strike needs to also negate 50% Fortification.
    It's a racial tree. It's not supposed to be really strong. 50% fort bypass in a non-martial-based race is rather silly when full trees like assassin don't have that kind of capability.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    I would want them to add psionics along them or not add them at all and I would like to see them
    I have an idea for the psion class to be added, along with a full three enhancement trees whirling around in my head, but it will be a very radical change (similar to how radical the change was from PnP warlock to DDO warlock). The problem with new classes is allowing them to stay true to the class, but allowing it to fit to DDO's mechanics.

  5. #5
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HastyPudding View Post
    It's a racial tree. It's not supposed to be really strong. 50% fort bypass in a non-martial-based race is rather silly when full trees like assassin don't have that kind of capability.
    It's a single attack and not every single attack the character makes!

    It has a 10 second cooldown and having it not bypass fort would make it pretty much worthless!

    Heck it's still nothing special even if it does break fort - Go ahead and throw in +1 Crit Range and +1 Crit Multiplier too!

  6. #6
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    It's a single attack and not every single attack the character makes!

    It has a 10 second cooldown and having it not bypass fort would make it pretty much worthless!

    Heck it's still nothing special even if it does break fort - Go ahead and throw in +1 Crit Range and +1 Crit Multiplier too!
    That's completely overpowered for a racial ability. The whole True Strike thing was just meant to be a slightly stronger attack than normal with pretty much a guaranteed chance to hit. With a hit like that, if you queue it properly in conjunction with other effects, it could be quite strong. Maybe 25% fort bypass, but that's probably enough.

    I'd be okay with the 6 seconds on the knockdown in telekinesis, and maybe increasing the debuff penalty to -4.

    I should really work on my psion idea, it keeps buzzing around in my head.

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