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  1. #1
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Default Ban Hurl through hell and Song of Capering

    Like no joke, I have been followed to every tavern by warlocks and all they do is spam hurl. This game is just coming out with things that is so cheap for pvp and just ruins it. Then when you try to fight someone, some level 15 iconic who clearly made the character to stun in pvp jumps down and uses disable construct, then before you can get out of it, they song of capering you and keep you stunned. Song of capering is just making people make level 15's and not playing the game. Hurl just makes a lot of people go warlock and never spend a drop of money on the game because they got what they want and spam hurl. But if hurl was banned, people would spend money to go different things and the same goes for caper. If you ban caper, then the people who just make level 15's and not spend any money or what so ever, will stop doing this and actually spend money to level a build they actually care for.

  2. #2
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    There is zero interest in PVP in DDO - it is an afterthought at best. This is a questing game. Rest assured that nothing will ever be done just for PVP nor should it.
    ~ Alco Holic ~ Grlfriendaggro Pizzenmeoff ~ Rincewind the Damp ~ Sunbernt Junk ~ Ouchmy Leghurtz ~
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  3. #3
    Community Member Ykt's Avatar
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    People make characters just for PvP?

    That may have been true a few years back but with the current population, I doubt it. They'd die of boredom waiting for a challenger.

  4. #4
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    No. It sounds hilarious.

    And besides, if monetary payout is your big argument (and it seems to at least be the bulk of it), people have to pay to be Warlock... so it seems like they are getting their money's worth.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  5. #5
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    No. It sounds hilarious.

    And besides, if monetary payout is your big argument (and it seems to at least be the bulk of it), people have to pay to be Warlock... so it seems like they are getting their money's worth.
    Actually not 100%. Because if people farm favor and then pay for 750 Turbine Points, to get the rest of there turbine points to get warlock.The game isn't making that much money for that. But if a lot of the pvp'ers couldn't use hurl, then they would TR out of warlock, spend more money, and instead of staying 1 life, they will do more lives and if they are too lazy to level like some people, then they spend money to buy otto's Boxes and that cost a little bit more than warlock.

  6. #6
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ykt View Post
    People make characters just for PvP?

    That may have been true a few years back but with the current population, I doubt it. They'd die of boredom waiting for a challenger.
    Actually people do that.

  7. #7
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlcoArgo View Post
    There is zero interest in PVP in DDO - it is an afterthought at best. This is a questing game. Rest assured that nothing will ever be done just for PVP nor should it.
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Maybe not everyone feels the same way you do. A lot of people may not like PvP but some do. People may also not like it because of caper and hurl
    Last edited by Derfy; 02-15-2016 at 03:52 PM.

  8. #8
    2017 DDO Players Council Starla70's Avatar
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    I do know of a couple of players who enjoy PVP, I see no reason for it. However to each his own. To ban something that you feel gives a unfair advantage in PVP, would mean a huge difference for those classes in the questing part of the game.
    Argonnessen main server/Kachinna, Dannu, KKenzi, Shanahann, Kaystrra, Fnorr, and Kyliestar toons

    Your Dice really do hate you.

  9. #9
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starla70 View Post
    I do know of a couple of players who enjoy PVP, I see no reason for it. However to each his own. To ban something that you feel gives a unfair advantage in PVP, would mean a huge difference for those classes in the questing part of the game.
    Im not saying to ban song of capering and hurl completely. Im saying ban it from pvp. Song of Capering was banned from pvp for a little bit and then was brought back. Banning hurl and caper in pvp would do no harm to the builds in quest. There are several things you cant use in a brawling area and it doesnt affect the quest. You cant use globe of invulnerability in pvp, but that doesnt affect the spell in quest.

  10. #10
    Community Member eris2323's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derfy View Post
    Like no joke, I have been followed to every tavern by warlocks and all they do is spam hurl. This game is just coming out with things that is so cheap for pvp and just ruins it. Then when you try to fight someone, some level 15 iconic who clearly made the character to stun in pvp jumps down and uses disable construct, then before you can get out of it, they song of capering you and keep you stunned. Song of capering is just making people make level 15's and not playing the game. Hurl just makes a lot of people go warlock and never spend a drop of money on the game because they got what they want and spam hurl. But if hurl was banned, people would spend money to go different things and the same goes for caper. If you ban caper, then the people who just make level 15's and not spend any money or what so ever, will stop doing this and actually spend money to level a build they actually care for.
    So, go pay for warlock class, and pay them back...

    Or pay for the iconic... or whatever.

    Devs don't design for PVP, thankfully.
    If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
    - Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona

  11. #11
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eris2323 View Post
    So, go pay for warlock class, and pay them back...

    Or pay for the iconic... or whatever.

    Devs don't design for PVP, thankfully.
    I'm not saying they need to spend 100% of their time for pvp. Im saying they just could ban the 2 most common spams and then do something else with the game.

  12. #12
    Community Member bls904c2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derfy View Post
    I'm not saying they need to spend 100% of their time for pvp. Im saying they just could ban the 2 most common spams and then do something else with the game.
    learn to play the game there is the ioun stones and trinkets magstar, clickies the favor reward for harper, and other items to absorb spells, there is also building your toon with better saves or get resistance items, spell resistance. take a look at the dc's hurl through hell has a dc of Will save vs. DC(10 + Warlock level + Charisma Modifier) so a lvl 15 is 10 +15 + 3~9 = 28 to 34 if your wisdom (will saves), dex (reflex saves), or con (fortitude saves) are just dump stats i wish you good luck in the game.

  13. #13
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bls904c2 View Post
    learn to play the game there is the ioun stones and trinkets magstar, clickies the favor reward for harper, and other items to absorb spells, there is also building your toon with better saves or get resistance items, spell resistance. take a look at the dc's hurl through hell has a dc of Will save vs. DC(10 + Warlock level + Charisma Modifier) so a lvl 15 is 10 +15 + 3~9 = 28 to 34 if your wisdom (will saves), dex (reflex saves), or con (fortitude saves) are just dump stats i wish you good luck in the game.
    Maybe not everyone is a level 15 warlock. So get it right mate
    The King

  14. #14
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derfy View Post
    Like no joke, I have been followed to every tavern by warlocks and all they do is spam hurl. This game is just coming out with things that is so cheap for pvp and just ruins it. Then when you try to fight someone, some level 15 iconic who clearly made the character to stun in pvp jumps down and uses disable construct, then before you can get out of it, they song of capering you and keep you stunned. Song of capering is just making people make level 15's and not playing the game. Hurl just makes a lot of people go warlock and never spend a drop of money on the game because they got what they want and spam hurl. But if hurl was banned, people would spend money to go different things and the same goes for caper. If you ban caper, then the people who just make level 15's and not spend any money or what so ever, will stop doing this and actually spend money to level a build they actually care for.

    How many people do you think care at all about PvP?

  15. #15
    Community Member Rys's Avatar
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  16. #16
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    I still say ban everything but a loincloth and a stick.

    Add in some continually respawning tables (to shieldblock with), chairs (for melee weapons), and beverage bottles (for missile weapons) and call it good.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  17. #17
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rys View Post
    I understand that the shield blocks that. But when you are in the middle of a fight and a bard comes out of nowhere and interrupts it, and starts using song of capering and wont take you out of it, and if you don't own the hall of heroes transport or you aren't iconic, then you cant leave. If you log, the bard knows you are going to log back in and the bard will continue. And if you are a monk fist build, a shield would uncenter you and you cant fight with your fist
    Last edited by Derfy; 02-15-2016 at 03:51 PM.

  18. #18
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dredre9987 View Post
    How many people do you think care at all about PvP?
    Not much people care about pvp because of these things. If they remove the 2 most common spams, then more people would be interested in going to pvp. People who quest all day want to take a break from questing and go to pvp to fight there friends and all and just fight people. But if they go to pvp, then they just get spammed out of nowhere from a bard or and warlock camps at the bottom corner and just spams hurl. People who are like 20 barbarians cant really even go to pvp because there will saves isn't high enough to save hurl. Someone people cant use the shield because of there build so they cant pvp because the bard. A 20 monk fist build wouldnt be able to pvp because the shield would tremendously ruin his or her damage, uncenter the monk, and then its useless. So maybe if DDO removes these things, pvp would be better.

  19. #19
    Community Member eris2323's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derfy View Post
    Not much people care about pvp because of these things. If they remove the 2 most common spams, then more people would be interested in going to pvp. People who quest all day want to take a break from questing and go to pvp to fight there friends and all and just fight people. But if they go to pvp, then they just get spammed out of nowhere from a bard or and warlock camps at the bottom corner and just spams hurl. People who are like 20 barbarians cant really even go to pvp because there will saves isn't high enough to save hurl. Someone people cant use the shield because of there build so they cant pvp because the bard. A 20 monk fist build wouldnt be able to pvp because the shield would tremendously ruin his or her damage, uncenter the monk, and then its useless. So maybe if DDO removes these things, pvp would be better.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but way back about 6 years ago when I last tried pvp, wasn't there an option for private arenas via the challenge system?

    If so, there is already a place you can go to pvp your friends without being spammed with effects you don't like.
    If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
    - Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona

  20. #20
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eris2323 View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but way back about 6 years ago when I last tried pvp, wasn't there an option for private arenas via the challenge system?

    If so, there is already a place you can go to pvp your friends without being spammed with effects you don't like.
    Challenges drain xp pots, slayer pots, and the ability potions. So doing a challenge isn't so great when you dont want your pots to be drained.

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