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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Thieves behind the screen....

    Many of us run Rogues in the game.

    There are apparently some in Sarlona who also do their thieving at the keyboard and not just on the screen.

    I was watching general chat and I see the below:

    "****** cheater @#$% my timers and did not pay me dragon scales he promised"

    Everyone who has been here a while knows who this is.

    The poor soul in general chat is not the first individual here on this server who he has ripped off and no doubt will not be the last and I just have to wonder why you, those who run the game, tolerate this person, over and over, ripping off people.

    He has been banned before but I will not name why for the rules and he came back. His account was frozen. He started another with the almost identical names. He posts here and I wonder how many know what he does.

    I see him and I drop the group. It's a integrity thing. I regret talking him out of quitting years ago after he got a very long ban. I really do.

    Frankly, he is a pain in the butt to play with but that should never be a ban offense.

    Stealing is another matter.....

    I have no idea how many new players you have lost to him and I bet you do not either but a simple check might give you a idea. From looking at general chat tonight I have no doubt there is going to be another.

    Could someone at Turbine let us know if there is a magic number of times one is reported, and checked by logs, before you place a permanent ban hammer on a person and kill their accounts every time you find they have created another?

    Really would like to know...

  2. #2
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    I have no clue who you are referring to, so not everyone who has been here awhile knows of who that is.

    On a side note. You can't really blame turbine, blame the player who ACCEPTED the trade if they were not getting what they wanted. You can check the trade window with the simple tools that Turbine gave us.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    the best fire sorc on the server was going insane in general chat....nothing else to see rly.
    Last edited by kalaka; 02-16-2016 at 12:30 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Augon's Avatar
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    I also, do not know who it is and I too am curious.

    I am also curious how he pulls off stealing in trades. When I trade stuff, I look over what I'm getting to make sure its accurate before I hit Accept. the con may have said, "I have the scales on another character, go ahead and give me the timers and I'll switch and give you the scales." But, I certainly wouldn't go for that if I didn't know the person well. Some folks are more trusting than this ol' cynic though.

    I don't think there is a magic number of offenses that will get you banned. And I don't think Turbine puts forth a ton of effort to police the game. There just isn't enough man power to do so. If you trade with folks you don't know and you are not careful, you will be ripped off. This is as true in game as it is in RL. It's just a matter of time. I am not blaming the victim, I am just stating facts.

    The fault is not Turbines. The fault is not the victim's. The fault is clearly on the perpetrator. But he doesn't care and it would take a lot of manpower for Turbine to weed out all the crooks out there. My advice to everyone is be careful who you deal with. If you trade on the trade channel, its like trading on the black market. Buyer Beware!
    Sarlona Server - Augon, Vitrin, Allaric, Taheghi, Dhakenshaup, Diviciacus, Loukus, Mehujael, Phreddd, Talaun, Zhugeliangg

    Officer of The Wulfepack - "If you call one wolf, you invite the Pack"

    The mistakes of a fighter are the scars on his face.
    The mistakes of a rogue are still locked in their place.
    The mistakes of a mage were destroyed with a boom.
    And the mistakes of a Cleric are lying in a tomb.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    pm me for details...

  7. #7
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron View Post
    There are apparently some in Sarlona who also do their thieving at the keyboard and not just on the screen.

    I was watching general chat and I see the below:

    "****** cheater @#$% my timers and did not pay me dragon scales he promised"...

    "I can get you what you want, but my connection doesn't like strangers - so you give me the money, and I'll go get the stuff, and I'll be back real soon!"...

    That about sum it up?

    Quote Originally Posted by VCB View Post
    I...I certainly wouldn't go for that if I didn't know the person well.
    Yah, ya think?

    One of the oldest cons in the book, and a cheap life lesson.

  8. #8
    Community Member Hiponic's Avatar
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    No remorse.
    If your dumb enough to not utilize the trade window properly and let someone walk off with your part of the deal in hopes that he will come back You seriously deserve to get ripped off.

    This applies to real life as well.
    You gonna let some dude you just met on Craigs List go home with your money cause he forgot that IPAD... No Dont be silly.

    And turbine will not send you a magic number lol.
    Know how easy it would be to get anybody ban if there was just some magic number of reports.
    Last edited by Hiponic; 02-16-2016 at 03:38 PM.
    Nefatron - Nefron - Nefrous - Ya Know What... Just Call Me NEF ~ Ghalland ~

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