Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some people dont think its a waste of time. I am now able to save hurl, so Im not dying by it. Its just not fair the melees like a barbarian. And I have a shield for caper. But what about a monk who wants to pvp and the monk is fist build? He cant put the shield on and fight. A barbarian cant save a high hurl DC. It makes the pvp so unfair for some classes. The thing is, its not fun to hide in a corner and spam hurl or jump down out of nowhere and spam people on a bard when they have nobody to take them out. PvP just isnt a majority thing. Doesnt mean its not part of the game though. Just like you love questing, I love pvp'ing. These things being banned from pvp would do no harm to caper or hurl in quest. It'll just make pvp better.