13 Rogue / 6 Monk and 1 what ?
Which is a better splash for this Permadeath Character (need some survivability ) focused on sneak attack damage ?
Assassin tree , Ninja Spy tree main focus.
Shadar-Kai Centered with short swords, or drop centered with good Kukri /Dagger combo
Permadeath we can't farm or aquire certain weapons in the plan, we use what we can find . So far it has been short swords .
Wizard = imp mage armor , shield , eldritch strike, +15HP, ?
How much do these help at higher levels 10 - 20 (that is higher levels for PD)
Ranger = +2d6 sneak attack dice + sneak speed, tendon slice attack, ?
Fighter = +1 feat , haste boost , 9% dodge clicky , ?
Others I haven't thought of?
Niab clan