Hey everyone,
ok so I know we are all experiencing a lack of people in the game. my self, players and turbine all know this. its common knowledge.
Well today I see that warcraft is releasing a warcraft movie.
warcraft is made by blizzard, blizzard is turbines competitor.
This movie is made by Universal, which is Warners competitor.
Why don't we all pool together and see if they would make a Dungeons and Dragons movie.
Now I know there are a lot of D&D movies that have been made, but these are all b grade films.
and with the way a lot of movies are going at the moment with avengers, gods of Egypt coming out soon, game of thrones, any other medieval/fantasy style movie ect
I am sure that between Warner, Turbine (and their resources) and ongoing support they could make a block buster movie and splash ddo online all over the place and get some more new fresh gamers and hopefully some old ones back.
some new VIP accounts. winning!!!!!
Just a thought, but I will support this.
Just throwing it out there.